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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Other sites say it as well. Youtube we are giving because it is so well known and popular.


    I've seen mention of it, usually from the ill informed, anyone who uses the site knows that nudity makes up only a tiny percentage of what's here. I'm not sure what people want, is it a case of "ban what I don't like" or should modders be forced to make something different?


    Never said you should make something different. I may be wrong but I have seen one of the Staff agree with us. Still realism is OK. But there are things that are being added that you won't see it in a more realistic society like TES. Not saying TES is realistic to today's standards or whatever. Just that many of said stuff is going away from realism. If you know what I mean.

  2. As for the nudity thing. Many people think its not wrong. But in reality it is, making the Nexus look bad. I mean I talked to people on the 360 and other places and they heard of the Nexus and said it was infested with Female nude mods and such.


    Wow, what a sweeping statement. You seem to be saying that because YOU think nudity is wrong, it therefore must BE wrong, period. I have news for you. That is your opinion. Can you explain to me why nudity is wrong? Is there anyone on here who doesn't have a nude body themselves?


    I a female gamer myself, and whereas I certainly do not appreciate all the grotesquely huge boob variant body mods, I find nude mods add to realism. After all in the sort of medieval setting that relates to the Elder Scrolls, underwear was unknown for the most part. Females might wear a shift under their dresses, but certainly no bra or panties, and there was no such thing as male underoos either.


    I am seriously hoping that dimon99 and Robert get in on the act with good quality nude mods, but that is by no means the only thing that I'd look forward to or the most important. I am hoping for some great texture packs and other types of character enhancement.


    I never said nudity is wrong. It may look like it but it is alright. Nudity is not porn but can lead to it. A husband sees his wife naked, That is not wrong, is it? Versus A man seeing other things and fapping to it. That is different. I mean there are many in the world that are exposed because of being poor and stuff I mean in tribes many don't have clothes but that doesn't change much. In Tamriel may are rich so why would they walk around naked or at least be close to it? What I am saying is how the Nexus uses these mods. I say a Nude mod is alright but with things that add more and are just wrong for many that is going over the line. If nude mods by itself were here, that is alright. But as I said things that add so say more may to many be realistic but its going to far. Clothing and the Armor part is just unrealistic. Many would laugh as such matters in old times. (Yes I know it is TES and according to the Divines it is more tolerable, but that doesn't change.) Armor is supposed to protect not show off. Yes many barbarians have similar stuff but in reality not really. Still it is going overboard. Also for the underwear part in medieval part is an understatement. Many did wear it but some did not for money reasons.



    Also I see why you said that forgive me.

  3. You guys do realize that Pete confirmed two things that many are thinking won't be there. The UI Pete said is optimized for the PC and can be altered how you wish. And for Dragons and Main Quest thing Dragons still appear after the Main Quest Bethosft said this in numerous interviews. As for the nudity thing. Many people think its not wrong. But in reality it is, making the Nexus look bad. I mean I talked to people on the 360 and other places and they heard of the Nexus and said it was infested with Female nude mods and such. A woman I talked to understands the realism in it but offends her with the big jugs and other things. Also I play as a Male there are very little male Default or even Roberts people say. Tesnexus is awesome but the nude publicity makes it looks bad to many. The female part is over 9000 really there is a lot. I would say for every 1 Male mod there is 5 or more female mods. Definitely more. At least that is my view on it. I have no idea how many there are. The mod to get rid of scaling enemies I personally don't like. Scaling is good don't want to go to an area that I can beat instantly with no challenge. The Fallout 3 way is coming back. And if so and so modder doesn't like it he can mod it.


    As for what Omeletter. Thing is I can actually see Max Von Sydow saying that the nude mods have returned ,lol.

  4. That is the best thing about Skyrim...lots of new factions...and hopefully many new quests and twists to the story. And then all the new possibilities created by great new mods that people make.


    It's over 9000!!!!! But really there is a lot more than Fallout 3/NV and Oblivion.

  5. I preferred Oblivion's. I hope it stays that way. Yeah, memorizing a bunch of code isn't easy, but it looks more "modern" in my opinion.


    If anything the Morrowind console is more "modern": I dunno about you, but having to directly mess with hex pointers brought back bad memories.


