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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. So if I got that right:

    We cannot block with:

    One handed weapons in either hand.

    Dual wielding



    We can block with:

    One handed weapon in either hand and a shield in the other.

    Two handed weapon.


    I still think we need clarification about one handed blocking.


    They probably need a confused turtle chart. Maybe someone can ask about that.

  2. I think it was one of the very first demos .. I seriously suck at remembering where I heard what and I know of soooo many interviews and demos ..I'll look
    Actually months ago we asked about pulling both triggers will allow you to block. Pete said no. Zaldiir was the one that asked. Unless they changed that. We asked that for dual wielding. And If I remember right only the Shield will allow you to block like that. Plus holding down both will allow a power attack using both. It's nothing for the PC users as we will be able fix this. Consoles no. But they are doing it in a similar way like Demon's Souls. You can't block if you dual wield.
  3. Living, breathing; the state of being before death. Machines/constructs clearly are not alive, have no pulse, no organic tissue...perhaps undead is debatable, but I myself do not think that the living dead are alive/have life. It's clearly different than creatures and people.


    This is dangerously going off topic and into a philosophical discussion, so I'll end it right here.


    So... anyone know how to send someone in particular a message on Twitter? I wanna see if I can get Pete Hines to answer the spouse/multiple houses issue...


    I took care of it myself, hope that's okay.


    I THINK if you go to their profile you can tweet to them, but I'm not familiar with twitter, so someone who knows more can feel free to correct me.


    I usually have too much to say. 200 character limit is stupid. I need more. Still Twitter is sophisticated at first but once you use it, it gets easier.

  4. I hope they can add something that complex .. maybe make it so the kid ages after a couple long dungeon crawls .. you come back home and see your child is now an adult and can join you on quests

    Yeah but I would prefer using a quest script based on the global time parameter. Basically the kid ages incrementally at each yearly birthday. A much more gradual change that literally happens over the course of about 9months real world play time. Damn... that is long ass time to spend of your life playing skyrim. Of course years do pass in game faster because of resting and fast travel... Anyway. I think that makes most sense, don't have kids unless you are ready for the commitment. It's a mod with real life moral messages or something.


    And at age 16 the invulnerable toggle is turned off, signifying adulthood. end mod.


    There was only a few races that could merge. The Imperial and the Altmer made Bretons and there are others. Otherwise the race they take is from the Mother. Pretty much all the lore experts know this.

  5. The anims are much better. The turn modifiers in havok behaviour are surely in use. In reference to the dog, the only thing that stood out was when it ran up the road after the kid, got to the end, kinda stopped rotated 90 degree to turn, then carried on chasing after the kid.


    The chicken though was really believable. I just hope I get an official exporter. I want to do a custom creature, and I'm not going to bother if I have to spend more time hacking kfs and HBT profiles together in some retarded way than actually animating. :wallbash:


    I personally think this is going to be a hard game to mod .. between the body slider and new animation system


    There wasn't even a second of the animation of the kid. Guys head got in they way. Still from what I've seen you are right.


    Don't know why people are wondering about the Argonian legs. They said they were going to make them Morrowind-like but ran out of time a few months ago.


    As for the weight the Heavy and Light right? We haven't saw any fat out of it so I think it just increases the Muscularity. I'm sure this was talked about.

  6. that flamethrower thing takes out anything .. and they players start at level 1... I'm sure they overpowered the spells for the demo though .. I hope .. I dont like hard games but I dont like to walk over enemies either


    Funny thing is that guy died from that Apprentice Necromancer. With that Flame spell. That is sad. I'm sure if he had a healing spell he would have used it.

  7. Found this one too (uploaded by the same user), is that a necromancer or a vampire?




    Stop walking in front of the camera it's impolite. But seriously it looks like to even see your skills you WILL have to level up from that video.

    I don't think so, I think it's just he was ready for a level-up but for some reason decided to ignore it, in other videos that just says "skills".So it appears that you can indeed prevent yourself from leveling, unlike Fallout 3.


    Oh yeah, I might be wrong, but from what I've seen they weren't ready to level up or have already. The only ones that needed to level up was with the Level Up at Skills. Unless you can just click on it and decline it.

  8. Found this one too (uploaded by the same user), is that a necromancer or a vampire?




    Stop walking in front of the camera it's impolite. But seriously it looks like to even see your skills you WILL have to level up from that video.

    I don't think so, I think it's just he was ready for a level-up but for some reason decided to ignore it, in other videos that just says "skills".So it appears that you can indeed prevent yourself from leveling, unlike Fallout 3.


    By the way its a Necromancer. It said an Apprentice Necromancer.

