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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Add-ons or DLC? Technically they are different. Unless they mean the same thing. It can be the same but not always which is sometimes why the call Fallout 3 DLC Add-ons. So they can be the same but different it is confusing.
  2. Oh, I know TES has its own sort of rules, and bearing in mind the cannibalistic tendencies of the Bosmer, I have given my Oblivion wood elves fangs. My Bosmer girl is still very pretty, but I wouldn't piss her off any more than I would the Beastly Breton. I am just saying where my own view that elves should be rather better looking than those presets comes from.


    Where I come from, England (sorry to disappoint the Scots, Irish and Welsh but a lot of us are actually Celts too), all the local myths and legends of their appearance refer to elves as being beautiful and also tall, it being fairies, piskies or pixies that are tiny. Norse legend has high elves as the tallest of all but does not have wood elves as exceptionally short.


    The point about Norse Dark Elves is moot, with some authorities holding that they were short and ugly. However, many seem to make a distinction between the Dökkálfar, Dark Elves, and svartálfar, Black Elves, who it is thought may just be dwarves. Certainly the TES view of female dark elves as being alluring and rather...ummm...friendly, seems to have relevance to some of the Norse tradition. Found a good website on this but I won't give a direct link as there is some nudity.


    All in all it is presets. I am sure you can make some beautiful Elves if you wanted to.

  3. If I remember right there is a cap on those. I mean the max carrying weight is 300 not matter how much you increase it. This would make more sense and would be a lot better for say if you get your stamina at 1500 or so it would be way to fast. So I'm sure that the jump height and stuff would have a cap so that if someone would fortify there fatigue too much or for the sake of console commands this would eliminate you from jumping over city walls. (Console commands like modav fatigue or something, Bethsoft knows well enough that since they include tcl they can't avoid it this way.) No matter how high you increase it, it will only stay at that 'level.' If anyone has played Two Worlds (It was OK for me glitches were horrible though.) you could increase your strength as much as you want but when it got to 125 or something it would lock the carrying weight at 500. From this I assume that is what Bethsoft is doing.
  4. change is bad, at least for me.


    By increasing stamina of course!


    so increasing stamina increases overall movement speed? Someone said it just increases the length which one can sprint...


    I think I said it over 3 times or so in this post alone that increases the overall movement speed, max carrying weight, how high you can jump and take a fall and more. No offense but it seems that you didn't read earlier posts. Or at least didn't understand them.

  5. Wow? Seriously? Same sex marriage? Awesome :) It's always nice to see something like that in a mainstream game. Sadly, there are probably going to be a lot of groups raising a huff about it.


    No arguments intended but Gameinformer and many other sites that said that gay marriages are in Skyrim, people are starting to question morals and all sorts of stuff about it. I was right, still let us not talk about it that way and let us just say Yeah! More free play or something.


    Edit: Gonna go back to play Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It has an awesome stealth approach to it. But I'm playing it on my crappy PS3 Slim that I got 3 months ago which is lagging like heck for some reason when I play it.

  6. They said that they won't release the quake con vid. (Probably because of the leak)

    But Gstaff said that we will get more gameplay by the end of summer.


    But... Pete promised! :wallbash:


    Stupid leaker. The video has bad quality and it glitches. We need it. I want to hear "Jump in the water" in HD, lol.

  7. I sure hope the ones you can marry aren't ugly. If they are, well, you know what will happen, it will get modded. Not saying it won't anyways. Many have personal tastes too, so, yeah, it will still get modded.
  8. I agree with you Alcrin .. Thats how I felt about Mass Effect and Dragon Age's Romance stuff .. They didnt have many options in the way of male NPCs to choose from and the few they did have I wasn't always interested in .. Dragon Age's gay male was downright slutty and totally turned me off ... wait.. this is a game ~_~; .. I need to shut up lols..


    Honestly I'm expecting even worse out of Bethesda: No boys to romance at all, and I'm willing to bet they even won't bother to change the dialogue in the girl-girl relationships so your partner will still refer to you as a "he."


