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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. @ EviloMEN was getting too big I'm sure most would agree.


    As Far as the targeting thing if I remember right it would 'magnetize' toward enemies and away from allies. They said that with large scale battle so I'm not sure it is with small scale like one Soldier, a Dragon, and you. As for the programming part pretty much. There is a lot that could be programmed in that we are noticing that there is stuff wrong with it or whatever. But programming is hard a bit too. Changing one thing might change something else. That is why they aren't getting the Hardcore mode in Pete said himself. Still there are other ways to do it too. As I've said. I won't get into programming too much besides this. Part of my Cyber Security job is having to know Programming. So I will excel at it.

  2. Yes you are right, i ment more of a dialogue where you cant run away or move freely...since they mention that when talking to npcs you can freely move or go away.


    Two scenes.


    "Stop right there Criminal Scum!"


    *Walks Away*


    "You dare run away from the might of the argh"


    *He gets killed from walking over a Frost rune you placed without him noticing*


    Second Scene


    "Stop right there Crim. . ."


    *You kill him by slicing him with your sword."



    Yeah, I wonder if a guard is walking around by himself in the woods and you have a bounty in that specific region. And if he stops you and you basically kill him, will they count it as if his shout reached the closest city and makes your bounty even higher, or is your kill unnoticed by the population like it should?


    Would suck if you use a Dragon Shout but instead of hitting the Dragon it kills the guard. Even though it was an accident it is murder like real life.


    Reminds me of the guy that tried to free that prisoner but he killed the enemies and it turned out the guy he was trying to save died as well. I said that sucks.


    Ye thats the one problem im concerned about.. becouse there will be situations where some npc just runs right into your blade/fireball or w/e and you kil him by mistake...or the aoe attacks as you mentioned...that would probably need some more programming on the AI so they recognize when you are about to fire of some shout or aoe speel and get the hell out of the way.




    I know magnetism is already there as it is in the OP. But that won't stop Magick if I remember right. Only Melee.



  3. Yes you are right, i ment more of a dialogue where you cant run away or move freely...since they mention that when talking to npcs you can freely move or go away.


    Two scenes.


    "Stop right there Criminal Scum!"


    *Walks Away*


    "You dare run away from the might of the argh"


    *He gets killed from walking over a Frost rune you placed without him noticing*


    Second Scene


    "Stop right there Crim. . ."


    *You kill him by slicing him with your sword."



    Yeah, I wonder if a guard is walking around by himself in the woods and you have a bounty in that specific region. And if he stops you and you basically kill him, will they count it as if his shout reached the closest city and makes your bounty even higher, or is your kill unnoticed by the population like it should?


    Would suck if you use a Dragon Shout but instead of hitting the Dragon it kills the guard. Even though it was an accident it is murder like real life.


    Reminds me of the guy that tried to free that prisoner but he killed the enemies and it turned out the guy he was trying to save died as well. I said that sucks.

  4. Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.


    You didn't even need to take anything for the guards to start running at you. Just holding the z-key to examine an owned item was enough become a criminal scum, apparently...


    Probably done that because if you grab it and take it to where the owner can't notice you basically steal it. I mean they walk after you to check what you are doing but sometimes aren't even fast enough, and I would rather for them not searching me everywhere just because they suspect me of taking it. (Even though I did they won't have proof until they check.)


    Still I remember the first I "stole something" I knocked something over in Phintias Bookstore (If that is how you spell it.) and grabbed it to put it back and I was arrested. I was like What the heck did I do?


    Jedi nailed basically what I said shorter.

  5. Yes you are right, i ment more of a dialogue where you cant run away or move freely...since they mention that when talking to npcs you can freely move or go away.


    Two scenes.


    "Stop right there Criminal Scum!"


    *Walks Away*


    "You dare run away from the might of the argh"


    *He gets killed from walking over a Frost rune you placed without him noticing*


    Second Scene


    "Stop right there Crim. . ."


    *You kill him by slicing him with your sword."

  6. Remember in Oblivion when I stole from a shop accidentally and the guards knew already without them being near. Why don't they have it where the witnesses have to tell the guards and identify him. Yes that might take longer and the witness might die but still it could happen. Yes even in the old Gamebryo engine.
  7. Ye i bet he sent a letter to all the soldiers near D:


    Also in this article http://www.noworries...-played-skyrim/ :


    "As I approached the end of my demo, I walked through two small villages and torched every single chicken I could find. The villagers seemed indifferent at first, but quickly got angrier and more disapproving as I continued to ignite their livestock. When I took my flames to their grain, a guard intervened in much the same way they did in Oblivion. Because I didn't terribly feel like going to jail, I resisted arrest and was brutally admonished by the Nord soldier, ending my hands-on time with one of the most expansive games I've seen in a long time."


    I wonder about this...he intervened him in much the same way as in oblivion...what does that mean...did the time paused when he was getting arrested or just talked to him ?


