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No Lobsters?


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I just started modding Fo4 and I was surprised at the lack of monster and/or animals. We need Lobsters, BIG RADIATED LOBSTERS that breath steam and boil you to death. Maybe some pesky Stone Crabs too, that throw stones.

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You should check out this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53550/?tab=posts


Amazing mod. No lobsters. But a whole lot of other stuff, including a ghoul whale!

Nice one indeed. Too bad he didn't add the harpoongun, or I could actually (attempt to) (re-)create the 20.000 leagues quest, underwater vault, following the lore present about it in-game.

...but I don't have enough skill to do the 'ghoul whale' and underwater battle thing.

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