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This thread sickens me. I've enjoyed Skyrim more because of mods. Now mod authors are claiming Art and Intellectual Property rights that likely do not exist. You might as well have released these to the public domain.


Art? When you get a wall at the DMA you let me know. IP? Mods are glorified mix tapes. Good luck selling that in court.


As far as Nexusmods goes, I suspect they are within their rights to make sure mods remain accessible. Twitter? Yeah, they own your tweets. Facebook? Yup, they own your posts. Do not expect Nexusmods to self-immolate to assuage your fragile egos.

If only one could have mods without those pesky authors getting in the way, ruining everyone's fun.

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This thread sickens me. I've enjoyed Skyrim more because of mods. Now mod authors are claiming Art and Intellectual Property rights that likely do not exist. You might as well have released these to the public domain.


Art? When you get a wall at the DMA you let me know. IP? Mods are glorified mix tapes. Good luck selling that in court.


As far as Nexusmods goes, I suspect they are within their rights to make sure mods remain accessible. Twitter? Yeah, they own your tweets. Facebook? Yup, they own your posts. Do not expect Nexusmods to self-immolate to assuage your fragile egos.

So for some information for you Mr Ball head. When a creator makes something say a picture. A 3d model. They can pay to get them pre set. Meaning they now OWN that model for their usage. Different licensing has different rules of course. So when they pay for a commercial License and it says "you can sell this product" look at steam. Lots of 3d models sets let you own and sell these items you create. Meaning the mod makers OWNS THEM LEGALLY. they have IP rights. Its good to know you don't really look into things.


Just for you Btw A mixtape is a compilation of music, typically from multiple sources, recorded onto a medium. With origins in the 1980s, the term normally describes a homemade compilation of music onto a cassette tape, CD, or digital playlist.


SO lets play that game. they buy art/models. legally own it and then add to it. That's not a mix tape. They take halo art mix it with a fallout gun. That's a mix tape. just a example for you.


"As far as Nexusmods goes, I suspect they are within their rights to make sure mods remain accessible. Twitter? Yeah, they own your tweets. Facebook? Yup, they own your posts. Do not expect Nexusmods to self-immolate to assuage your fragile egos."


They are now that they have changed the TOS that before was a mutual agreement and now is a literal forced holding of content. They tricked/lied and cheated to steal it now. And when it should show "NEW TOS PLEASE READ AND AGREE" they just sneak it in and tell everyone "My way or the highway"

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This thread sickens me. I've enjoyed Skyrim more because of mods. Now mod authors are claiming Art and Intellectual Property rights that likely do not exist. You might as well have released these to the public domain.


Art? When you get a wall at the DMA you let me know. IP? Mods are glorified mix tapes. Good luck selling that in court.


As far as Nexusmods goes, I suspect they are within their rights to make sure mods remain accessible. Twitter? Yeah, they own your tweets. Facebook? Yup, they own your posts. Do not expect Nexusmods to self-immolate to assuage your fragile egos.


Your attitude sickens me, I was one of those Modders who you think has a "fragile Ego", that put aside my time and tried to help you in the Vortex Support Forum.


Had I known what kind of person you were, I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to help, especially after seeing how entitled and uninformed about the situation you are.


The TOS was changed, and we've been given an ultimatum to "Delete ALL our stuff, or STAY and they get the rights to ALL our stuff"


But, taking sides BEFORE you know the story says a lot about you.

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This thread sickens me. I've enjoyed Skyrim more because of mods. Now mod authors are claiming Art and Intellectual Property rights that likely do not exist. You might as well have released these to the public domain.


Art? When you get a wall at the DMA you let me know. IP? Mods are glorified mix tapes. Good luck selling that in court.


As far as Nexusmods goes, I suspect they are within their rights to make sure mods remain accessible. Twitter? Yeah, they own your tweets. Facebook? Yup, they own your posts. Do not expect Nexusmods to self-immolate to assuage your fragile egos.


