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Funny enough, they discussions on youtube are better than here. I don't think a single person has called me a troll anywhere else for holding a different opinion.

They wouldn't, because you found yourself an echo chamber on Youtube.


I officially uploaded my sims 4 mod here, so you can no longer tell me it doesn't affect me.

Can't recall anyone saying it didn't, but throwing your lot in with the side who says you have no rights whatsoever doesn't seem like the wisest choice, but then, I don't think any of us is expecting wisdom from you. Just more ignorance.

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Also, I learned in my math class that in order to be able to be 95% sure that data accurately represents the general opinion of a community with a 5% margin of error, the researchers would need to *randomly* select a group of *at least* 385 mod authors, and then gather feedback from them. Even if you did get a sample of at least that many people it doesnât count if you didnât give each and every mod author on this site an equal chance of being selected. Thatâs not an opinion meant to spare peoples feelings; it is a mathematical fact. Not selecting a sample size in this manner would've introduced bias into your sample, which would nullify any results you would get.

Showler is the only one operating under the delusion that Nexus will work with mod authors on the new system. The rest of us are well aware that we don't get a voice in this.

I also believe that you are indeed correct. After the deadline, nothing will change. Nexus will proceed along their path, exactly as they have already defined. If you upload here, you are essentially handing ownership of your mod to Nexus.


It's not a delusion at all as we are literally working with mod authors on the new system as part of the internal testing going on right now (which is also referenced in the news post even). As we're making progress, we'll be adding more mod authors to the testing group and their input is and will be shaping the collections feature.


We do not claim ownership of any mods you upload to our site. Anything alluding to the contrary is completely false. Please stop making such claims or we'll have to moderate against it.

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And to all of you who say mod authors are cry babies and they throw tantrums and they do stuff out of spite - I BEG YOU!!! Go on all big mods and their comment sections. GO THERE! READ ALL PAGES. BECAUSE thats what the mod authors had to read as well since YEARS! Just go on USSEP - GO THERE! It's horror!


The only time where I see users are actually rather positive, friendly and actually try to work WITH the mod author is Stardew Valley! I went back to Witcher 3 modding scene - after 2 years break and was shocked. The amount toxicity that went on there on nexus, Mod Authors leaving the scene because it was just heartbreaking.


I am always on both sides, I am an user and MA! And I have empathy and understanding that you have to validate the person where the person is. Not everybody knows modding, someone started maybe last week. Someone is maybe a person with a disability, or simply has two left hands for technical things.


BUT OH MY GOSH - READ THROUGH COMMENTS ON HERE! Go - please - do! Read them ALL!!!!!! Mod Authors as well as users are ALL just humans. ALL OF US! And sometimes its ENOUGH!


Exactly like THIS situation with nexus now - ITS ENOUGH!


But the general appreciation towards people who create stuff for free, or even for money is SUPER LOW. And in the gaming scene - its even worse. People have no clue what it means to make a game, a mod, meshes, nifs, textures, SCRIPTS. "UNP version", "SHAVED VERSION", "WHY NOT STANDALONE", you dont even get a sentence, or a please... - sure - I just make 24 textures with my right butt cheek. SURE! And you know what - thats a human issue.


Its when people dont understand something - and think - it cant be that hard.


That's why for example many mod authors here asked - is it really not possible to implement collections without those changes. Because many here are aware - this isn't easy. Nexus set up - this isn't easy.


Thats why SO MANY mods are still on here - because MOD AUTHORS DO CARE! Please - see how many nice comments are on a mod. How many people actually SHOW appreciation. Please do! And then you really wonder that mod authors snap...the scale of positive and negative feedback is really leaning extremly towards negative and this since YEARS!


This isn't about users this time - because they HAVE their mods, and HAD them. So many mods can be found on the google....ohh yeah, how mod users lost mods...and NEVER EVER did they get them AGAIN!


Its about Mod authors, and mod authors ONLY! But sadly for users - Mod authors are kind of their issue too because YOU USE MOD AUTHORS STUFF!


