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Everything posted by Gracinfields

  1. Saw all the Star Trek series and actually prefer Voyager mainly because it had the oh crap you stranded out in the middle of no where and have little knowledge of your suroundings. They kind of had the alien of the week thing as well but most of them where reoccuring and provided some long story archs. Where I remember a lot of TNG it was one and done and rarely had long story archs. I know Seven of Nine was an intresting character they added later, but my favorite character was actually Nelix and his interactions with the crew. Here you have someone who doesn't really have a major formal training like the rest of the crew but oddly someone they can truely count on. Also I love his interactions with Tuvok :)
  2. Not actually totaly true Black Baron ME3 will containt it. Me personally I am not even going to venture that route and stick with Tali on my main and also my engineer. However on topic some people say bring up reality as a preferance and inspiration for Fantisy gaming. But what they do no realise is that far back in the bronze age and even in the Iron age Armor or clothing wasn't always worn. The reason for this was due to the fact that an impact from a weapon could push cloth into the wound which would cause it to fester should they live thought he battle. This would cause fever and other issues on the wound area. As for the Bronze weapons themselves these weapons would not cut as much as they would break the bone in the area they impacted. The reason being Bronze itself is a very soft metal alloy and will bend under such impacts. Iron and later steel would provide the weapons that would rend flesh and limbs; which is the era where plate was being developed. These armors were primarly to defend against glancing blows and close range blows from bladed weapons. They did have a weakness to arrows as the 1 pound projectile moving a good speed could punch though. This later was fixed by adding chain mail and multiple players of interlocking plates. But this happen in Europe, not in as much in the Americas where at best armor was little more then leather with a bit of bone. As someone said before what is done in your own single player game is up to that person and that person only; if they want to share it with the rest of use we have the option of not using it at all. Negitive comments on said armors should not even be posted as it doesn't affect you what so ever. If you don't like it at all then I have something else to say try and make a great looking armor mesh/texture yourself and uploaded it, then maybe you might have a little more respect for the person who actually spent time making said armors as it is a very time consuming project and difficult if you are starting with little or no knowledge of 3d modeling.
  3. I see TBs video is already posted. He is quite right about the whole thing. Its reason like congress trying to pass laws on things they have extremely little knowledge or listing to only to people who shove money in their face is the reason why I think the US is pushing toward a second Civil war. As the government gets more and more out of touch with the people their suppose to sever and protect. The founding father would be highly upset with our current government as it is what they fought against. What needs to be changed is the rules governing the lobbiest in Washington and a more proactive approach that allows more of a connection between the government and the people their suppose to serve.
  4. Its Command & Conquer: Generals 2 By Bioware Victory. Here is the trailer from VGA 2011. It will use the Frostbite 2 engine as well.
  5. Well for ranging the patches haven't touched the drop rate, but this patch did bring the G3a3 SCAR-H back up in damage but I have no clue how much.
  6. This looks like the data from before the December 6th Patch. Also if the Drop under the damage rate is the bullet drop rate I do believe that number is far off on the Sniper rifles; as from my testing with the 12x scope the first line on all the 7.62 rounds represents 200 Meters, where as the first line on the 12x scope for the M98B is 500 meters.
  7. Actually Vagrant they have a pokemon tie in already planned out in "Mist of Pandara" expansion pack where you take the non combat pets you had form vinilla to now and use them in a special battle arena. I headed this from a couple of people who went to blizzcon. Jessie of OMFGcata, and Pride of Smoking Gamer/Nordarssil Radio.
  8. Also I do believe the FN P90 (was called the HK P90c) was in Fallout 2 along with the HK G11/HK G11E, FN FAL, Pancor Jackhammer Shotgun, M60. As for Fallout 1 that had the Desert Eagle .44 Magnum in it . Tactics Had the M92FS, DE .44 as well, SW M29 .44 Mag Revolver, Sig Saur P220, HK MP5, Uzi, Scoripio, M16A1, and others this does show that there are semi modern firearm with in the Lore of the Fallout Universe. So its likely the Deviation isn't that big and a lot of the designs for these mordern firearms started in the 50s and continued well into the 80s, so its likely that most of said items would be in the lore. As for things I would love to see dual weilding Pistols, SMG/PDWs. Larger customization on weapons then in Fallout 3 New Vegas, customizable armor, Radiation suits that have a Radiation Thresshold so if I am in an area with very very low radiation say 2 or 3 rads per second and a suit that can protect from that but anything say higher then the resistance comes into play. More intelligent AI one that will use cover wisely instead of charging in all the time. Vehicles you can repair to working order and actually drive around and mount weapons to. Better bullet ballistics that can shot though certain materials that are thin enough. Also larger more expansive enviroments instead of being limited to "200" meter cells (said it that way as the 200 meters in game doesn't looks like it actually is 200 meters).
  9. Kind of hard to say. I do love playing assult but most the time I play engine just to deal the the Armor that would be running amuck on the battlefield.
  10. Well NV DLC went up for sale today for 75% off along with the game.
  11. To keep the post on topic I look forward to seeing how much the stats on the guns have changed due to the last patch and the up coming patch in a couple weeks.
  12. @Artifex, lower mag capasity? All the weapons use a real world mag sizes, the only weapon that I know is off at the moment was the M39 (which does have a 10 round box mag, but has the 20 round on the mesh. However DICE said about fixing this in a future patch). As for the rest of your post I do agree with.
  13. RPG hit on a fast moving AH-1Z for the killing blow, that really cheesed off the crew :) . Oh and a 22 Person Kill streak on foot with the M16a3, I was finally put down by a volly of hand grenades that filled the whole house I took cover in. As for projecties they do go beyond 1k Meters, however the bullet is no longer Trackable at that point; at least what I heared from some other high level players.