Your attitude sickens me, I was one of those Modders who you think has a "fragile Ego", that put aside my time and tried to help you in the Vortex Support Forum.


Had I known what kind of person you were, I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to help, especially after seeing how entitled and uninformed about the situation you are.


The TOS was changed, and we've been given an ultimatum to "Delete ALL our stuff, or STAY and they get the rights to ALL our stuff"


But, taking sides BEFORE you know the story says a lot about you.


Dont forget they changed the TOS before they announced it to everyone and has been archiving files even now before the official "grace" period has even finished.

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Dont forget they changed the TOS before they announced it to everyone and has been archiving files even now before the official "grace" period has even finished.




^ Yes


It never ceases to amaze me, that the "community" (going to use quotes around that word from now on, now that I've seen the true colors of the people in it) will always side against the MODDERS, and start referring to them as having "Fragile Egos", or "Crybabies", without even learning what is actually going on FIRST.




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Guest deleted34304850


This thread sickens me. I've enjoyed Skyrim more because of mods. Now mod authors are claiming Art and Intellectual Property rights that likely do not exist. You might as well have released these to the public domain.


Art? When you get a wall at the DMA you let me know. IP? Mods are glorified mix tapes. Good luck selling that in court.


As far as Nexusmods goes, I suspect they are within their rights to make sure mods remain accessible. Twitter? Yeah, they own your tweets. Facebook? Yup, they own your posts. Do not expect Nexusmods to self-immolate to assuage your fragile egos.


Your attitude sickens me, I was one of those Modders who you think has a "fragile Ego", that put aside my time and tried to help you in the Vortex Support Forum.


Had I known what kind of person you were, I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to help, especially after seeing how entitled and uninformed about the situation you are.


The TOS was changed, and we've been given an ultimatum to "Delete ALL our stuff, or STAY and they get the rights to ALL our stuff"


But, taking sides BEFORE you know the story says a lot about you.


i thought i remembered the name.....:)

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Dont forget they changed the TOS before they announced it to everyone and has been archiving files even now before the official "grace" period has even finished.


The terms of service has change several times over the years, with zero notification....... The change from delete, to archive, occurred a couple years ago, I think. It simply wasn't obvious to mod authors until recently.

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The "TOS might change at any time without notification, it is your responsibility to check" thing that websites do is such nonsense. Mass emails are neither difficult or expensive. And the site even has a Notification system built in. It might be legal, but there is no moral sense to changing the TOS without sending out a notification of it.


Most people probably won't read it, but that would be on them.

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When a creative content creater says "I dont care, use my work." They actually say, after years of struggling getting their work stolen, their rights violated, they started to force themselves to not care, to have some sort of peace. Don't be that person & abuse that desperation!

I doesn't matter if they don't care anymore. It matters that YOU care. Fill up that dried out well of recognition and respect. Help them feel important and valued again. Show them how it SHOULD be. Show them how it COULD be!

BE a positive in their world.

It doesn't matter what any TOS says, or that yet again another company just exploits them. It doesn't matter that entitled people yell, BUT THIS HAS TO BE FREE.


YOUR own moral compass matters, and that YOU have the power to SHOW them,



That said - I am amazed how users and mod authors who think its absolutly fine that mod authors get their rights violated are throwing a tantrum or are in the wrong. And those users and mod authors completly dismiss that they reasoning comes from a place of emotion and subjective need. You actually don't approach this rational and objective. Yet you accuse mod authors who want the bare minimum, control over their content, tto be the drama queens, the emotional ones. Thou you are throwing a tantrum over a mod, that got deleted. Just to bring that into perspective here. Control over my own content, a valid and rational right and demand. There's a small little difference to e.g. twitter, facebook, twitch, they still provide real time delete and what you delete won't be available for public. I don't know why everyone is refusing to say that, when they bring their little comparison to those sites.