    I guess in simplistic terms Morrowind is. But Oblivion's hexi code would be considered more tech modern of the sort. I guess it depends how you are viewing it.

  6. Definitely the no clip code, though I hope I won't need it as much in Skyrim. I can't even count how many times my character in oblivion somehow got stuck in a wall jumped into a rock or tree, seemed to be many holes in the meshes of oblivion lol


    Yeah I had that issue a lot when running fast getting stuck in a rock. At least you can fix it more so than Daggerfall's I'm in the void can't get me out. Don't get me wrong Daggerfall was awesome.


    I remember the closeobliviongate command but that will probably just be the kill command for the Dragons.

  7. I hope the console is more like Morrowind's this time and less like Oblivion's. You can give yourself a deadric katana just by typing:


    player->additem "daedric katana" 1


    In Oblivion you had to memorize a bunch of hexadecimal IDs to mess with stuff like that.


    Yeah I liked that system better. Okay I want a Daedra Heart. Player->additem ingred_Daedras_heart_01 10 though may look "cluttered" to many it was far better and easier to remember those than the Number ID in Oblivion. My only complaint was why is gold like this? player->additem gold_100 1000 or so the _01 _50 doesn't make sense. It just allowed more to be added when you got to higher gold numbers.

  8. It is obvious that all of us have used the console commands or at least heard of it for new PC users. I knew of it on the 360 which is one reason I wanted to get the PC version of Oblivion. But anyways, as Oblivion was concerned there were a number of good console commands as well as confusing ones. When Fallout 3 came out it had more console commands ie player.modav carryweight xx which was not in Oblivion. So what I'm saying is this. What are ones that you want back from previous games. What are new ones that you can think of that can help (Feel free to describe it. Example player.modav Dragon souls 9 or something like that Description add Dragon Souls of course.) ones that you think will be in Skyrim that are unique to it. Ones that you hope won't be in. Will it still be player., go back to Morrowind's version Player-> or something else. Let the commenting begin.
  9. Also, "Your speed is governed by your stamina attribute and your equipment. " (How much you are encumbered)

    And you run slower with heavy armor and drain fatigue faster.


    Err, it worked that way in Oblivion too (though the formula has surely been tweaked) so I didn't see the need to mention it.


    Pretty sure Speed wasn't affected by Fatigue in Oblivion. But yes if your talking about the encumbered part and the equipment yes. But Oh Noes it seems that 300 is the max Carrying weight. From the Demo at least. I know items have been scaled down it weight. But I still loved to hoarder items in Oblivion. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

  10. Pretty sure in the first GI reveal, or in one of the interviews shortly there after Todd talks about how the terrain, well the mountains, form natural boundaries that isolate certain areas from being easily accessible early on. I think it might have been in regard level scaling, and how there are leveled zones. So it does sound like there will be impassible terrain to some degree. I kinda don't mind that idea. Walking up to the top of a mountain should be something you do not talk lightly. And should you attempt a difficult climb, use the fricking trail. No one is climbing up those big mountains on sides that are shear faces, they go the logical route.


    It probably sounds much worse than it actually is. It probably makes more sense to a degree. With the Radiant story they have to keep it open enough for newb characters to get to every place of interest. I'm sure there are going to be hard to get to or impossible places (just nothing but a nice view).


    It may have the benefit... er effect of making the start out lvl 1 character having to traverse some part of the world, in theory leveling up along the way, before ending up at the mother dragon cave of Alduin or some such uber end game difficulty creature. As soon as you level up some I bet it starts to open up more. It is very difficult to develop an open world game where all areas are accessible, it leaves a lot of variables to testers.


    As long as it is minor and makes sense, and as long as there are no invisible walls herding me though the game. x10


    Still to me the mountain thing was like Oblivion's. In Oblivion could you climb up said mountain always in every part? No, because only certain paths allow to to get places like say Gnoll Mountain. It is very much like Oblivion and as the not being able to access early on thing is true. But still that would be like saying "I can't access Paradise in Early Oblivion." I think it will be like this. That certain things will open it up along the way. And for those that say Morrowind wasn't like that as well it was. In Tribunal there was a Dwemer ruin but you could only access it and do more by doing the Tribunal Main Quest. In all certainty to allow a dungeon or something that has to do with a quest or such to be accessed at a Level which is too low would be dumb on Bethsoft's part and I am glad they aren't doing it. RDR had areas only accessible by Main Quest these areas were home to high level (Gun wise and there protection Bears are hard to kill sometimes.) creatures and stuff. After that quest was done you couldn't go back there. I like the way RDR did this but to go back would be great. Which I am sure Bethsoft will allow.

