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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. From what you are describing it sounds like something is missing. Maybe use a driver checker program can help. (This may seem obvious but don't download not signed ones. Most may be OK. But a week or so ago I downloaded one and it caused my bootmgr to get deleted. It was an annoying process that i won't explain I eventually fixed it, but had to do it another way as the disc programs to fix everything didn't work.) Try disabling everything make sure all hardware is updated and then re-enable everything. Hope this helps.


    Wait what do you mean by you don't have the memory yet?


    The only driver I am missing is the PCI simple communication controller so that can't be it. What I meant is that I don't have that particular set of memory yet but I am planning on upgrading to it soon. What I have at the moment is 4GB of Corsair XMS3 1333MHz. Could it possibly be that my memory is too slow or something?


    You check for loose connections as well? Try using Explorer Suite and the CFF Explorer right click Oblivion.exe open CFF Explorer, under file header characteristics, then check app can handle >2Gb address space. That should speed things up. In fact a lot of us use the CFF Explorer. There was a mod that had it in it. I had Fallout 3 with over 200 mods run at over 50 FPS because of CFF explorer. before it was only like 50 or so. And over 30 mods are 500MB or bigger.

  2. Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth P67

    Processor: Core i7-2600K 3.8GHz (It's running at stock speed because there's no point in overclocking it with the graphics card I have.)

    Graphics Card: ASUS GeForce GTX 560Ti 1GB DirectCU II 900MHz (I wish I could afford a GTX 580 or 570... oh well:/)

    RAM-Mem: Corsair XMS3 Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1866MHz (I don't have the memory yet and it's strangely enough cheaper than the 1600MHz modules:S)


    So what do you think? Will it run Skyrim on highest settings in 1920x1080 res. as long as there's no tesselation enabled? Yes, I am serious! I get framerate drops (40-60 fps!) in the tutorial dungeons on Oblivion with everything on highest. Maybe it's the ENB-series mod. I installed or perhaps Oblivion is just horribly optimized because I can run FNV with no frame rate dips at all:S (VSync on)


    From what you are describing it sounds like something is missing. Maybe use a driver checker program can help. (This may seem obvious but don't download not signed ones. Most may be OK. But a week or so ago I downloaded one and it caused my bootmgr to get deleted. It was an annoying process that i won't explain I eventually fixed it, but had to do it another way as the disc programs to fix everything didn't work.) Try disabling everything make sure all hardware is updated and then re-enable everything. Hope this helps.


    Wait what do you mean by you don't have the memory yet?

  3. it doesn't need to load every few feet




    Maybe I have a godly PC without knowing it but the only time I've ever had this problem with Oblivion is when I used the construction kit to hack my speed into thousands of points.


    Oh it's there, it's nowhere near as bad as Morrowind was but it doesn't stream smoothly at all. There is a mod to remove the loading message, that wouldn't have been made if it wasn't an issue. It's doesn't really show so much now because the hardware has come on leaps and bounds.


    I have to agree with Zaldiir. Divinity 2 was buggy. I mean heck I beat it on the PC and part of me wishes there was mods. Yes that is right I said mods. The only mods I have seen were texture mods, but they didn't work for the Version I bought at the store. Divinity 2 DKS was OK but as Zaldiir said the areas are not open-world. They are more like Borderlands style.Love how people use the excuse that Divinity 2 was less buggy and stuff in reality it isn't. And for the fluid and loading part. Odd that my old computer seems to disagree. And sheesh that thing is old.


    Zaldiir you are wrong about one thing though. Eco Dragonis had only the regular first part of the game. People complained that the ending sucked. (In all standards I think they said that because good always wins. In the regular game evil wins and its over.) DKS was introduced it allowed the playing after Eco Dragonis and had a better ending where good wins. Still both games were immensely buggy for me. I had to buy the 360 version just to play through the end almost every time. (Had glitches on the PC that made me unable to continue. 360 did as well but they were very rare.)

  4. This isn't fallout with swords, and I liked having multiple pieces of armor, like in Morrowind. I personally thought it added quite a bit to the variety.


    I guess I'll have to see just how much more armor they added.

    I really don't understand how merging chest/leg armors makes it Fallout with swords.


    I stated that it wasn't, not that it was. This was a response to this to Camonna Tong's statement.