    Wouldn't that mean they are lying? So I doubt it.

  9. It's actually 77 days.

    So only 2 months and 16 days left.

    Which is actually short, we waited 10 months and time flew by in no time.

    I'm sure those 2 months and 16 days will be really short. Especially when you have something to do, like school.


    It's college for me. Just graduated. But it's still school.

  10. <br>I don't see how anyone could argue. Elder scrolls have always been about freedom. For Bethesda to put marriage in their game and limit it by race and sex would be just strange to me in a game all about freedom and player choice.<br><br>I didn't want to start in argument this the skyrim thread and this new info about skyrim isn't, it may not be as cool as 30min gameplay video but it's still some new info about the game.<br>
    <br><br>You'd be surprised. But anyways I want to hear more about the business and property thing I heard about. I also wonder about the dagger wielding. Usually the experts and stuff are the ones who have the reverse grip. As it is a lot more harder to defend against and other such stuff. (I am a martial artist but I'm not good at describing things.) So maybe when you get to one-handed 50 or so you access that. Or it is a perk. Finally it might just be race fighting style. Well we will see.
  11. attributes were just stamina/health/magicka? Well some of them!


    STR: increases damage and encumbrance, fatigue also: pretty useful to me.


    INT: Increases magicka: yeah, sure, don't care about this stat too much.


    WIS: increases magicka regen: I care about this stat more than INT.


    AGI: decreases the chance to be staggered, and knocked out: useful for me.


    SPD: increases movement speed: could be better but still useful for me.


    END: increases health and fatigue, increases health regen when sleeping also: useful for me.


    PST: makes people like your more: yes, this is a useless attribute, since there is a skill for it.


    LCK: increases everything you do by a small amount: there were times when I didn't care about this stat and sometimes I did, doesn't matter if its removed or not.


    So much for giving stamina/magicka/health, most of them do different things besides increasing the max st/m/h...


    If they wanted to take out the tedious nature of training the attributes like in oblivion, why didn't they just simply change it to a point distribution system? Like daggerfall's.


    Everything is still there. encumbrance, damage, speed, magicka regen, agility fatigue, health regen already announced. They still have all this stuff. Google it you won't be lied to.

  12. http://xbox360.ign.c.../1190402p1.html


    Skyrim Has Same-Sex Marriage


    lv000 said it earlier in page 372 but it's ok in my opinion. I like to see the same info once in a while. Saves some folks the time they don't wish to spend looking back through hundreds of pages.


    Now to reiterate what Camonna Tong said on page 373,"(Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.) "


    i was starting an argument?! who knew!



    You can bring it up of course but to many this is a grey topic for many and can start arguments. I said what I did for the simple fact of how Fox may look at it and other stuff.



  13. i can't help thinking that the combined cuirass/greaves is going to severely limit the customization of clothing. hopefully it will be as mod-friendly as oblivion.


    You can customize every piece of armor with the smithing skill. They are visual too.

    So you can add pauldrons and such things and they will be visible on the armor.

    I think that allows even more customization then Morrowind.


    I agree .. I'm wondering what types of armor will be able to be changed by smithing .. I have a hard time believing that glass/ebony/elven and every armor in the game can be added onto .. They said you can make dragon armor and add onto it .. but I assume you make it from dragon hides .. So my thought is that this is reserved for armors you can find materials for .. like leather/iron/dragon .. then again .. he said dwemer armor can be improved too I think <_< .. hu.. maybe I should just wait and see on 11/11/11 instead of driving myself mad and possibly ruining the thrill of finding out in game.


    I think it's dragon bones not hides. I mean heck when you absorb their soul all that is left is bones. Definitely no hide/scales or whatever. But yeah can't wait to mess around with it. It seems like a more advanced C.R.A.F.T. system with more things to do processes to go with and ways to do it in my opinion.

  14. 3. As the others have been answered I'm guessing it won't work when you remove the item, like the old hotkey system but when you get the item back it works again, unlike the old hotkey system. As for one maybe we are unsure.