  11. i wander if mine will run it

    AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 3.3GHz) - AM3, 9MB Cache,125W BD

    Kingston 16G(4x4G) KHX1600C9D3P1K2/8 GDDR3 1600MHz CL9 HyperX


    Western Digital 600G SATA3 VelociRaptor 10,000 RPM

    (DUAL) ZOTAC GTX 275 896MB of 448 bit GDD3 video memory, 240 Stream Processor Cores 633 MHz Graphics (Core) Clock 2268 MHz Memory Clock frequency


    i think so :dance:


    Yeah definitely it will. I have less than you in some areas and I can get to the 256 mod limit in Oblivion with not a lot of lag the least it drops too is 23 FPS. Of course it crashes but that is because of the conflicts.

  12. It was Late alpha and the rock thing doesn't prove anything anyways. It is more that they need to tweak it so that said rock doesn't do that. By the way many think that rock thing was unrealistic but at least it showed that the rock had more collision than Oblivion. That is not a bad thing because that rock needed the collision. But they need to have it tweaked still.
  13. From Nesmith “Random dragon attacks won’t happen right away. When they first start, you will have companions with you or be able to use the environment to your advantage, and the dragon will be one of the weaker ones. As the game progresses, you fight tougher dragons and are on your own more often." LeopoldCrank is correct.
  14. Thats why i wrote, most of the time you spent there is becouse of modders...the same will happen with skyrim..im not worried a bit.


    Funny thing for me is two years straight I played Oblivion on the 360 without getting bored until I got a PC. With the PC though I spent years after playing it for longer hours. Still, I bet if I had only the console still, I would still play it. (Holy crap 3 still's.) But now that I'm on PC I can't go back, it's because of mods, I play on PC (As well as graphics.) As well as other stuff.

  15. Didnt Todd actually mention in one of the demo show offs, you can go anywhere?


    I recall he said something about a mountain when he was looking at it, that you can get there...if you see it in the distance, you can get there, but some paths wont be easy as they made the terrain more distinct...correct me if im wrong.


    I think the reason why he always gone only on some path is becouse he wanted not to show everything and maybe spoil a few things, but who knows.

    this could also mean that a lot of areas is unreacheble and what is reacheble is packed with stuff?

    After 300+ hours in oblivion the game still feals big to me and this is not the case with my friends Fallout game.

    when Todd speaks about big it dosent really tell me how many hours he put in to it yet?


    In reality the reason Todd didn't go in the water is because currents wash you away. It was even said that a journalist went in the water and got swept away. Forget where. But GStaff has confirmed that Skyrim will be bigger than Fallout 3 and NV quests wise. He told me that the Skyrim Strategy Guide is bigger than the Fallout 3 Strategy book even with DLC which by the way is over 600 or 700 pages. As well as one person goes to one dungeon for a quest while someone else goes somewhere else for same quest that alone is a lot more than 100 hours if cataloged with all the dungeons, lol. Still Fallout 3/NV is not Skyrim and for TES wise it wouldn't make since for that logic of invisible walls. Only way I see invisible walls is with the cities and not going over it with cheats or whatever. Morrowind had that feature with Tribunal in Mournhold. As for the hours it stopped at 300+ for counting that is. Pete said they are still adding content for Skyrim. So probably over 600+ hours is what I see. The Main Quest is supposed 20-25 hours long said Pete but it was posted as 30 hours first. I'm of course not saying Pete is lying he most likely in fact is being truthful. I'm saying that 20-25 hours is the average for Skyrim. Oblivion's Main Quest was 6 hours but I beat it in 4 or so hours and that was without fast travel. (Of course I had speed spells though.) But still it might take 30 hours for the Main Story. Someone 300 hours vs someones 500 hours that did the same quests and everything would be different if one was more skilled or whatever or the other guy took his time with loot and stuff instead of just rushing through not caring about the loot. Sorry for the rambling.