But the biggest issue is a retroactive change. Normally a change like that would mean, everything from the point of this new legal agreement will fall under it. Everything before, wont. This isn't the case here. Now I am on this world since 34 years and had my experience with companies, employers and all sorts of people. And never have I ever expirienced tthat a retroactive change was made to benefit anyone else than the company or the business. And because this is reailty and fact, we have laws. And they are really super strict about that. Because thats reality.

So you can say what you want about the intention of nexus, or if mod authors are right or wrong, or if you are right or wrong. The only discussion has to be about a retroactive change that is violating mod authors rightts. And practically gives a collecttion curator and nexus more rightts over a mod creatted, than the actual creator of a mod. (btw. my tt gets stuck, therefore its double, because as I made my pretty big and good eye mod, I f*#@ed my keyboard for you guys. My ctrl completly broke off, and my t is stuck. Because ctrl.+t was essential for the eyemod. Not that it interests you...you dont care about the mod author.) And it doesnt matter that you want your mods you love forever be THERE, this is your emotional problem you have. This has nothing to do with morals, ethics, laws and rights. I don't wanna do the dishwasher...seriously I don't. But I have to. I don't wanna pay groceries, I would love to just take the stuff, but thats not how this world works. And if you can't understand that this is not how the world works, that it doesn't only cater to your needs and wantings, then I sadly have to tell you, you need to learn that. Because my mods and my work, my property is not there so you can statisfy your need for constant availability for something.

I do understand itts hard to lose content. I did, too. Or I can't use something because it has closed permission. But I am an adult. I am reasonable. I accept it, I move on. Because that's the reasonable thing to do. People have the right to delete, to hide, to close permissions, to go inactive. It's simply their right, morally, ethically, and protected by laws as well. So as an adult, with reason and logic and empathy, I acceptt it. Maybe I don't like it. But sure, I dont like to do the dishwasher either. I still have to accept, I have to do it. I can't punsh on the table and yell: "BUT I WANT!" No matter what it means for anyone else: "BUT I WANT!" I mean sure, I can refuse tto make the dishes, but then the consequenc is, I have to eat from dirty dishes, or my flat soon looks pretty disgusting. The consequenc here is, you trample on mod authors rights, nexus tramples on mod authors rights. They don't have any other choice, then mod authors go. Because if you dont wanna make the dishes, I dont wanna stay in a dirty flat, thats for sure. "BUT I WANT!" - That's something 3 years old Justin does, while laying on the floor in the supermarket. And his mother can't because Justin really had enough chocolate, and the bills are a lot this month, and Justin's mother really have to count every coin. Justin's mother can't reason with him, because he doesn't understand the concept of reality and real world, and being an adult. But maybe you guys do. Nexus doesn't care for that, its pretty clear. So I wont even bother to address them. But maybe you modder or you mod autthor, you out there, maybe I make you think. Because for me, you are actually not just a number. You out there, you are a person.

What brings me to another thought - how old are you? I am so amazed by this. Like seriously...how old are people who really don't understand that retroactive changes are bad practice and denying a realtime delete and off public availability option is really dubious. And should always be a reason to have some sort of distrust and should be followed with actions that protects you from future "issues". This time it means, delete all the mods, and leave this site as a mod author.

And now to another thing. I see so often people saying that they want content to be always present. This demands from us the mod authors, that we, see you as a human. With your human needs, rights, feelings, wishes, thoughts. Yet you deny mod authors exactly this. We are as well humans with needs, rights, feelings, wishes and thoughts. We are NOT just a download, we are NOT just a mod, we are NOT here to satisfy your personal need and yours alone. This has to be said here. If you don't feel the solidarity, the wish, the morals to ensure that I am treated correct and as a human being, why should anyone give you that treatment back?

This discussion here isn't about TOS, rights, laws. Its about being a decent human being, having some empathy and morals. And having a correct moral compass. That's all what this is about. Nexus showed their moral compass isn't really correct, nor good. All of you who think its fine that mod authors lose their right of control, questionable moral compass.

So maybe....start to recalibrate.

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