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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Yeah they said that each race and gender will have different animations. Fighting, walking, running that kind of stuff.


    That sounded too good to be true, so I went to the information thread and found this:


    Male and female characters will have some different animations, and beast races will have unique animations.


    I saw that on the info as well. Ah found it. Bethesda said that each race will have a unique fighting style I am guessing the genders will too but I'm not sure. And I remember seeing something as well that basically said what I did. If I remember right it was in one of the Demos. Still even if they didn't say it in case I was wrong about reading something like that doesn't mean its not there.

  2. You know, I've been thinking... do different races different animations too? I wanna see these new Argonians with a Morrowind-style walk.


    Yeah they said that each race and gender will have different animations. Fighting, walking, running that kind of stuff. But the Morrowind style walk probably won't be in. They said they were going to make the Beast's legs like Morrowind. But ran out of time.

  3. I'm hoping you get to commission a house getting built from scratch, contributing towards its development by gathering materials and labour to build it. The house features, size, and colour all gets customized according to what kind of labour you use, the materials you find, etc.


    I want a Raven Rock type quest with Building Stages. Of course more customization as well.

  4. "All races?" Where's the high elves?


    They are the last ones.

    All 10 races are there.


    Is anyone else blown away by those pictures? I definitely am.


    Yup, Bethsoft definitely does listen to their fans. I mean we wanted a new facegen we got one for Fallout 3. Not what we wanted of course but hey they listened. That is what makes me mad when people diss them. I mean they try, what else do they want?

  5. Dark Brotherhood has been confirmed.


    Yes what I meant was, Todd wasn't saying anything about the Dark Brotherhood and it was later confirmed.

    So if nothing is being said about werewolves or vampires, doesn't that mean that they will be in the game?


    So far, if something wasn't in the game, they've just said it wasn't in the game. I see no reason for it to be any different.


    They said pretty much the same thing about Mounted combat. It was more or less on the lines of "We aren't talking about that yet." That is until they ruled it out saying no it isn't. If Vampires and Werewolves aren't in they will say no. For the DLC if one DLC was Werewolves and the other was Vampires and there would be battles between them, well that would be easier combing the two DLC's. I mean what if I got one that added it but still needed the other. There are many more reasons why it would make more sense by one DLC. Unless you had the two big DLC's and had a third add-on DLC allowed them to battle.

  6. Same. Even the things that received a lot of flak, skill reduction and perks. I am very much in favour of all that. The big thing is a 3ds max exporter< they need to release that.


    Confirmed by Pete in that new podcast "Dragon armor"


    That was already confirmed in the fan question thing 3 months ago.

  7. I hope this doesn't count as a bad site. All it is saying is about the Blu ray and how Bethesda had to tweak it just to allow it to run as fast as the 360. Bethesda is saying that the Blu Ray is slow and they had to use the rest of the Blu Ray disc space to allow it to run fast. They also had to delete a lot of stuff. http://www.pvcmuseum.com/playstation/ps3-could-not-handle-oblivion.2.htm Hope the Staff doesn't mind it is basically putting out info. As I will delete it immediately. This might explain the DLC's and stuff. I just hope that the PS3 side doesn't affect the PC.
  8. Still I have no doubt in the future Morrowind will be remade. I hope they use the Dragon physics from Skyrim into the Cliff Racers. Morrowind HD is probably what it would be called. Or something at least like that. The annoying thing about the Cliff racers was that they float not in a good sense either. Still that was the tech they had\d. I love Morrowind to this day. I am sure you can see from my name.
  9. I wonder how Tamriel Rebuilt will do modding in Skyrim though? With everything that is in it and the map is way different it makes me wonder.


    They'll probably still just stay with Morrowind. Someone will try to do it on Skyrim like they tried with Oblivion then they'll quit and go back to TES III.


    I loved basically everything in Morrowind. But I just wish it had the ability to be able to put physics and stuff like sitting in chairs. I know it was a time when they couldn't do it. I just wish it was modifiable in that aspect. I mean the sitting in chairs part would be awesome. i know there is a mod for it but it doesn't do all of them only a select few. Along with the assets in Oblivion in Skyrim I understand why. Morrowind was easier to mod in many ways for various reasons. I hope Skyrim will be able to get people that modded conversions for Morrowind into Skyrim. Morrowinds conversions like Silgrad Tower was awesome. And it still is.

  10. Now I see a guy on that site saying the graphics look like 1999 graphics and compared games like The Witcher 2 and Red Dead Redemption with better graphics. And saying the voice acting sucks and it will be overrated like Oblivion. Funny thing is that this guy has so many negative points it makes me mad but I don't care in aspect to others. I think 17,000 Negative points vs 2000 Positives.


    He mentioned Red Dead Redemption. He actually used Red Dead Redemption as an example...


