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A handy guide to show how sharing games works on the PS4...




  On 6/11/2013 at 1:36 PM, eldav said:

The one thing that im worried about is the small size of the console, how good is it at cooling itself with such hardware?

Also can the ps4 controller be used in pc ?

Still, man microsoft got served.

The CPU and GPU are both pretty weak, hopefully cooling shouldn't be a huge issue.

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It was a piece of comedy really. I still cannot fathom how anyone thought the Xbox's new DRM crazy business model was going to work. The execs at Sony must have been falling out of their chairs laughing when they heard the news. Lots of champagn was enjoyed I'm sure. The console war ended before it even began. It was a total rout. The playstation 4 is ONE HUNDRED dollars cheaper and has NONE of Microsofts new draconian DRM measures.


Those two selling points will catapult the new playstation light years ahead of the xbox. I'm not sure Microsoft can even recover from this. The hole they've dug themselves in is just too deep. Perhaps this means Nintendo will become a serious competitor again when the next generation comes along.

Edited by Kraeten
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  On 6/11/2013 at 12:50 PM, Lisnpuppy said:


  On 6/11/2013 at 9:52 AM, billyro said:

Yeah, $5 isn't much, and it ensures continuing support.


Since ESO is now coming to consoles, do you reckon they'll still charge console users the monthly subscription fees? If so, it will rack up a ton of money per month and that's not good.


I hope Zenimax reconsiders their monthly subscription fees. Realistically, even it it was $1, they'd still make a crap-load of money monthly.

You got that link on the subscription? I can't seems to find it but I didn't look that hard either.

I want there to be a subscription. I hate F2P even if its done well I'd rather just pay and not have all that crap. But that is me. :P



This isn't the one I first heard about it on, but http://www.computerandvideogames.com/346874/elder-scrolls-online-will-be-subscription-based-before-going-free-to-play-analyst-says/ has some insight. On my brief glance over it, there didn't appear to be any solid quotes about it though.

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whats sad is the Xbox will still sell. there are far too many Xbox fanboys who just dont care about all that stuff. anyone who has constant internet isnt gunna care about the online checks (hell if they even know it does that). people who keep their games (like my friend) wont care if you cant sell them. many people will be oblivious to the fact (or again, not even know) that BigBrotherKinect is always watching. The hardcore fanboys will still get it. (grand)parents who only know that "everyone wants an xbox" will still get it for their (grand)kids. Sony will still be ahead im sure of it, because Every Gamer knows its better. even a lot of xbox fanboys, are falling away from xbox (not the super hardcore fanboys that is, the smart fanboys are lol)


I am super happy at the price of the PS4. when i heard the price of the xbox1 i was sure Sonys would be that much too, but they werent. $400 was what i had been guessing the whole time. i probably wont pre order one. im not sure yet. i gotta see where ill be at with money by then. ive got a bunch of high expenses between then and now (car, dentist, etc) if i pre order itll be like a month or so before its released.



also, im SUPER excited for Destiny. i posted about it in the Xbox Reveal Thread, but this is also an appropriate place.


Destiny looks to be a reason to buy a PS4 in and of itself.

- COOP! (huge in my book. not enough coop games)

- Leveling (RPG elements are never a bad thing)

- (player specific?) Loot! (looks to be generated per player, no loot stealing!!)

- Public Events!


it reminds me sort of of Borderlands, just in the fact its COOP and has RPG elemtents, and seems to have funky fun weapons. i love games with Leveling and ability choices. in most cases it adds to a game. gives you something to stride for, and gives you short term and long term goals. plus the fact that its COOP! there simply arent enough couch coop games around except CoD and Battlefield and Borderlands. (though idk for sure if Destiny is couch COOP or just online coop, but i hope its couch coop). Public Events a la GW2 sounds amazing. and it looks like anyone can hop in your game to tackle this Public Event? which means the game is single player online similar to Demons/Dark Souls? where its single player but people can come in? maybe they can only come in when a Public Event is happening. like something will pop up on your screen letting you know one is happening? or maybe its only friends that can join in, or you only get the message for events happening in Friends Games (this seems more likely, otherwise i feel like thered be events non stop haha) theres just so much in my mind swimming about this game!....plus it looked like the loot was Player Specific, since they both got different drops from that mini boss. which means no loot stealing, which is always good (something Borderlands needed haha)


k off to go rewatch that gameplay footage!!



Destiny also has a chance to be on PC as well. though ill get it for PS4

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If its amd chips, they run pretty cool considering, especially radeon cards in general, if its amd guarantee for it to run efficiently.


Gamecube had a ati card, and now they have consoles in the bag yet again :biggrin:
Also betting pre ordering is off the scale at the moment, if they are open at gamespot and others. I could see Sony having issues keeping up with demand lol.



I am on a e3 watching brake, information overload :blink:

Edited by Thor.
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I believe they (One and PS4) both use AMD 8 core APUs. They should run pretty cool, but hopefully they put some decent ventilation, don't want another fat PS3 mishap :P


But meh, for that price I can upgrade my GPU :P So far, I don't see any games that would want to make me get a console anways. I haven't had one since 2002, think it's gonna stick that way haha.

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Cant find jrpg games on the pc, and generally playstation games are more fun.

Man i cant wait for some really good turn based jrpg games, now theres a genre that has been spoiled by "casual gamers".

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