    Maybe he means by the same intervening was the whole dialogue I'm guessing. Wouldn't make sense for every dialogue scene to be real time besides that. You can probably resist arrest or when he is talking walk away or torch him. That will be awesome and it looks like it will be that way if everything is real time.

  8. let's hope they continue to have the same well documented buggy and dangerous quicksaves and quickloads


    so much fun telling people not to use these game killing options.


    (Yes they actually kill your save - eventually)


    Never happened to me unless with mod conflicts. Vanilla PC Oblivion I played over 300 hours and it never happened. Who knows it might have done it in an hour though.

  9. lava flows were in both MW and Ob. :shrug:

    Not as a region it wasn't, it was part of the incredibly boring, recycled Oblivion gates.What they're talking about is a volcanic tundra, probably complete with a volcano.


    Morrowind has what you are talking about. Lest you forgot. Red Mountain area was technically Volcanic Tundra. Oblivion didn't have it but Morrowind did. I hope the Lava flows this time.

  10. I think the rabbit info and the news about being able to turn off quest markers should be added to the OP.

    Will do. :)


    This thread sees about a 50-60 posts every day, so it's hard to keep up with everything. ;)

    (And I don't read them all thoroughly, since so many of them are philosophies, thoughts, suggestions and questions that it is almost driving me insane just reading them... ;D



    And, in case anyone is interested, Jonathan Bryce is rumored to voice Male Argonians / Male Khajits. (Don't ask me who he is.^^)

    I really hope he is rumored to voice one of them, not rumored to voice both. :/


    Knew about that a month ago. But since it is only a rumor didn't tell anyone. Sorry Zaldiir.

  11. It´s a shame they didn´t put hardcore mode like new vegas, though having cooking skills will make it easier for modders to make hardcore mode.


    They said they would have to do a lot over if they put that in.

  12. Yeah even if it is M Minors can still get it. That is Minors that are one year away from being 18. Still Europe has it 18+ In other words Only 18 and up. The ESRB has it M which is 17 and up. Just because it is M doesn't mean minors can get it. I mean I will be 18 this month actually in 16 days but whatever. But I can get Skyrim, I can get Rage as well. The ESRB probably does need to change M to 18 instead of 17 because it confuses a lot of people thinking you have to be 18 or whatever. And if you go to Skyrim pics at flickr it is rated for "MATURE with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, and Use of Alcohol." Still for most websites to access it you need to be 18 even if it is a 17 or older game. It's not odd its more over the law. If a minor sees something there even if they are 17 things could go worse than if you are 18. Still in many cases in the U.S. standard if you are 25 you still don't have every right. (I'm talking about legal rights.)
    ive never seen anyone think the M was for minors.... if fact it says it on the sticker M for mature 17+. i dont see how this is a problem movies in the US are the same, rated R movies are 17 and older like the M rating.
    Never said it is for Minors but you do realize what the age 17 is right? A Minor so M games aren't adult in reality. They are mostly adult.


    What I was getting at is that 17 is still a Minor according to the Government. So there is a percentage of Minors that can get it. Not saying it will matter because in a year they will be 18 but still The Mature rating isn't an AO rating. AO is 18 and up in other words that is the Adults one. Mature is 17 and up. So Skyrim isn't an adult game its close. But still.

    On side note need to go back and fix Oblivion. For some reason MMM and OOO is making missing meshes appear and Beholdens and Flesh Atronachs are missing meshes to where I hit them my game CTD's. Sorry for being off topic but I want this fixed.


    That font <br/> thing is getting annoying have to fix it everytime.

  13. <br>
    <br>Yeah even if it is M Minors can still get it. That is Minors that are one year away from being 18. Still Europe has it 18+ In other words Only 18 and up. The ESRB has it M which is 17 and up. Just because it is M doesn't mean minors can get it. I mean I will be 18 this month actually in 16 days but whatever. But I can get Skyrim, I can get Rage as well. The ESRB probably does need to change M to 18 instead of 17 because it confuses a lot of people thinking you have to be 18 or whatever. And if you go to Skyrim pics at flickr it is rated for "<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">MATURE with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, and Use of Alcohol."</font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br></font><br><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Still for most websites to access it you need to be 18 even if it is a 17 or older game. It's not odd its more over the law. If a minor sees something there even if they are 17 things could go worse than if you are 18. Still in many cases in the U.S. standard if you are 25 you still don't have every right. (I'm talking about legal rights.) </font><br>
    <br><br>ive never seen anyone think the M was for minors.... if fact it says it on the sticker M for mature 17+. i dont see how this is a problem movies in the US are the same, rated R movies are 17 and older like the M rating.<br>
    <br><br>Never said it is for Minors but you do realize what the age 17 is right? A Minor so M games aren't adult in reality. They are mostly adult.