The IGNORANCE is mind numbing.


And those last messages here mainly that rotten one to Arthmoor just tipped ME over now.


Can you imagine how many mod authors sit in front of their PCs sobbing, can't sleep, can't eat, depression increasing, because of all this. Can you, YOU, whoever you need to hear it, IMAGINE how it feels to lose so much in SECONDS!!! This meant a lot to some here, this meant a lot to MANY here!


I f***ing can't anymore.


I was pretty upset about the stunt nexus at first and for a good while, but at this point I don't care so much. Not because modding means nothing to me, just that modding doesn't need the Nexus. So they're not going to be on this site, probs a blessing. May the next place be managed way better, and actually care about us.

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You know what - this isn't a modding issue. This is a general issue of people don't have respect and apprecition for people and their work.


You all who think how poor the users are WHO GET FREE STUFF SINCE YEARS AND YEARS - you don't care if the image you just saved and printed out made someone and actually sells it. You don't care how much work a game was, you don't care that there is actually a human being behind all of this work.


You don't care about that human - and maybe how hard it is for that person to make that mod, game, drawing - in the first place.




And if that is your first priority - that YOU CAN have the mods and how it feels TO NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE A MOD - then you aren't that noble person to begin with.

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And to all of you who say mod authors are cry babies and they throw tantrums and they do stuff out of spite - I BEG YOU!!! Go on all big mods and their comment sections. GO THERE! READ ALL PAGES. BECAUSE thats what the mod authors had to read as well since YEARS! Just go on USSEP - GO THERE! It's horror!


The only time where I see users are actually rather positive, friendly and actually try to work WITH the mod author is Stardew Valley! I went back to Witcher 3 modding scene - after 2 years break and was shocked. The amount toxicity that went on there on nexus, Mod Authors leaving the scene because it was just heartbreaking.


I am always on both sides, I am an user and MA! And I have empathy and understanding that you have to validate the person where the person is. Not everybody knows modding, someone started maybe last week. Someone is maybe a person with a disability, or simply has two left hands for technical things.


BUT OH MY GOSH - READ THROUGH COMMENTS ON HERE! Go - please - do! Read them ALL!!!!!! Mod Authors as well as users are ALL just humans. ALL OF US! And sometimes its ENOUGH!


Exactly like THIS situation with nexus now - ITS ENOUGH!


But the general appreciation towards people who create stuff for free, or even for money is SUPER LOW. And in the gaming scene - its even worse. People have no clue what it means to make a game, a mod, meshes, nifs, textures, SCRIPTS. "UNP version", "SHAVED VERSION", "WHY NOT STANDALONE", you dont even get a sentence, or a please... - sure - I just make 24 textures with my right butt cheek. SURE! And you know what - thats a human issue.


Its when people dont understand something - and think - it cant be that hard.


That's why for example many mod authors here asked - is it really not possible to implement collections without those changes. Because many here are aware - this isn't easy. Nexus set up - this isn't easy.


Thats why SO MANY mods are still on here - because MOD AUTHORS DO CARE! Please - see how many nice comments are on a mod. How many people actually SHOW appreciation. Please do! And then you really wonder that mod authors snap...the scale of positive and negative feedback is really leaning extremly towards negative and this since YEARS!


This isn't about users this time - because they HAVE their mods, and HAD them. So many mods can be found on the google....ohh yeah, how mod users lost mods...and NEVER EVER did they get them AGAIN!


Its about Mod authors, and mod authors ONLY! But sadly for users - Mod authors are kind of their issue too because YOU USE MOD AUTHORS STUFF!


The IGNORANCE is mind numbing.


And those last messages here mainly that rotten one to Arthmoor just tipped ME over now.


Can you imagine how many mod authors sit in front of their PCs sobbing, can't sleep, can't eat, depression increasing, because of all this. Can you, YOU, whoever you need to hear it, IMAGINE how it feels to lose so much in SECONDS!!! This meant a lot to some here, this meant a lot to MANY here!


I f***ing can't anymore.