  16. <br>
    <br>If only Vvardendell was still around. If so I could so I summoned a creature in town (Which by the way is supposed to be illegal in Morrowind even though the guards did it if I can remember right.)<br><br>But for Skyrim I was getting chased by a pack of Hookers almost went into Skyrim. A Legionnaire spotted me and tried to stop the Hookers. But they used charm so the Legionnaire accused me of crossing the Border into Skyrim even though I was only a few Dragonscales away. So he took me into Skyrim and am getting executed. Nah I kid. I still haven't thought about what happens.<br>
    <br><br>I thought mainland Morrowind was still in tact... And that is the bit with a border to Skyrim? Or am I confused?<br>
    <br><br>I said Vvardenfell by the way. And if I remember right Morrowind did have stuff happen to it too. Still Vvardenfell is still part of Morrowind if I remember right. But what I mean by intact is livable. I see where you got confused lol. Over 90% of Morrowind is not livable because of the eruption of Red Mountain when the Ministry of Truth crashed into it. Simply put the Ash Lands became in true Ash Lands if you see what I mean.
  17. By the way the Mature rating isn't 18+. I could preorder Skyrim from Gamestop and get it because I'm 17. Of course when Skyrim is out I will be 18 though. And be in college. (Crap less Skyrim time.) Its definitely going to be Mature or 17+. You may say it might be AO though. Do you think so? With the amount of people pre-ordering which is by now way over 1M even if it got rated AO I am sure it would be changed to a Mature one. That is how Bethesda is. Sure the M rating is one year from AO in age wise. As I said M=17+ AO=18+. It makes since to me but not at the same time. AO restricts it a lot sell wise. Mature only restricts it to those over 17. Still I hate how people say Mature games aren't for Children. According to the Government until you are 18 in many cases. They call adults who are 26 Adult Children. Doesn't make sense to me but oh well. Times have changed Romans if I remember you were technically an adult or young adult when turned 13. Still I'm basically saying Skyrim isn't an "Adult" game there is one year until it becomes adult which is as you know AO. But seriously as I aid before if it turned AO Gamestop couldn't sell it. Then where would the Collectors edition go? Especially those that bought it. It is Rating Pending now but even Pete Hines said "We hope for German gamers it won't be censored. Rage has a lot more violence and Gore than Skyrim will have (I talked to GStaff he said so himself.) If Germany had Rage allowed which Fallout 3/NV had the Gore Patch. It had to have or Fallout 3/NV would have been banned there. Skyrim should be allowed without AO rating you may say that is a different country but you do realize they have extreme gore and violence laws. So Skyrim should be Mature for US and Europe well rated 16..

    Still I am sure Skyrim will be rated for Adults only in Japan, Oblivion was 17+, Fallout 3 and NV was Z or 18+ (Fallout 3 I understand in Japan. But Oblivion having a D rating for its content is laughable. I loved Persona 3 which got a B but it has Nudity as well as gore it got a B, but they still gave Obliivon a D. There are other games such as Metal Gear Solid that got a B which in America got a M as well as a 16 in Europe. Doesn't make sense.) Still I am sure it will be M in America and also seeing as Australia didn't ban it is good. (Course the government is getting more relaxed there.) So I still have to say nah. Not because of the Character models look ugly (I think they look great.) But for media reasons and others. As for Realism I don't see how the realism in women in Oblivion all have Big Jugs, skimpy outfits and other stuff is realistic. I am sure if there were walking around like that "More" things will happen. And the whole thing from Morrowind "Ew, your Naked, Spare me." So I vote nay. ( By the way for the Nude thing, not saying I use it. But the nudity thing for the Nexus The rest of the internet knows a lot about it. I mean Destructoid made a video The day Fallout NV came out was about the first New Vegas nude mod is out and Fallout New Vegas just came out today yadayada from Newvegasnexus they said even. It is more known than you think. And the "Kids" in essence aren't getting 'protected" in sense because they can go to gaming sites and find about it just there Video or discussion. It is more known than we realize.)

  18. I hope that one of the perks lets you jump higher, or run faster now when athletics has been removed. Sure, no need to let us jump or run quite as fast as a maxed out oblivon character, but still, a small increase to the original abilities would be nice.


