Sangel2525 Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 Slof, if you by chance read this, I really feel for you. On one hand I'm livid about the people harassing you, on the other I'm saddened that people go to such great lengths just to harass you. For reasons I rather not go into this touches a cord with me. Actually I'll go into it vaguely. I've dealt with people like this before, and the hypocrisy of it all makes me seethe. I don't like sharing too much about myself on the forums, but I'm bisexual, and at one point in my life I was in a very serious relationship with another woman. Half of my entire family disowned me due to the fact I wasn't "normal." Ironically I got off much easier than a lot of other queer folks I know. At least I still have my parents and my fathers side of the family. What irks me about this the most is garnered from observation however. Something like HGEC gets high praise, but a nude male body is "wrong." Not that I have anything against HGEC in particular mind you, as I run it and all, I'm just drawing an analogy. Oh yeah there's a double standard that is offensive to both queer (queer as in LGBT) men and women. I noticed men, and my current boyfriend will attest to this, but he has some thick skin, and well he's generally aloof about most things. He is your typical guy, his straight friends forget. My boyfriend at the moment is openly bisexual as well, though you'd never guess because after all stereotypes are absurd and in real life totally unfounded. Also my boyfriend doesn't care who I tell, as I mentioned he's aloof about most things to the point we get into arguments over it, but I digress. I mentioned this whole issue to him last night, and while he's not into the whole modding scene we both reached the same conclusion on double standards as usual. Queer guys get much more scrutiny, there's this strongly embedded sense of homophobia in our culture especially when it comes to men. With women, for me I find it's more so insulting in that it's almost a novelty, and a joke. I don't like the objectification on that end, and I don't like feeling objectified or having some jerk joke about me, and my girlfriend begging us to kiss. This happened to me once, when I was with that other woman I mentioned above. The real kicker is you are a straight woman! That really gave my boyfriend a laugh when I saw this thread and discussed it with him. You are a straight woman making mods, some of which, are geared towards male erotica. WOAHHHH! How is that even a taboo in the slightest? You're a woman, you're into guys, how is this different than all the guys cheering over HGEC? But the insecure dullards out there see a pixalated nude male and in their insecurity they cry bloody murder and you pay for it, which is a shame as you are really talented. I can't say I blame you on your decision here. There's a lot of people I simply do not wish to deal with out there, and it seems those kind of people are targeting you. Best of luck to you, and I posted a bunch of pictures of my male companion today, who utilizes quite a few of your mods. But I stuck mostly to the Vampire Hunter Outfit you modified for men as well, as that's one of my favorites for both men (thanks) and women. I'm not that far in the questline where I can see this character being introduced, but I guess it was a way of paying homage to you. Some backstory on the character, And the images, So chin up, and all. Realize there are people who appreciate what you do. :thanks: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpacemanSpIiff Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 The community should ask themselves as a whole why its okay to over sexualize females and its appraised by all...but when the same is done to the male form, it gets made fun of, bad remarks, and all sorts of other disgust. Its immaturity at its best. Because of the few who could not just shut their mouths and move on, we lost everything she did. The claws and jewelry i was going to download just as her mods were taken down....ugh that makes me so mad. Im sure there's quite many of us who are a day late and a dollar short on all of her excellent work. The sad part is, the mods made for males was only a part of her excellent work. Im going to miss her khajiit and dremora retextures, her jewelry, and her xivilai. I certainly hope all the homophobes and prepubescent children who cant stand the sight of a digital nude male are happy they turned slof into a martyr of open artistic license :verymad: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ganoesparan06 Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 I have to say im absolutely gutted. And relieved at the same time. I had to reinstall Oblivion and lucky i downloaded all her mods that I wanted before I did so. Ill need to remember to back them up to CD now because I wont be able to redownload them from Internet no more. Shes a great modder and I loved her stuff entirely on the grounds that she was single handedly equalising the Oblivion mod community for the str8 girls and gay boys. There is no other modder that did the sheer volume of stuff that she did for the boys of Oblivion and not all of her stuff is "girly" or "gay" or "kinky" stuff. Christ theres a mod out there soemwhere I seen once that basically allows you to make your female characters and NPCs masterbate. And theres now one that allows you to entirely simulate full sex.Why is there no strenous objections to these mods when our Sloffy gets ripped apart for doing male sex orientated mods? Its complete hypocracy! And she was moving onto doing stuff for Fallout 3 and now she probably wont. So we will have a community riddled with pervy mods geared for str8 boys (and gay girls!) and absolutely sweet eff all for the str8 girls and gay boys. It ruddy sucks. Im gonna stop now cos im gonna end up ranting about it all. Argh! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leenysaurus Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 I'm glad I left this garbage community a while back, but I have to show up again after just hearing that one of my few favorite modders for Oblivion has once again had to deal with insecure babies with wet diapers who can't have anything other than chainmail bikinis and H-cup breasts in their games nowadays. Thanks to you prepubescent jerks, I'll never again be able to get the mods made by AlienSlof that I absolutely love, such as her custom Khajiit textures, horse mod, dog mod, and claws & bracelets mod. Sure, I rarely play male characters, but I've always admired the quality of her work, and unlike most people here apparently, have looked past the context. I've even, as a a female, played and quietly dealt with how it's always okay when a new skimpy outfit comes out for female characters in every cup size possible. Yes, I use a nude female body replacer, too. I'm not bothered by it. I agree even as a straight female that the nude female figure on its own is a work of art. What is a bother is how it's okay when it's a woman, but the moment someone makes an equally skimpy outfit for a man, everyone cries and throws a fit and has to let it interfere so much with their lives that they can't shut the hell up and play their game without worrying about it or deem the nude male form as being equally artistic or beautiful. Nope, you who complained and harassed one of the most talented modders in this shallow-minded community had to make an issue of it until you had your way, so that the community is once again nothing but the same ugly, large-breasted, scantily clad elf females in the same old poses, holding a sword, and heaven forbid anyone