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Slof's mods withdrawn?


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Posts here might not be seen by her all that soon. If you wish to let her know she is missed I suggest you use her contact form: http://www.slofshive.co.uk/index.php?page=contact


She sometimes replies but I think she is likely to read them all.

On the other hand she might just want a bit of peace, at least for a while. Also, let's hope that link won't provide a pointer for the nitwits she's had problems with in the past.

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Like you, I am frustrated that the same crowd that lead to the promulgation of multiple mods depicting an unrealistic female figure objected to a woman who thought differently.


You see, this is exactly the same attitude that pushed Slof away from us. So the bad guys are the people who wanted large breasts? Or are the bad guys the people who wanted big schlongs? What's the difference, really. I notice that the same people who object to one, are the exact same people objecting to the other.


I can show you hundreds of threads that clearly depict breast backlash around here, and it hypocritical to try to pawn off the blame on one or another of these.


The real problem is the inability to deter people from making negative comments about mods that do exactly what they say on the tin. The only commenting should be on whether it's not working. This community unfortunately tends to support cliquishness and opinion. "I like this" is ok but "I dislike this" is not ok. Maybe the "like/dislike" factor should be completely eliminated, because if you encourage "I like" you also encourage "I dislike".


PM-ing from the mod (rather than the forum) should be generate a form that forces you to choose what your message is about. Fortune 500s use this technique all the time and it cuts down on the BS messages nicely. Just to send a quick note you have to go through several screens, before you can even make your comment, and the comment is subject tagged as complaint/technical problem/kudo etc.


I mean if we could get our schyte together we could actually work all these issues out.


Many people move on from the community and leave their works behind for us. This is the natural course when things are handled well, it's when people are allowed to get away with bad behavior that you see people pulling their mods from the community and it's always sad when it's someone with a body of work. Slof is not a prima donna, as some of other "stars" have been, but I could see through the last few months that she was becoming a little bitter. I don't blame her, I feel the same way in my own way. I'm angry about the breast backlash, you have no idea. I think half this community is full pedophiles and misogynists. I'm still going to keep learning and working and getting better. I'm very new to this. There are big talents coming up. I suggest this community gets itself together.


I myself am no big fan of her work, as I play a male character and I wanted normal, non-revealing clothes for my character, not fetish gear (and I'm not a hypocrite, as I hold female armor and body replacements to the same standard, namely, I want some realism).

Nevertheless, the removal of her work strikes me as being somewhat unfair, even selfish. Just because some people didn't like it doesn't mean that it has to disappear.


Why are you so focused on that one relatively small aspect of her work? This IS the problem whether you realize it or not.


There was much more to Slof's body of work than some pierced schlongs.

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Trying to lure her back is in my opinion the wrong way to go. I'd like to see Slof return as much as anyone, but her health and peace of mind come first. If she does return it should be because she wants to, not because people only want her mods.


I've already seen posts lamenting the fact that her mods are gone and what will we do without this texture or that mesh?


We should all think of the person behind them first and wish her well.



IMO, appreciation of the mod goes hand in hand with appreciation of the modder. If you really think about it, you can't appreciate the art without appreciating the artist behind it. I believe what people are trying to suggest is that Slof can still share her art with those who appreciate it in ways that will not affect her, such as the ways that have been suggested. Its not that they don't care about her, but would hate to see her hard work and artistry gone.

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I wish I had quoted Kjellan's EXCELLENT POST before you booted her or him and made it go up in smoke. Aren't we usually able to see offending posts after someone is banned? That's weird. I guess I'll be disappeared next.
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The post was removed, as said, because Tessera has been banned from these forums, isn't welcome here, and isn't allowed to post here. Relevant or not please don't repost posts that have been removed by moderators/admins of the site. Thanks.



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Okay I'm not sure if I'm being added into your post in response to Astorius as he was responding to me. However I would like to clarify my position here, as really have no problems with female nudity at all.