    All I can say is this:



    Yeah I know, but Trolls do start a lot of misinformation and such. I wonder how Tamriel Rebuilt will do modding in Skyrim though? With everything that is in it and the map is way different it makes me wonder.

  11. Keep in mind none of us have played Skyrim yet. There are plenty of things I liked about Oblivion that aren't already confirmed to be in Skyrim, like Vampirism and an Arena.


    I heard the Arena was confirmed by one of the demo reporters.. or.. some reliable or semi reliable source <_< heh .. wish I could remember


    It was basically confirmed by one of the game devs, who was saying about how they had to kill all of the arenas in Oblivion because of bad compression tech and micro$oft, and so they were looking forward to doing it properly in Skyrim or something like that


    Yup which was what I said. Do you remember the source so I can check to see if it was the same source that I used or different?

  12. Now I see a guy on that site saying the graphics look like 1999 graphics and compared games like The Witcher 2 and Red Dead Redemption with better graphics. And saying the voice acting sucks and it will be overrated like Oblivion. Funny thing is that this guy has so many negative points it makes me mad but I don't care in aspect to others. I think 17,000 Negative points vs 2000 Positives.
  13. Also does anyone know if I buy the German version, that has German audio and subtitles, if I will be able to download some sort of language pack to make it English?

    The only shop I can pre-order from is in Austria and only the German version has the premium map, the English one doesn't.


    I know in most games you can pick your language pack. I'm sure you can but don't remember how. Steam might make it impossible. Not trying to diss Steam but it recognizes what language version you got and downloads that version of the Update. Versus in Oblivion you go to elderscrolls.com and you could download a language pack different then yours. I don't think it works though haven't tried.

  14. New interview:




    The beginning will be more like Morrowind, you first play for a bit and then later you create your character.

    Each race has bonuses. Argonians breathe under water, Orcs are good at combat and smithing etc

    There are a lot of random events. Wolves hunting a deer, guards escorting prisoners.


    I love how people say that Skyrim is ripping off of Demon Souls with Dragons and the same thing just with upgrades. Demons Souls was all good but to Skyrim's level no. First if they say that Skyrim ripped off of Demon's Souls Dragons they are not smart and need to learn lore. The Dragons have been mentioned in Daggefall. If they want to play that game then you could say Dark Souls will rip off of all TES because it has Open-world now. Not saying it is going to be bad I just hate that people say stuff without knowing what they are talking about. I quoted you because it is from that site.

  15. My favorate is always the orcs even in oblivion but the argonoians are looking pretty good .. I'll start with an argonian and then a female orc .. I'm sure I'll try every race by the time I'm done with the game .. btw .. I've just now within the past month got to the point where I can no longer play oblivion .. it took me awhile but its lasted me years and I just cant find the charm in it anymore .. I know whats around every corner and what to expect from the system


    The same here, Skyrim is making it look like a piece of crap. :(


    That's Oblivion's problem. Morrowind had heaps of redeeming features, but Oblivion will be eclipsed by Skyrim in every way, the only reasons people will go back are:

    a) Because they are broke

    b) Nostalgia


    Or the story and/or mods. I liked the story. But I know a lot didn't. Dark Brotherhood was the best faction and part of a game that made me feel like playing more and more. Other games that failed test of time didn't have that feature.(Oblivion still is fun for me. But for many it isn't anymore.) At least Oblivion did. But I'm sure that Skyrim will beat the Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood and such. Its funny because when people ask if they could get one thing in Skyrim that was Oblivion I'm sure you know what 95% what. The Dark Brotherhood.

  16. Several things. BGS may not even have to continue licensing and pay per title.. Emergent offer something called a perpetual license. I have a little suspicion they had one with Ob.


    This idea that the creation engine may contain a few lines of GB code is not entirely unfounded. <they are using the nif format. This means that some of the library of object components remains intact. Unless they rewrite it. But that is doubtful imo.Anyway that is just data structure that contains vertex and material data(BTW the shader code implemented in F3 was all BGS tech.)


    The Scene graph is probably all new. The renderer is probably all new. The animation engine is probably all new.


    Eurogamer: "Is it fair to say then that it's based on existing technology?"


    Todd Howard: "The technology is ours and it is inspired by the technology we have. We have a lot of it. But that's our starting point - the Fallout 3 tech. It started with Morrowind, we went to Oblivion, we did a lot between Oblivion and Fallout 3 because now we had final hardware - with Oblivion we had six months on final hardware, so Fallout 3 technically does a lot more than Oblivion. The new stuff is an even bigger jump from that."

    I am sure you guys remember this? From this it is new. But a lot of the Engine is based off of Bethesda's version of Gamebyro.

    Edit: forgot to quote it. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif

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