    The Athletics and Acrobatics skills basically went into Fatigue. I asked Gstaff as well and he said they have. If you seen the Skyrim Quakecon Demo Todd jumps a hundred or so feet down. He had 500 Fatigue if I remember right. It barely damaged him jumping down a lot. Of course you may say he had 999 health. I had 1,500 Health on Oblivion and 100 Acrobatics. Turns out I got damaged more than Todd did in the video jumping off of not even 1/4th of Gnoll mountain which in my eyes was less than Skyrim's height on that tower. So Acrobatics is in. By the way did you see how fast he Sprinted with the 500 Fatigue? It looks like he sprinted faster than the fastest guy in the world which is 29 MPH (46.6 KMH.) So there itself looks like the speed and athletics. Plus all athletics was is Speed plus every mastery level more regen for fatigue while running.


    So, that's essentially confirmed? Can we close the "Acrobatics and Athletics" thread now?


    Joking aside, I'm happy to hear that this will be the case; best of both worlds!



    Yes, by the way Pete even said they got "rid" of it because people would go around jumping in game just to level up. And with the athletics part he said various stuff as well but basically said the level up thing as well. If they combined this into Fatigue which they did you basically have the same thing but without the jumping to level and various things there. It was the perfect idea.

  19. If only Vvardendell was still around. If so I could so I summoned a creature in town (Which by the way is supposed to be illegal in Morrowind even though the guards did it if I can remember right.)


    But for Skyrim I was getting chased by a pack of Hookers almost went into Skyrim. A Legionnaire spotted me and tried to stop the Hookers. But they used charm so the Legionnaire accused me of crossing the Border into Skyrim even though I was only a few Dragonscales away. So he took me into Skyrim and am getting executed. Nah I kid. I still haven't thought about what happens.

    I just wanted to clear this up...you meant hookers, then? Or horkers? Hahaha :]


    Hookers. I'm pretty sure Horkers can't use Charm. As for the hookers they were caring weapons trying to kill me. That is why the Legionnaire stopped them.

  20. If only Vvardendell was still around. If so I could so I summoned a creature in town (Which by the way is supposed to be illegal in Morrowind even though the guards did it if I can remember right.)


    But for Skyrim I was getting chased by a pack of Hookers almost went into Skyrim. A Legionnaire spotted me and tried to stop the Hookers. But they used charm so the Legionnaire accused me of crossing the Border into Skyrim even though I was only a few Dragonscales away. So he took me into Skyrim and am getting executed. Nah I kid. I still haven't thought about what happens.

  21. I hope that one of the perks lets you jump higher, or run faster now when athletics has been removed. Sure, no need to let us jump or run quite as fast as a maxed out oblivon character, but still, a small increase to the original abilities would be nice.


    The Athletics and Acrobatics skills basically went into Fatigue. I asked Gstaff as well and he said they have. If you seen the Skyrim Quakecon Demo Todd jumps a hundred or so feet down. He had 500 Fatigue if I remember right. It barely damaged him jumping down a lot. Of course you may say he had 999 health. I had 1,500 Health on Oblivion and 100 Acrobatics. Turns out I got damaged more than Todd did in the video jumping off of not even 1/4th of Gnoll mountain which in my eyes was less than Skyrim's height on that tower. So Acrobatics is in. By the way did you see how fast he Sprinted with the 500 Fatigue? It looks like he sprinted faster than the fastest guy in the world which is 29 MPH (46.6 KMH.) So there itself looks like the speed and athletics. Plus all athletics was is Speed plus every mastery level more regen for fatigue while running.

  22. i remember they first said you would get perks till lvl50 now its lvl70. sounds like you can make some really overpower characters... sweet.

    I really like this idea. It's fine to have a challenge sure, but it's also cool to feel badass. If I want more challenge I'll start a new character and add negative handicaps for myself(no armor, crap gear, etc...)


    yep i really like this idea, also getting to lvl70 you'll need 700 skill ups. so it wont be easy but ill spend lots of time to make my argonian main a perfect character. something ive done since morrowind. o what fun ill have!!!


    You do remember they aren't doing the increase a skill or so 10 times and you level up. They said they are doing the "A skill that goes from level 30 to 31 makes you level faster than say a skill that goes from 18 to 19."

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