rate your characters anything below an 8 or have an opinion against them. It's a form of cancer in this community, the constant slew of those screenshots I see flooding the image share whenever I happen to check this site. There are few nice scenic shots anymore. Few unique new gameplay mods. Just 3D women with nary more than a belt to cover her nipples, posed and holding a weapon of some kind. To AlienSlof - if you're reading any of these threads, I can understand your decision and support you, and would do anything to have the power to punish the narrow-minded jerks who have given you much undeserved hell on more than one occasion. To me and several others, it's definitely a huge disappointment that the immaturity of this community have forced you to stop sharing your mods. Despite the large number of idiots, never forget that there are many of us silently mourning your leave who have given credit to your work for the sheer quality of it, regardless if any of us happen to not share the same tastes. The things you do are what I hope to be doing just as well when I graduate school for the very same things (modeling, texturing, and the like). I hope things get better with the next Elder Scrolls. Even better, I hope it's not able to be modded. I loved the whole concept of allowing free, player-made mods, but at this rate, I'm happy to keep enjoying the game without the garbage. This site has turned Oblivion into a giant toolfest of "who has the best looking character" and "let's fight over screenshots." Let me know when the majority of you are done being jerks with nothing but double standards, spewing hypocrisy and making it okay to cover women as little as possible, but keep men entirely covered in nothing less than a bulky, "manly" suit of armor because of our odd insecurities against homosexuality and the nude male form (or whatever the issue is here, I swear it's just an excuse to cry and further soil diapers in this community of babies). Up until now, I've silently appreciated the work that goes into even a tiny chainmail bikini, even though I don't care for it, but no more. Why should I be so open-minded when so many of you refuse to be, just because it doesn't suit your tastes? Well, to me, from now on, any mod that does any less than completely cover a female character's body is complete garbage regardless of how long you worked on it. What, offended? I don't care. This is basically the attitude too many people are showing towards Slof. I'm done downloading the mods of this community. I can't even enjoy Oblivion the way I first did because of what this community has done to it and the creativity allowed by its mod tools. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangel2525 Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 The community should ask themselves as a whole why its okay to over sexualize females and its appraised by all...but when the same is done to the male form, it gets made fun of, bad remarks, and all sorts of other disgust. Its immaturity at its best. Because of the few who could not just shut their mouths and move on, we lost everything she did. The claws and jewelry i was going to download just as her mods were taken down....ugh that makes me so mad. Im sure there's quite many of us who are a day late and a dollar short on all of her excellent work. The sad part is, the mods made for males was only a part of her excellent work. Im going to miss her khajiit and dremora retextures, her jewelry, and her xivilai. I certainly hope all the homophobes and prepubescent children who cant stand the sight of a digital nude male are happy they turned slof into a martyr of open artistic license :verymad: While I agree with your sentiment Sakura, I don't think it's the community so much as it is people passing through picking up mods. This right here is the community, and I've always found it to be a very open, very welcoming community. Hardly the type of people who don't understand the function of the back button, or will persist with personal attacks even if comments are disabled. The community are the one who are angry, and saddened about what happened to Slof. I know what you mean about missing out on downloads. I deleted The Goth Store while I was completely wiping my data directory a while ago. I thought I still had it on my hard drive, but it wasn't there so I figured, okay I'll re-download it, and install it when I get to Zalis while playing through the game, as I want him to have some nice threads. I never got the chance to re-download the Goth Store. >,< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
myrmaad Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 For the record, I'm a WOMAN who likes big breasts on my characters, and there is quite a lot of backlash toward breasts from the kiddies as well. Believe me, any hint of sexuality gets a lot of grief, and large breasts definitely get as much grief as big schlongs from the majority of the population. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangel2525 Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 For the record, I'm a WOMAN who likes big breasts on my characters, and there is quite a lot of backlash toward breasts from the kiddies as well. Believe me, any hint of sexuality gets a lot of grief, and large breasts definitely get as much grief as big schlongs from the majority of the population. You make a very valid point here. Actually I was in a discussion about sex and violence in video games on the Mods Reloaded forums a few days ago. I mentioned how I find it strange that it's perfectly acceptable to brutalize people in video games, and kill them in almost anyway you can think of. Yet if you show breasts or heavens help you a penis. People freak, especially when it comes to a *gasp* penis. As is pretty much the problem here. I just think culturally we have a lot of things backwards. Just to clarify I have no problem with violence in video games so long as it's only available to an adult audience, same goes for nudity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lonewolfkai Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 You know, I think that the best solution would be to leave someone else in charge of her mods instead of removing them completely. I think this would be a great idea Slof. At least consider this. Or maybe even use another account to post them and author them and just never log on for PM's. I'm a straight guy myself and my lady companions would be very sad if i didnt utilitize some of your mods. and again, thanks for all the hard work you put into your mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asahinta Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 To me and all the members of the community, you will be dearly missed. Good luck with whatever you do Slof. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkady16 Posted March 12, 2009 Share Posted March 12, 2009 Im a straight man myself i have a girlfriend and in my opinion yes i dont mind looking at other women expecially if they are nice looking, i would never use the male bodies mods myself but i wouldnt have a problem with it if thats something you like looking at thats fine expecially if your female if not i barely care, so there shouldnt be such problems to begin with whoever has a problem with this is definately a insecure little brat who jerks off looking at fake boobies, pretty damn sad actually. so if slof does come back she has my support to make whatever mods she wants i just wont download anything i dont like looking at. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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