    I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout. Obviously they need to do research. There are a lot of sites that are complaining about this. How it got that way I don't know. Either someone hated Skyrim and said that and people believed him. Or he/she was misinformed. People need to learn to research and see that what they heard is wrong.


    I hope this helps clear things up for you. :wink:


    I know that it's not a single piece of armor, It's less though. Fallout had more then one piece too, if you count the helmet. It's the fact that 3 pieces are fused into one. Each games gives you progressively less armor options. It's only natural to feel a little cheated.




    But that same complaint was probably the real reasons why people thought it was like Fallout one piece armor. About the different armor thing. Am I the only one then that thought the mismatch in Oblivion was stupid because of the limited armor pieces? Morrowind made a lot more sense to mismatch. Oblivion doesn't. Skyrim might have way more sets but still.


  5. I don't buy it for a moment .. It all-new could be twisted to mean other things too.. I'm sorry but this is the same engine just modded to have a new animation system and shadowing.. as well as some other things


    Kind of odd because what I've seen from the Gamebyro tech, it would probably be glitchy with what they are doing. Tech can only advance so far and I doubt it could go into a Skyrim-like engine. That is why that rebuilt it. It may seem like Gamebyro on the cover but on the inside its the Creation Engine.

  6. Nope, turns out that they got some advanced feedback on people not liking how skills and perks work in the demo, so decided to nix everything. There are no more classes, skills, levels. Since health and magicka now nothing to work from and staying alive was too challenging with a level playing field, the player now has infinite health and magicka as part of being dragonborn. Other NPCs and the like seem to still have their stats manually set. It also mentioned that certain checks which were based on skills (like lockpicking and crafting) are now just a random roll for a chance to fail with some adjustments made as the player completes the main quest.



    Uhm? isn't this against forum rules? :confused:


    I thought it was funny. And maybe before you get rick rolled put your mouse cursor over the link and you will see it is youtube. Along with what he is saying you can definitely tell it is Never gonna give you up.

  7. The "classes" in the TES series were never true classes anyway. The point of a class system is, in theory, to restrict the player's ability to obtain certain overpowered combinations of abilities that are perfectly fine when used alone. For example, something like:


    - The ability to attack at a distance.


    - The ability to insta-kill someone who doesn't detect you.


    The combination of the above two abilities is far more powerful than either one used alone, so to deal with this problem one solution is to break them up by splitting them into separate classes: That way, players can have one or the other but not both. TES's classes don't do this: Every character can always do everything if you put enough training into the respective skill.


    Actually I am pretty sure Daggerfall and the ones before Morrowind did this. If you were are Warrior you would have no Magick at all. If you were a Thief you couldn't wear heavy type armor, something like that if I remember. But for Morrowind and up, yes I agree with you.

  8. Classes in previous TES games were just arbitrary titles with a defined skill set attached to them anyway. In every single TES game I've played, I've always created my own custom class.


    Exactly! I never quite liked the skill sets presented by the default classes, so I always made my own instead...and mayeb the perfectionist in me had tried one of those "pick major skills you'll never use" characters, as well. Happy to see them done away with.


    I use everything. That is. . . Eventually. With every character I do everything but as I said I do it differently sometimes. Might be several dozen hours in the game I go for a mage. And I always use a custom class. Being a Knight makes me feel like I can't be a thief. I know I can still be a thief but my class makes me feel otherwise. I like the removal of it because of this and other various reasons.

  9. Hate to dig out an old thread but its better than starting a new one for something that's been on my mind .. Everyone made such a huge deal about this being a new engine but I noticed early on that whenever someone made a joke about the old bryo in the skyrim todd howard interviews he always cringed a little and avoided saying anything .. and now its pretty obvious to me that this is Bryo but a far more advanced version of it .. I'm very happy with what Ive seen and wouldn't want a full reboot .. but since its all so clear now has anyone changed there minds on this whole "Bryo Bad!" mindset?


    I guess with the whole tearing it down and rebuilding it with similar codes and such make it Gamebyro. If it was they ill have to pay for it. And calling it the Creation Engine would be illegal you should realize. Also I see many sites call it Gamebyro 2.0 As I said if you destroy something then rebuild it. That is not the same thing at all. If so then the new ME 3 engine would be the Unreal 3 engine. That doesn't make sense so The Creation Engine doesn't.