I was pretty upset about the stunt nexus at first and for a good while, but at this point I don't care so much. Not because modding means nothing to me, just that modding doesn't need the Nexus. So they're not going to be on this site, probs a blessing. May the next place be managed way better, and actually care about us.



I don't expect much from companies anyways, my mods are off nexus since one month, and deleted since this week, as I needed the descriptions for the off site. And yeah, Mod Authors can go everywhere. I just made a blog and use MEGA. Discord and twitter for spreading new publishs. But its exhausting, not everyone has that energy, and its heartbreaking. And I can understand it totally that people are mad.


In the end, I am annoyed by humans. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Tonight - MORE!

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Is that really what I said tho?


I didn't say you did. It's one of those things that don't need to be said, because Showler and I have only disagreed with some views, but now there are claims of us lacking empathy? Really? It's such a weird insult or claim to make in such a conversation. Are you a therapist? A psychologist? Or are you just trying to insult us? Which is it?


I hate to break it to you, I have plenty of empathy, as I am sure Showler does as well. But that empathy isn't going to change my views on this discussion. Nor do I think it invalidates any points I have been making. If you disagree, that is fine. you are allowed to do that. But saying we lack empathy ... is fairly ridiculous.

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Is that really what I said tho?


I didn't say you did. It's one of those things that don't need to be said, because Showler and I have only disagreed with some views, but now there are claims of us lacking empathy? Really? It's such a weird insult or claim to make in such a conversation. Are you a therapist? A psychologist? Or are you just trying to insult us? Which is it?


I hate to break it to you, I have plenty of empathy, as I am sure Showler does as well. But that empathy isn't going to change my views on this discussion. Nor do I think it invalidates any points I have been making. If you disagree, that is fine. you are allowed to do that. But saying we lack empathy ... is fairly ridiculous.



Not once did I say you lack empathy, read again pls.

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So..... you are unable to make backups of anything you want to keep? Instead, you think MAs should perpetually make something available to you. Even if they don't make mods anymore or want to deal with users like you represent? That is a fine sense of entitlement you have there. You might wanna get that looked at..... :wink: No one owes you anything. Much less anything that is a result of their own blood, sweat and tears. Hilarious.

I don't think I ever suggested that mod authors should perpetually make something available for anyone. I said if you give something, you shouldn't then take it away without having some sort of expectation of people being upset.

Your response here suggests you didn't even read my comment or didn't understand what I said.


Plus as a mod author ... I don't see how I am entitled for pointing out how human behavior works.



Lol sure, I don't understand what you wrote :rolleyes: Actually, you complained about mods not being available because of 'spiteful' mod authors. So again, is it supposed to be the MAs responsibility to back up everyone's files for them? Whether or not they are upset is on them. Guess what, there is no longer available a mod that I dearly love....also guess what? I have a back up of it. Hmmm. Go figure. You know who I was upset at for that mod not being available for download anymore? The person who caused her to pull the mod. Not her. You are directing your anger at MAs when it should be directed at the ones causing them to pull their mods. Think about it ;)

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And if empathy doesn't play into your evaluation of the situation, and if your empathy isn't shaping your view in this - then it's because - THERE'S NO EMPATHY TO BEGIN WITH!


And I have every right to tell everyone you lack empathy, as much as everyone here can obviously tell me - that it's no big deal that I lose my right to delete MY mods. Or that it's fine for the greater good. Because that logic proved itself soooooo GOOD in the past! The means justifies the end WORKED ALWAYS OUT so WELL!



I go even further - you hanging out here and wanting to discuss with people who are actually suffering. That's what you do. Mod Authors suffer in this situation, and yet you stand in front of them, and tell them, LOOK ITS SOOO GOOD!


You know what - YOU LACK EMPATHY - you can't READ the ROOM!

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And you know what - doesn't feel so good right. When I repeat my opinion that you lack empathy - when I repeat that - over and over. Again and again!


Right....but whats the issue. I just MAKE MY POINT clear - OVER AND OVER! Now on every page to come. You LACK EMPATHY!



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