I'm angry about the breast backlash, you have no idea.


This aggravates me as well. If hypothetically this was about erotic female mods I would likely be just as annoyed with the situation. Actually, and I made mention of this in a thread in Oblivion General. I once noticed someone trolling the HGEC body mod, rating it a 1 because they didn't believe it deserved the accolades it was getting and tried to lower it on the Top 100. How absolutely ridiculous is that? As has been stated many times one should only rate a mod based on its functionality. I reported them end of story. As I mentioned right now I happen to run HGEC, heck I even run the ultra high resolution textures for HGEC. Most of my female clothing mods cover up my character suitably or at times within reason, occasionally you'll get some skin like a g-string or something, but none of my player character's clothing reveals her breasts because it fits her personality from a role playing standpoint. I do however also run some rather revealing clothing mods, where the woman's breasts are totally exposed. It fits some NPC's/Companions I've added, like one Amazon Barbarian character who really doesn't care about what the Cyrodiil status quo thinks of nudity, after all she rarely sets foot in major cities unless it's to compete in the Arena from time to time. I'm not a fan of the H-Cup, and the jiggling breasts, I personally think it's a little over-kill when it comes to HGEC, but hey! To each their own. In contrast you have Zilas the male companion I posted who was going to utilize a few of Slof's mods, but even though he's madly eccentric, and flamboyant I don't see him being the type to show off his package to the general public. Weeell, maybe if someone dared him. :P But there was a lot to choose from to create his look, most of which, was provided by Slof. I just failed to re-download quite a few things. >,< Anyway, basically I tweak mods like crazy, and I like to add various, and diverse NPC's here and there throughout the game. Just my thing, it helps when it comes to the role playing value.


Now I mentioned in a previous post I found SexOblivion distasteful. That may have been a bit harsh, rather I should have elaborated on what I meant with that comment. First off, I've been working a lot with custom animations as of late. From fighting animations, to spell casting animations, from jumping animations, walking animations, hand to hand. You name it. This is in lieu of my discovery of Mayu's Race Idles, now known as Mayu's Animation Overhaul or MAO. What that mod does basically is allow the player character to utilize any animation in the _male directory, while redirecting the NPC's animations to another folder so they only utilize vanilla animations, as opposed to using any custom animations you may add blahhh getting off topic. Anyway I was browsing through the animations category and stumbled upon SexOblivion. I checked it out and my first response was a simple smirk, and me shaking my head. I didn't find it offensive really, more so comical. But for me personally I don't see any point for a mod that graphically simulates sexual intercourse in a game of this nature.


Straight up graphic sex in a game just doesn't really appeal to me. Sexual undertones, atmosphere, and even the whole fade to black thing they have going in Fable, are fine. That adds quite a bit to immersion actually, just look at Blood and Mud for example. With the Bravil depicted in that mod I can certainly see prostitutes walking the streets, and brothels available. In that context yes stuff of a sexual nature does better solidify immersion, but it's more so atmospheric than it is in your face no rhyme or reason graphic sex. I really have no interest in anything over the top personally unless perhaps if it's done within the right context in order to create atmosphere. This is not to say I look down on people who do like a mod like SexOblivion, as I always say whatever floats your boat. It's just not for me.


Now getting to the heart of my point I'm going to have to reiterate a few things I may have already said. Again you make a valid point. Nude, and erotic female mods do face scrutiny from time to time. However if you truly look at the situation and the reality here they face nowhere as much scrutiny as nude male, or erotic male mods. Oh here's an example from the comment thread of the male body I use, MaleFullbodyV37z. Buddah cleaned up most of it but there was still a little left in a few quotes from people, "seriously unless yo a chick downloading this mod is wrong i mean why would you want a nude dude". Yeah seriously yo! :rolleyes: Also keep in mind this is just a simple body mod! It doesn't even scratch the surface of anything erotic. Furthermore, what really gives me a chuckle are the guys who post, "I'm not gay." Then comment on the mod. Thanks for the information on your sexual orientation, but it's really not necessary and it shouldn't be.