    I saw a recent John Carmack interview where he talks about this .. He basicly says that every engine started by stealing hundreds of things from another engine .. When you keep an engine for internal use but call it your own what your really saying is that you stole it and rebuilt it for your own use lol .. and there is a lot of paranoia about lawsuits since most engines have hundreds of copyright issues that no one talks about .. its just part of the game when it comes to game engines.


    He is right in that aspect. But you got to realize one code different is miles different then the original. So it is easier going from scraps because it is easier to monitor it than the other option.

  10. Hate to dig out an old thread but its better than starting a new one for something that's been on my mind .. Everyone made such a huge deal about this being a new engine but I noticed early on that whenever someone made a joke about the old bryo in the skyrim todd howard interviews he always cringed a little and avoided saying anything .. and now its pretty obvious to me that this is Bryo but a far more advanced version of it .. I'm very happy with what Ive seen and wouldn't want a full reboot .. but since its all so clear now has anyone changed there minds on this whole "Bryo Bad!" mindset?


    I guess with the whole tearing it down and rebuilding it with similar codes and such make it Gamebyro. If it was they ill have to pay for it. And calling it the Creation Engine would be illegal you should realize. Also I see many sites call it Gamebyro 2.0 As I said if you destroy something then rebuild it. That is not the same thing at all. If so then the new ME 3 engine would be the Unreal 3 engine. That doesn't make sense so The Creation Engine doesn't.

  11. I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout.


    You mean that Chest+Legs is merged into one armor now?


    Yeah and many think that the Cuirass and Greaves merged somehow means that the whole set is now a Single armor piece.


    I think I actually prefer it that way. It's how most games does it, and it makes it possible for them to make each armor to look as they want it to without worrying as much about the clipping.


    This isn't fallout with swords, and I liked having multiple pieces of armor, like in Morrowind. I personally thought it added quite a bit to the variety.


    I guess I'll have to see just how much more armor they added.


    Again, there are still multiple pieces of Armor. Skyrim will have five. Fallout there was two pieces you had. Oblivion had six. Morrowind had 9 I think. And Daggerfall I forget but I think it was 8 or 9.

  12. I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout.


    You mean that Chest+Legs is merged into one armor now?


    Yeah and many think that the Cuirass and Greaves merged somehow means that the whole set is now a Single armor piece.

  13. I hate how people are complaining about the Single armor piece that is from Fallout. Obviously they need to do research. There are a lot of sites that are complaining about this. How it got that way I don't know. Either someone hated Skyrim and said that and people believed him. Or he/she was misinformed. People need to learn to research and see that what they heard is wrong.
  14. No offense to the UK, but I want the Demo playable in America. London will cost too much to go to. If I go I not be able to buy Skyrim at all. I will be bankrupt. Plus I think I have college in one of those days.
  15. Also for the four Main factions thing. Same thing they said in Oblivion. But there was the Arena as well right? There will probably be four plus several lesser factions. Main does not mean only.
  16. At all?! So, how is the whole warrior/stealth/mage thing going to work?


    The same basically without classes. The removal just removes what you can't do. You are still noticed when you decide to be more mage-like and people as I said notice you are trying to be like that. Don't worry it has been covered look online there is multiple stuff about it.


    By the way YEAH! My 500th post, lol.

  17. Oh, censoring. That's cool. So people are allowed to have offensive statements in their signatures, but no one is allowed to call them out on it? Alright, that gives me an idea for a new signature.


    If you have a problem talk to him or take it up with an Admin please. This is Skyrim Info. Not a Signature discussion/debate place.

  18. Also because 512MB is what the 360 and PS3 have for their Video RAM, I assume it will be at least 512MB minimum. (Most likely not 256MB but it is possible.) That will probably will medium settings or less. As for the processor my Processor speed is .2 GHZ less and my PC can run much better than the 360. Also my old PC could have a lot of mods with no lag. (Specs were 2.1GHZ, 4GB, 256MB VRAM and Windows Vista 64Bit.) I am sure at least with those specs you could run Skyrim on Low or so.
  19. Still let us stop talking about the nude mod thing. Let us talk about let's see. Well I think Oblivion XP was cool. I like Skyrim's system but Oblivion XP let me level past what I normally could of done. Hopefully a Skyrim XP mod will be out. It will give more of another feel to it.
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