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Everything posted by Gracinfields

  1. Batteries for electric cars. Fuel cells for hydrogen cars, and the computer you are posting from wouldn't exist without those rare-earth minerals. Don't forget various avionic parts, missile tech, spacecraft components, and materials used in fusion/fission reactors. There was talks between the US and an Australia rare earth company about setting up several rare earth mineral refineries in the US while maintaining a low environmental impact so the US would still be under the international regulation limit.
  2. Lets fact check both those PA and GA, by the constitution of those states counting ballots without poll watchers of both side present is considered fraud. However, thanks for proving that media is giving an opinion not the facts. *edit add the Lady in Georgia video that had been alleged by several affidavits of press and poll watchers at the counting center has been charged with running ballots through the machine multiple times.*
  3. @XrayyLet us look into the Texas Case first, you said it was baseless. Going to Paraphrase Alito and Thomas on this "while the case might have merit, you do not have standing". Standing refers to either suffering damage from someone else's failure to follow the law. The case was never ruled on merit. In fact most of the lawsuits brought forward by the Trump team has either been ruled as not having standing or they were too late to file as they needed to file before the election, which if they did than they can easily say they have no standing as there was no injury, come back when you suffered injury. As for the merit of the Texas case mainstream media has been stating Texas is trying to enforces its state's constitution on other states, this is not what the case says. The case alleges that PA didn't follow PA's constitution, GA didn't follow GA's constitution, MI didn't follow MI's constitution, and WI didn't follow MI's constitution. Which is true as the state Legislature is the only one with the authority to change election rules and pick electors not the Courts or Governor. In all four sued states the Legislature has not picked electors nor did they agree to many of the last minute changes in election laws that occured in their state. Furthermore the Texas case isn't totally thrown out as it is being turned to a complaint that is to be forwarded to congress. Something else is happening with the case but I haven't heard the details on that. As for the PA case in the US Supreme court that case is still ongoing the only thing that happened there is the Emergency injunctive relief was denied, and has yet to be heard by the US Supreme Court. For Flynn stuff I didn't even use that in any statement in what I posted, if it is in the videos it doesn't matter as I was not arguing on any of those points. You also go off topic bring up the Virus something I didn't not point out, however you did and will humor you a little on this. While "detected" cases have gone up the death rate hasn't spike, in fact one new outlet was caught using total cases detected and not unique cases, thus inflating the numbers as people who did catch it were being retested, and another outlet was even reporting cases that were later determined to be false positives. Even it was reported by a hospital that a person that fell off a later and never tested positive for Covid-19 was ruled a Covid death on his death certificate. So you can see why some are suspicious of the actual reported number. As for claiming Thanksgiving travel is the reason for the spike I have yet to see you say anything about the BLM riots being a contributing factor, or even when the Media said Biden one and many left leaning individuals went out and celebrated in the street and even passing around and drinking from the same bottle of liquor, which could another reason for said spike. So my question to you Xrayy where do you get this broad outside of a bubble information that you claim to get, as it seems you only listen to mainstream media?
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJg7qKJ8tn0 Frontpage about the fbi and the 500k fraud ballots, One of the whistleblower videos showing the Ballots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQQCclv8-VU is a reup from Gtv. Spent a hour looking for the florida article to far buried in my history 1k+ links over 4 days does that but look again later. As for the software audit you should be an adult and look that up yourself as even youtube has taken those down yet. Edit add * More on the Whistleblower story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-fAjMHMQbE&list=PLdKjn_btajRqJQnCejKykqgm0aCq-YXge * *edit add 2 Mixed Georgia and Florida https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/georgia-lawsuit-witness-testifies-use-different-paper-counterfeit-ballots-watermark-solid-grey-instead-transparent-100-joe-biden/ Also hearing from PA officials 700,000 PA ballots are missing their Watermark
  5. HeyYou don't forget that those states can still have two slates of electors show up causing them to toss all of that state's electors. Currently the FBI has confirmed over 500,000 fraudulent ballots (All Biden votes) where found in the swing states; likely From China as a one Florida news outlet reported they have found over 150k ballots in Florida, that they identified as having the wrong paper, wrong ink tone, wrong font, and the wrong water mark (grey instead of translucent). These were pointed out in a whistleblower video from a printing company in Guangdong showing the ballots for that county in Florida. Also the results of the software audit in several states has been forced sealed by Democrat lawmakers and judges after the Georgia test audit showed the machine was swapping Trump Votes for Biden. Three machines have been caught doing this so far, and one was caught the first week. remember the 6k vote swap that was called human error? Well one of the testers of the audit did slip and say it wasn't, and it is the reason the Dems fought so hard to seal the audit results, as well as attempt to block more audits test in Georgia and a few machines have been confirmed to have been tampered with by the voting machine company contractors.
  6. The F-117 and B-2 were known to the public at the time of the first gulf war. I think the only thing not known widely by the public was the Tomahawk missiles were capable of deploying metal chaft out at pre-programmed locations to short out substations as they passed over. The only known but unknown (Code name known but what the craft looking like and it's stats) aircraft that has been tested by the USAF is from Project Aurora which is a Hypersonic bomber. There is rumors and some circumstantial evidence of the project has been test flown out an airbase in the US south west. This evidence is shallow seismic activity moving from southern Rocky mountain area toward the Northern Rocky mountains (most quakes here move north to south) and the signature matches vibrations from sonic booms. The final piece is a Photo that was once posted from a weather satellite of a strange Contrail showing up on moving east to west with an origin point north west of southern Nevada. The site updates its images every 5 minutes, and what made it strange was the first shot had the contrail just off California while the second shot had it North of Hawaii. No Space Launches were shown to occur that day and the contrail didn't start or path over Vandenberg AFB.