    Edit: Like Iv000 said Welcome! I forgot to say that.

  15. Eeeuw. Chargen is going to be a challenge. All the women look like men, the orc females are the only ones that have got prettier since Oblivion. Perhaps Bethesda were afraid of being accused of discriminating against orcs.


    I dunno why gals have to be ugly to be considered tough and adventuresome. If I want to look at an old bat, I can look in my mirror. In game, I can role play a deadly beauty and have it all ways. But it looks like I'm going to have to do a lot of work in the CS and chargen.


    Have to disagree there. Those are the basis of all. Just because it doesn't look right now doesn't mean it can't be altered to look awesome. The Nord barmaid for example I heard only took a minute or two. (Gstaff told me.) I mean seriously I hate when people bash stuff like this when they tried and to many have been successful. No offense its just that Bethsoft has tried and in my opinion gotten a lot better. Plus just because it is default how do you know it is going to be a challenge? I mean you haven't even seen all what the Chargen can do. So I'm not trying to make you mad or anything I'm saying it can be altered and Bethesda did there best.

  16. I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)

    I just hope Fox News won't make trouble...


    And just to state my opinion on this. (Even though I did a while back)

    I'm happy that Bethesda isn't hating on such things.

    Personally I'm all for freedom, everybody should be able to choose who he wants to be with either in real life or in game.


    But let's not discuss this too much on here. :thumbsup:


    Basically I agree with you there. It shows how much Bethsoft cares for the community when they take this chance. Just lets not get in an argument for this.

  17. I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)

    I just hope Fox News won't make trouble...


    Basically what I was saying. It isn't their business anyways. As for starting trouble with Bethsoft and Skyrim we fans will do stuff about it don't worry.

  18. Same Sex marriages confirmed by Pete:



    I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)


    I won't argue but why even say your own stance on it? .. I'll be happy to point out that I'm gay and totally for this in both worlds :P .. But I agree .. like real life .. if you don't like it then don't marry the same gender.


    I put my own stance up for the matter that even with this I will get it. As for what you said I have a gay cousin and I get along fine with him. Just because they are gay doesn't mean they are rejects and stuff that society says. (Note I'm not saying that to offend you I'm saying it for the sake of what society says is bias and other things, gays are people after all.) Anyways just because you are gay doesn't mean I don't like you jedimembrain. You are respectful and nice in my opinion.

  19. Yay :D .. I knew they would allow this .. The fallout from not having gay marriage would be huge .. Gay Gamers are no push overs ;)


    True and kind of not. There are many people I met that said if a game has gay marriages I'm not getting it. You might get a lot of people buying it because of that. But you lose a lot too. Not saying this for the sake of argument because its the persons choice in the matter but there are articles that basically say what I am saying. Still as I said I will get Skyrim no matter what. I am sure this will not affect TES Fans at all. (Well most.)

  20. Same Sex marriages confirmed by Pete:



    I may be against the marriage part in real life but its their choice. (It's not just the idea of it per say but other things as well like media reception and all that stuff that goes into it.) Still game-wise if you don't like it, don't do it, simple as that. Won't affect me anyway. (Note please don't start a gay marriage argument.)

  21. Yea .. all they said is that you can save up your skill points and not spend them .. didnt say a thing about avoiding leveling


    No no, that's perk points. You can save your perks for later if you want, but your skills increase as soon as you get that "your X skill as increased" message. Don't go into the level-up menu (it doesn't sound like it automatically pops up when you meet the new requirements) and you can increase your skills as high as you want without the enemies getting stronger.


    You don't level up by sleeping in a bed. So I wonder if that means if you are out of combat then you level up. Or you click level up in the menu or something.


    NVM read one of the above posts. As for leveling I got to level 76 on the 360 and I was a god I killed things in a few hits and other stuff. Enemies may level with you, but I guess I was just good eh? The Grummite Deathdealers were annoying though.

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