  9. For those that are worrying about the disc layout don't need to worry. With the compression tech they have now uncompressed it will be around 250GB. Oblivion now that I remember was around 70GB uncompressed. (Was wrong about the 50GB and other stuff.) Nothing will be cut out. Unless it is to be optimized for better performance.
  10. I hope they're essential. Given the inevitable poor AI, if anyone should be essential it's them...


    AI usually has to do with the Engine. Yes you can make the AI better. But unless the Engine is designed to get better AI like Id Tech 5 then it is going to be poor to average.

  11. I see it more like this .. and this isnt my ideal vision of romance in Skyrim .. its just my best guess and low expectations .. you buy it from a shop and its called "alluring amulet" or something .. and when you wear it and talk to someone who is close friends with you it will open a dialog option for romance .. and my low expectations say there will not be a wedding .. just a skip forward in time .. maybe walk them into the chapel and time passes forward and your suddenly married .. thats what I'm expecting .. I'm hoping for much more though :3


    Reminds me of the Blue Feather from Harvest Moon.

  12. There is a lot of little tid bits in this interview.. its hard to pin point whats all new .. he gave a lot more detail on the vampires .. needing to suck blood .. he talked about the marriage aspect .. not quiet as dismissive about it as Alcrin put it .. I had to replay it .. his wording was more along the lines of trying not to make a big thing and scare off the players not interested in it than simply calling it "a little bonus" .. he also said "kinda just a little" hehe .. the amulet sounds odd though .. I wonder how that will play out? maybe when your wearing it everyone in the game who likes you starts to come onto you when you wear it?


    Maybe they have amulets instead of rings for Marriage, eh?

  13. 1: Was already

    2: Yay :D

    3: They showed them in the music of skyrim interview already


    But thanks for the new vid :3 *watches it happily*


    1. It was only said that there are vampires. Not becoming one. Yes, Pete Hines got asked but he only said there are Vampires he never said you can become one.


    Did you read what he was asked? .. The person very clearly asked if you could become one "Will the player be able to become a Vampire/Werewolf in Skyrim? Or possibly something new?" and pete responded "Yes, the recent preview in RipTen confirmed Vampires. Now everyone please stop asking. :-)" .. I thought it was pretty set in stone


    As you put down he said confirmed Vampires. He did say yes but it was tied to confirmation of if there is vampires. Not if you can become one. Still they speak in riddles. That but itself was not a confirmation. Just like We aren't talking about that yet, its a riddle to assume it is there. hope you see what I mean. If he just said Yes, then that is confirmation. But tied in with everything else about RipTen confirming Vampires is not becoming one. Heck Dave didn't know so that with what else he said isn't confirmation. English is weird just wording one thing different means it could be not at all the same.

  14. 1: Was already

    2: Yay :D

    3: They showed them in the music of skyrim interview already


    But thanks for the new vid :3 *watches it happily*


    1. It was only said that there are vampires. Not becoming one. Yes, Pete Hines got asked but he only said there are Vampires he never said you can become one.

  15. I think it is both. But running is little impact. (In the Demo Todd was running after Arvel the Swift. If you noticed he wasn't sprinting but was catching up little by little. Then he used Sprint and got him very fast.) Sprinting has a much larger impact. I mean if you had to chase someone and they sprinted how are you supposed to catch them if every character had the same running and sprint speed?
  16. Microsoft's 360 division must be really stupid because skyrim is windows only. so what the point of Microsoft paying only for 360 exclusivity?



    Unsure what you mean there? Either you meant that why Microsoft is getting the DLC first when Windows is Microsoft too. Or Skyrim is windows only which is not true. I'm guessing the first one. In which case you should realize Microsoft gets a lot more money on the 360 when for Windows they get nothing (Some if at best.) really because it isn't using G4WL or anything. It would be like saying Microsoft gets money because Minecraft is on PC or something in another analogy.


    pretty sure skyrim is windows only at least whens it comes to personal computers because really no one cares about macs. i know MS doesnt get money from software but still is stupid for MS to make the exclusivity just for 360.



    It's the Greedy part. Yes it is not on Mac, but what does Microsoft care? Microsoft bribbed Bethesda to get DLC first and it will affect a lot to buy 360 get the game or whatever because they don't want to wait for DLC. Hence why many call it Micro$oft. They are doing this to make people come to the 360 and get more money, it isn't stupid for them it is business.

  17. Microsoft's 360 division must be really stupid because skyrim is windows only. so what the point of Microsoft paying only for 360 exclusivity?



    Unsure what you mean there? Either you meant that why Microsoft is getting the DLC first when Windows is Microsoft too. Or Skyrim is windows only which is not true. I'm guessing the first one. In which case you should realize Microsoft gets a lot more money on the 360 when for Windows they get nothing (Some if at best.) really because it isn't using G4WL or anything. It would be like saying Microsoft gets money because Minecraft is on PC or something in another analogy.

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