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fnv crashes on startup

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when i launch fnv from vorrtex it crashes on startup, i used LOOT and fnvedit to order it and clean "dirty plugins"

here is my load order:


0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
11 b TLD_Travelers.esm
12 c NVInteriors_Core.esm
13 d AWOPDeadMoney.esm
14 e Project Nevada - Core.esm
15 f Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
16 10 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
17 11 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
18 12 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
19 13 WeAreLegion.esm
20 14 GreatKhanGreatOverhaul.esm
21 15 SGO for NV.esp
22 16 Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
23 17 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
24 18 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
25 19 WeaponModsExpanded.esp
26 1a EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp
27 1b WMX-DLCMerged.esp
28 1c Less Empty Nellis.esp
29 1d AWOPDeadMoneyVendorPatch.esp
30 1e Economy Overhaul.esp
31 1f Bash_Stealthboy.esp
32 20 Bash_Stealth.esp
FO4 Power Armors - TTW Standard Edition.esp
33 21 Project Nevada - WMX.esp
34 22 FO4 Power Armors - FNV Standard Edition.esp
35 23 FO4 Power Armors - FNV Compatibility Edition.esp
36 24 More Realistic Aiming.esp
38 26 Sevens Sins ENB - required weather plugin.esp
39 27 True Leaning.esp
40 28 Windows of the Mojave v1.2.1.esp
41 29 Water Overhaul.esp
42 2a CCSP2_5d.esp
43 2b FO4PowerArmor.esp
44 2c MigNammo.esp
45 2d NPCsSprint.esp
46 2e ImmersiveRecoil.esp
47 2f NPCs Can Miss.esp
48 30 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
49 31 TeslaWeaponsPack.esp
50 32 JustAssortedMods.esp
51 33 Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
52 34 Project Nevada - EVE No GRA.esp
53 35 EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp
54 36 IMPACT.esp
55 37 WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp
56 38 Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp
57 39 Asurah_reanimation.esp
58 3a WMX-CCSP-AllDLCMerged.esp
59 3b WMX-EVE_ALL_DLC.esp
60 3c Asurah_Reanimation_Handgrips.esp
61 3d NCROverhaul.esp
62 3e WeAreLegion.esp
63 3f Boacombat2glove.esp
64 40 boa ncrpahelmet.esp
65 41 NukaCola-Ojo.esp
66 42 Platinum Radio.esp
67 43 WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp
i am very new to modding pls help
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Your first mistake was to use FNVEdit and then clean your files, You should never do this. FNVEdit is for advanced users as it says on the description page.


Go through and read what you have installed. You have a few conflicting plugins. Disable and uninstall them. Also, uninstall the TTW plugin, you don't have TTW.

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If you're using Vortex, don't use LOOT, it's already built into Vortex.

Well, for one you have Gun Runner's Arsenal installed (GRA), but you have EVE FNV - NO GRA installed

You also have Project Nevada ALL DLC and Project Nevada NO DLC installed

I'm pretty sure you're only supposed to have ONE of these installed

FO4 Power Armors - TTW Standard Edition.esp
FO4 Power Armors - FNV Standard Edition.esp
FO4 Power Armors - FNV Compatibility Edition.esp

Also, make sure you read the Description page on every mod, because it's known that when using WMX, you MUST make a Merged patch using Xedit at the very least, then you can make a Bashed Patch.

None of these are Vortex problems however, this is a case of installing every optional mod that's in the mod package because a lot of older mods aren't packaged to install properly with a modern mod manager.
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Project Nevada is problematic, even with no other mods.

It is a large, game-changing mod. Those are never easy.

You need to install it and the prerequisites it requires as the only mod in a profile of its own. Vortex Profiles are perfect for this.

Follow the instructions on the mod page - and don't get "creative" until you have something that works.

You better have a decent game rig also, with lots of Ram.

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