  7. Nothing really new really, look into Nike -Zeus and Nike II, they are Hypersonic Anti Ballistic Missile that the US built back in the late 1950's to intercept Russian ICBMs later restricted in the ABM treaty.
  8. The seeds of the Division were sown way before his administration, way before he even started campaigning. I would say the Fertilizer for those seeds was dropped during Bush jr. Administration due to the two financial crashes (2000 (dot com bubble crash), 2007/2008 crash due to toxic loans.), and was watered during the Obama era. However, I would point to the Free trade agreements under NAFTA when those seeds found their way to soil. Trump seems to be some form of weed killer and the weeds a screaming in pain as their leaching days are looking to be coming to an end. Strong Industrial base, means more jobs, means more people employed, means jobs get competitive, means better pay, means more money to spend, meaning more jobs can be made which means (you should get the picture). Our Industrial base moved to other countries that don't have to pay employees as much, medical, or pension plans, because with NAFTA they could ship it at a lower overall cost while having people pay the same amount. This also lead to many companies merging which left less competition for products and more wealth going fewer individuals. Currently we have a weak Industrial base, and we see the symptoms of it, we also see a massive disassociation of belief between people of this country, Rural vs Urban, etc.
  9. @Oblivionaddicted just fyi certain types of psychopaths actually can pass a psychological test without even being spotted. No comment on police outside the USA as I have not interacted with anyone police outside the US.
  10. Well, I can see progress to be made in Skyrim that would provide anti magic protection for troops, so as the Highly Magic centered Altmer suddenly can't decimate armies. So we could see more and more push in the field of magic if at all possible (Due to the defunct Mage Collages). Though I would say there would be a lack of Dragons post Skyrim MQ due to the Dragonborn, so air siege are not likely unless someone finds and rebuilds a bunch of Dwemer airships, or Levitation magic makes a sudden return. Tech will push new Tactics, New Tactics will push new Tech. If your enemy makes a weapon with a longer reach, you make a weapon with even longer reach, and a new combat style to defeat that new reach of his.
  11. Got a feeling that spell making was cut due to time constraints, as there is a working spell making mod for Skyrim, though it does require skse, and FISS. If you watch the game jam that Bethesda did internally there was a lot of working concepts made within a week but never made it to the game. Hopefully going to a new engine as well as taking more time, and going 64bit will help with the future game.
  12. Just Fyi racemenu presets don't are not saved game files. They are dropped into another folder location, then load the game then bring up the command console use racemenu command then you can load the preset on the preset tab, bing bang, bong you're done.
  13. Doubt we will see much Dwemer ruins in TES 6 as it is rumored to occur in Valenwood which is the wood elf homeland. They are not allowed the use of wood from the forest, nor the flesh of the beasts.
  14. With some of the stuff I hear going on over there due to their last expansion or dlc or whatever you want to call it, has had a major stink over reviews. Most reviews cover massive bug issues and poor writing in the story; however a SJW within the company is saying to media groups that the real reason hate it is due to the sexual identification of one of the characters in it. With Fans a little peved about this deflection from the company its going to be an uphill battle.
  15. Well you are running on a Mobile graphics card they tend to have less power, then their desktop brothers. It would also help to say what game you are trying to get more fps out of.
  16. The likely winner will be a forum admin as s/he closes down the thread.
  17. Dark0ne and and the Modder behind SMIM had a long podcast with Totalbiscuit over on youtube about this. https://www.youtube.com/user/TotalHalibut/videos They cover a lot of important points but never covered a few points of contention that could cause issue with Valves' poor attempt to have paid for mods. These points being mod theft, paid mods using assets from other mods, and even free mods requiring paid mod dependence (which were not originally pay for mods).
  18. Best alternative is more and more black ops missions, silently picking off leadership via means that look accidental, or random act of violence. Something that can be explained away by using the simplest solution but leaving the more complex part in the dark. No missiles from drones, no squad of special forces that enter via chopper no gun battle, and that is for the leadership. For the small fry, like the bomb makers an "accidental" detonation of their explosive device while their assembling it, or transporting the explosive materials to their shop.
  19. Also Crafting Complete Overhaul turns all of those items you can smell down into Ingots for more crafting fun.
  20. Enhanced Camera by far as Joy of Perspective changes the skeleton and requires special files just to see the armor. Enhanced Camera requires no such changes and provides the same First person view.
  21. Got a feeling their doing this to set a precedent for their up coming games, this way people are use to it and a stepping stone for future changes.
  22. Original Ship breakers was not part of the Homeworld Universe however as the team making it is made of a large majority of the Original Homeworld team, including writer and artist. It wasn't till 2k bought the rights to Homeworld and also bought into Blackbird to finance the game. So they felt it was perfect to give the original team the IP back to drum up more hype. As far as being Homeworld 3, its not, as its going to be mostly fighting on planets with top down combat. Though what I did hear this game is going to turn into a prequel to Homeworld and will be the finding of the first Core.
  23. What there is alot that they can actually announce at this E3. Doom (aka Doom 4 or is it 5 now), Dishonored 2, Fallout 4, another Wolfenstien game there is quite abit, not including new IPs.
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