    <div><br></div><div>What I was getting at is that 17 is still a Minor according to the Government. So there is a percentage of Minors that can get it. Not saying it will matter because in a year they will be 18 but still The Mature rating isn't an AO rating. AO is 18 and up in other words that is the Adults one. Mature is 17 and up. So Skyrim isn't an adult game its close. But still.</div><div><br></div><div>On side note need to go back and fix Oblivion. For some reason MMM and OOO is making missing meshes appear and Beholdens and Flesh Atronachs are missing meshes to where I hit them my game CTD's. Sorry for being off topic but I want this fixed.</div>

  14. Yeah even if it is M Minors can still get it. That is Minors that are one year away from being 18. Still Europe has it 18+ In other words Only 18 and up. The ESRB has it M which is 17 and up. Just because it is M doesn't mean minors can get it. I mean I will be 18 this month actually in 16 days but whatever. But I can get Skyrim, I can get Rage as well. The ESRB probably does need to change M to 18 instead of 17 because it confuses a lot of people thinking you have to be 18 or whatever. And if you go to Skyrim pics at flickr it is rated for "MATURE with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, and Use of Alcohol."

    Still for most websites to access it you need to be 18 even if it is a 17 or older game. It's not odd its more over the law. If a minor sees something there even if they are 17 things could go worse than if you are 18. Still in many cases in the U.S. standard if you are 25 you still don't have every right. (I'm talking about legal rights.)

  15. Back in the 80s it was mostly consoles for gaming, those in their late 20 and 30s everyone had ataris and NES. Or amigas and Sinclairs. PCs were quite expensive in those days. 66Mhz 486s and then the P1s were like £800. so it's cheaper now for a PC, which are over 1000 times more powerful (lol not even exaggerating that number)

    I wasn't fortunate to own a pc or pc wannabe, but played them a lot toward the late 80s. Either through friends or family. Cammadore 64?! I can remember playing Intelevision too. Ahhh the good ol' days. Not to mention 80s/90s cartoons!



  16. ah sorry bout that, didnt know the bounty hunters had been mentioned. what about this?

    2 things i hadnt known

    -falmer (ice elves) are returning

    -necromancers will attempt to ressurect thier fallen comrades


    We have heard both but the speculation about what the Falmer where like was being questioned. From this it looks like it is Morrowind's Style. Yeah!

  17. Back in the 80s it was mostly consoles for gaming, those in their late 20 and 30s everyone had ataris and NES. Or amigas and Sinclairs. PCs were quite expensive in those days. 66Mhz 486s and then the P1s were like £800. so it's cheaper now for a PC, which are over 1000 times more powerful (lol not even exaggerating that number)


    I remember when they thought that 1GB was enough and we won't need more. Lol, look how much it advanced and it is still advancing. Anyone heard of HVD's? They are optical discs that can store up to 6TB in them and are very fast at reading. Definitely better than Blu-ray but very expensive as well. One HVD player costs $15,000 and the discs go from $120-180. But it is new (In a way.) Seeing as how technology advances and when it is out for awhile it gets cheaper I'm sure in a few or more years that will lower a lot or at least somewhat.

  18. I'm gonna try it out with a mouse first, if that doesn't work I'm gonna get a controller.


    The only reason I see myself using a controller is because of the dual-wielding.


    I only use keyboard if there is no controller support or because of stuff like Deadly Reflex that I need more keys. TES I can live without the controller for most while. Fallout I can't I need a controller for some reason.


    Grew up on consoles anyways. I'm sure a lot of us did that are in our teens to early 20's.

  19. I'm looking forward to using my PS2 dual shock if the joypad support is any good.


    My hand is too big for the PS3 controller. Luckily there is a 360 type PS3 controller and a PS3 type 360 controller. I'm talking bout the layout and size not the buttons and stuff how they look ie X A B Y that stuff.

  20. Mr. Pete Hines says:


    :armscrossed: "You use the A button to grab and move things."


    And a preview of the PAX playable demo said that LB sprints and I'm guessing R3 changes the perspective of the camera, probably means that the spacebar also moves things on the PC, though I wonder what the sprint key is?


    Probably hold it down. The A button that is to move stuff. As for sprinting probably one of the lower keys. Z, C, V or something.

  21. Pete said that Todd does not have a FB. Odd I know he is on Facebook the url that he is on is simple. I saw him through Gstaff's friendlist but still Todd is like a celeb than many want to ask questions. I understand why they are saying no. It would overwhelm him with questions from many. It isn't the matter that he doesn't want fan friends. It's the matter of how that can become. Just with me adding Gstaff opened a lot of things that can happen. That is why I'm making sure nothing happens.
  22. yea .. so I think this is settled? .. No blocking unless you have a shield .. and even then you cant hold it down and guard yourself .. you need to time it right .. its sorta strange coming from oblivion where anything but the bow could block hehe .. but it makes a more strategy based system.


    Huh? I could block with a bow. Don't know why you couldn't.

  23. Pete replied, yep we can't block while heaving a one handed weapon.

    Basically this: "Holding LT blocks w/ a shield, torch, or two handed weapon. Holding LT and then hitting RT does a bash."



    I just said that a few posts ago, lol. But without the source never use Twitter that much so I won't understand it that much.

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