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Everything posted by Gracinfields

  1. Hmm might work, need to find out how it was done for the cape then work on applying what was done there to the swords ribbon.
  2. Cloak physics is usually are tied to the tail bone unless the game properly supports cloth physics.
  3. I always make back up copies of any file I edit, so nothing is lost. But the main reason is due to the Default.ini file over write my oblivion.ini files before so I made the changes there as well. Thus if that issue ever occurs again it won't cause hair pulling issues while checking though all that I have done between the issue and last time I played with out fault.
  4. I have seen swords of Similar make to this blade, so I think a modder definitly could make the sword; though the ribbon might be the only issue. Hopefully a modder finds away to recreate this elegant weapon for Skyrim.
  5. Your issue is DarnUI as you seemed to forget something in the INI file. I have done this before by accident. I do believe you missing these lines in the font section of the Oblivion.ini in the documents directory, Oblivion Directory, as well as the Oblivion_Default.ini file in the Oblivion Directory. Also comment out the original font lines with a semi colon ";" sfontfile_1=Data\Fonts\DarN_Ringbearer_22.fntsfontfile_2=Data\Fonts\DarN_LG_Kingthings_Petrock_14.fntsfontfile_3=Data\Fonts\DarN_LG_Kingthings_Petrock_18.fntsfontfile_4=Data\Fonts\DarN_Oblivion_28.fntSFontFile_5=Data\Fonts\Handwritten.fnt
  6. The same person that made the Deadpool one also did make one for Deathstroke/slayed not sure what pack he has it in though.
  7. Wow jim that actually sounds like a far richer story and something that tops SR2 in over the top events, also gives you an idea on what STAG was ment to be. Not some petty vilian that they were in SR3. I guess THQ wanted both to avoid subjects like this as it might feel to close to reality and also to make it stand out against the more serious GTA V.
  8. Well actually Atlas is using High percision actuators and high power hydrolics as well as a new advance balance system all of which were brought over from ASMIO. Atlas has a couple members of the ASMIO team on it, their idea is to use it atm for Search and Recovery while operating in enviroments to dangerous for humans to operate in. Like the Fukajima Reactor core. In the end Hopefully no AI is added but the config is used to help create Power armor. :D
  9. Well it seems they back peddled a bit due to lossing out in pre-orders to PS4 as well as the massive user flare up. Anyway it doesn't sound like all good news. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDpOKP3WFHQ
  10. MOH 2010 was actually done on Unreal for the Single player and Multiplayer was done by DICE with Danger Close on Frostbite. MOH:WF was done by Danger Close only and on Frostbite 2. *edit update Danger Close is part of DICE called DICE LA, however the good news is Battlefront 3 will be developed at the DICE Stockholm which makes all of the battlefield games. *
  11. @Kraeten MOH was done by Danger Close not DICE. As for those wondering what Engine, its going to be on the Frostbite 3 which looks like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73ILKvVs8Hs
  12. Just minutes ago at E3 EA and DICE announced Star Wars Battlefront so Battlefront Fans should be pleased, as the teams that made Battlefield what it is (not to mention the engine that Battlefront 1 & 2 ran on) will be behind Battlefront (3). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tN0zImJv94
  13. Well Origin is pretty much the same as Steam when it comes to DRM operation. Nearly everything that Origin is receiving in negitive press Steam received when it first hit the market, the only issues Origin has is server stability when you are connected to an online game.
  14. You didn't actually get what I was saying. If the PS4 has a drm that producers don't like for it being weak, or gets in the way. Then the producers will have their devs work on only one console.
  15. Yet the developer might avoid making stuff for the PS4 as it doesn't have a DRM.
  16. Like many people already said if its a game their likely to buy anyway then yes. However, I usually do try and keep up with a game and if it looks like things are going south I then cancel my pre-order. In fact the last game I pre-ordered was though best buys web site and that was ME3 Collectors edition (box) though I rarely pre-order via steam (Warhammer 40k Space Marine was the only time I did that). As for why I like to pre-order games is due to past events were I wanted a game went to pick it up on release and the store didn't have any left and was just about always out of copies for the next three weeks. (Was Golden Eye 007 for the N64)
  17. I Posted something about this awhile ago. From what I read is that Obsidian pretty much wants to keep making Fallout Games bases in the west coast while, Bethesda works the east coast story lines.
  18. @Xaranth I know modders created some major bug fixes for Fallout NV but that shouldn't be the primary job of the modders. I think I read that one of the ones I looked into fix nearly 300 bugs and kept unused scripts from running and using more processing time. That there is some major fail on the QA department.
  19. It seems that Obsidian the makers of Fallout: New Vegas is looking to make a new Fallout game that follows their work on Fallout: New Vegas. In a recent talks with Rock paper shotgun they stated they were intrested in following up on New Vegas and even thinking of possible new scenarios and places that could be explored. My thoughts on this, only if they make sure they do a decent job of debugging their game before release and ensure anything not needed is removed to avoid bloating the game software. Not to mention removing the completely unneeded invisibile walls.
  20. Sounds like your missing a file. Were did you get Dragonborn from?
  21. Well on Monday the 4th of February the Hostage taker was put down by Law enforcement no details other then a Stun/flash grenade was used. The Boy was rescued and has been taken to a hospital for a check up and likely debriefed with the parents present. What I think on the issue is how this person was even allowed to own a firearm after several firearm related incidents between him, and his neighbors and local law enforcement prior to this incident. Not to mention it was also reported that he had beaten one of the Neighbors dogs to death with a lead pipe when it gotten on to his property.
  22. Mechwarrior online is a Sim/FPS game. What your thinking of Vagrant is the new Mechwarrior Tactics.
  23. So Sims did put in premium user generated content? I heared they were looking into it but wasn't sure. I heared Star Craft 2 modding community is getting rather nasty due to money getting involved as well.
  24. Well DA:Os day 1 DLC was suppose to be only the Stone Prisoner DLC which was free but due to the games delay release the game dropped when Wardens Keep was due out. Something that was suppose to come with the Digital Collectors edition anyway.
  25. Hawken has been admitted by the devs a combination of Battletech(Mechwarrior) concepts mixed in with Mecha (Japans Fast moving & transforming Mechs) concepts. This gives a combinations of fast moving yet weighted mechs.
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