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Loot message for USSEP


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I have the latest and also previous versions of this installed for Skyrim AE and also for when I run the old Skyrim SE (downgrading by copying over files).

In my SE profile I have the older USSEP selected, but in the plugins tab I have this:



Loot (I presume) is claiming that the older USSEP requires the newer Skyrim AE.




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Make sure Skyrim SE 1.5.97 version has this version of USSEP https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266?tab=files&file_id=209150

Make sure Skyrim 1.6.318 version has the latest version of USSEP.


If the issue perssists then its on whatever detects the version of USSEP and Game Version that Makes Loot give this warning.

I doubt its a Loot issue. Could even be Vortex related but thats just speculation. Never understood how Loot detects incompatibilities anyway.

If they are introduced by mods then i might know the answer.


Somebody will know.

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