  14. I wonder if who ever did this rounded up or just dropped the values after the Decimal point. As I know there is something there as I have survived with 0% Health left.
  15. Actually I have been hearing info that there will be at least 30 DLC packs for BF3, and it was stated that the next Battlefield game will not likely come out for 2 to 3 years and the next one they have planned will be Battlefield 4.
  16. Wrong Beta actually can run right up untill three weeks prior to release. Infact If I remember correctly World of Warcraft Beta ran up till one week prior to the early release date. Alpha ussually ends a few weeks before beta begins, and that is from my experiance from the last 10 years of being both alpha and beta tester. As for Destruction what was Desctructible in BC2 is Destructible here, what wasn't Destructible in BC2 still isn't destructible here. The major differenance is on the urban maps which you can blow the sides of the buildings, chip parts of the wall off with your weapon, and blow doors off of cargo crates all to change how the battlefield to your tactical advantage.
  17. Dunno how he was getting spawn camped because the only way its possible is on rush when you take the mcoms and your new base moves up. If it was conquest and your main base was camped then the server has likely had its borders tampered with as all the main bases are supposed to be out of bounds for everything except aircraft, and those home bases all have a very nasty and I think Indescrutible AA enplacement (was manning one and got sraffed and didn't take any damage from the pass). As for people saying no inovation in this one their ignoring Micro destruction, Squad leaders have access to some of the old BF2 command ablities (Artillery seems to an unlock ablity as I haven't seen it yet DICE confirms its there), Vehicle customization, and enhanced weapon customization something that only BC2 has done before but not to this degree. Customization of weapon doesn't go as far as it could but it goes as far as they could go with out making the game even larger in physical size due to mesh and texture assets. As for people calling BF3 a twiched based shooter their not looking at the tactical part of the game when it comes to actually winning the round. Certain two public groups playing against each other will come down to the skill of the players and how much semi team work they put in to taking objectives. But the best public group could never successfully take on a group of pre organized people of moderate skill because the public group isn't working toward one goal, their working on each of their on individual agendas and play styles. Heck in my battlefield 2 days I would get my 5 friends join a match and when we finally got on the same team together the 5 of us would all hold the top 5 slots in points and kill by the end of the match even against the home clan team. To PowderdToastMan as for the issue of getting onto the same team as you buddies that is an autobalance issue sadly, if you where playing on the PC you could ask the admin to move you on to one team to play together. Granted some will move you while others will not as some don't want to spend the time attempting to balance the teams skill wise after the fact.
  18. Finished the single player and it was just Meh, not good, but not aweful either. Multiplayer however has some nice meat in it though. Stuck to Conquest mostly and actually finished out the engineer class of most the unlocks (only things left is the CO-OP gun, and the accessories to the weapons I have). So far only came across one cheater in release and reported it via vent to the server admin for removal. (Was an Aimbot, Zero CoF and ESP by the looks of it as he was snapping from just about everyone in LOS of him and getting nothing but head shots).
  19. Yea kind of hopeing that is how it truelly works in release but 99 times out of 100 in beta we had it armed and hit 0 tickets before it was destroyed or even hitting 0 the moment it was destroyed and instead of moving to the next stage or winning the message would say your team lost :( Had that happen 4 times on the final stage of Metro where our team had armed the final objective and had both Mcoms exploded however the end messsage read Your Team lost because we had 0 tickets when the bomb mcom was eliminated.
  20. Yea they did mention that issue should have been resolved. But I did have it happen in beta a few times where the attacker was on Zero tickets when the Mcom exploded and it pushed them forward and gave them 100 tickets. Maybe they got a last minute revive on someone dunno.
  21. Well I have been imformed that BC2 did see a patch not long ago that fixed some of the lag issues, on top of that BC2 community will likely see a major die off with BF3 as all of the Battlefield vets from the previous games will be moving over to Battlefield 3. As for Conquest in BF3 it is set up much like the BF2 style with most of the objectives being realitivily spread apart and not in one big line. Also DICE listened to the players about Rush, M-coms can only be destroyed by arming them, M-coms will no longer exploded if there is someone trying to disarm them (they will exploded the moment there is no one holding down the E button by the M-com), and hitting zero Tickets when an M-com is armed doesn't mean instant loss infact the game will either A end when the M-com explodes or you get reinforcement tickets once it goes off and then you can move to the next stage. As for getting to $39.99 that isn't likely to happen till Black Friday/Cyber Monday at the earliest. @Hoofhearted Nice to hear someone else Enjoyed the new MOH game. The reason the Story seemed so good, and so realistic is because it is very very very closely based on the actually events of Operation Andaconda.
  22. Think I should Rephrase it to state that I actually ment that these are for those that got the Karkand DLC only?
  23. These weapons will not be in the core release version of the game, however for those that get the back to Karkand DLC these weapons will be perminitly avaible to use. MP5-K PP-19 Bizon L96A1 L85 (the one showns seems to be the A1 model) FAMAS Type 88 Sniper Rifle Pancor Jackhammer MG36 Type 95 LMG (QBB-95) Type 97 (QBZ-95)
  24. Its was converted over and then the FO3 and NV versions where taken down due to ripped content.
  25. Actually BOE has a lot of excellent weapon textures, not to mention a nice shop/homebase (vendor can also upgrade certain guns for you) with weapon features like Variable zoom optics, Variable optic options (standard, NV, Thermal), Recoil for the gun nuts, working tac lights on certain guns, guns with varaible fire modes (single, burst, full auto), Also a couple weapons revaamped to have an underslung grenade launcher attachment that you can actually switch to. The mod also has Shells Rain mod built in and this mod leaves more shell casing and they last far longer on the ground giving the feeling you are actually spending rounds.
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