There is a blaring double standard here, and it's not just isolated to the modding community but our culture in general. However, I'll stick to modding since modding is what sparked this thread. It's a fact despite the scrutiny they sometimes get, nude or erotic female based mods are much more accepted than nude or erotic based male mods. This makes me as a WOMAN in caps just like you put it a few pages back, feel objectified. So when it comes to SexOblivion, which is centered on women it's not so much the mod its self that I find distasteful, rather the fact that a mod like that depicting graphic sex with a woman is more acceptable than a mod with some revealing clothing for men. Therein lies my distaste, and yes it's misogynistic in nature, though I wouldn't go labeling specific individuals as misogynistic without good reason. It's merely the nature of the proverbial beast here.


Now, I do take into account numbers, and male gamers do still outweigh female gamers, but considering what I've seen in this culture in general. Considering what I've dealt with in my life in general, even if the player base was dead even this would still be a pervasive double standard. Though I will admit female oriented nude/erotic mods might garner a little more scrutiny from some female players if this were the case, however the standard would remain concerning male based nude/erotic mods having the largest amount of complaints.


Why? Well when it comes to homophobia, men tend to be targeted more feverishly, and lashed out at more than women. When it comes to homophobia regarding women, it's seen as more of a novelty, and a form of objectification. Let me ask you a question, because I've heard this a few times. Have you ever heard a straight guy say something along the lines of, "Lesbians are fine, but gay guys make me a little uncomfortable." Sometimes it comes out more like, "WOOO LESBIANS, GROSS FAGS!" On both ends for queer men and women this is offensive, because for women it makes them feel objectified, and more like things as opposed to human beings. For men it makes them feel ashamed, and again feel more like things as opposed to people.


That was the basis of my whole "distasteful" comment. This is based on life experience, communication, and observation. I'm not trying to devalue your point Myrmaad, the morality police will attack everything. All I am saying is it's just more pervasive when it's concerning men, which is why Slof was singled out and attacked so vigorously.

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I'm actually quite confused on what you thought was directed at you.




It's funny that you mentioned you don't like the HCup. Hmmmmmm. I just point that out because when it comes the the H cup, it is exactly the same degree of vitriol as directed at the nude men. And it isn't coming from only insecure teenage boys but they DO seem to detest large breasts, because they could only happen in surgery you know, never ever in real life. *rolleyes*


But it's also from the women, who claim breasts are being objectified. Well they should be, they are symbols of womanhood, just as the phallus as a symbol of manhood. Masculine and Feminine.


The point is I do want my pixels exaggerated, I want to be absolutely certain which is the girl and which is the guy. And as for realism I've seen a few that could stand up to Slof's anytime, and real girls who'd put the HCup to shame.

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I'm actually quite confused on what you thought was directed at you.


That I'm somehow opposed female nudity mods and, exaggerated jiggly breasts, and so forth. Grant you I wasn't totally sure if that was directed at me as I mentioned. Basically you quoted someone who was responding to me, and they had some pretty nasty things to say about nude/erotic female mods out there. I wanted to clarify that I do not share that sentiment in case you thought so, because I do agree with a great many points you have made.


The point is I do want my pixels exaggerated, I want to be absolutely certain which is the girl and which is the guy.


I believe based on this comment I have a better understanding of where you are coming from. In this thread there has been a lot of mudslinging going in the other direction, towards erotic female based mods, and you know something? All things considered YES, it's hypocritical, you're right! Also, more power to you, enjoy whatever suits your tastes. If you like the H-Cup great! I have no problem with that, I'm not trying to impose my personal tastes on anyone. The H-Cup isn't my cup of tea, but I'm not going to berate it or anyone who enjoys it. As I mentioned, my comment about SexOblivion being distasteful was made with poor judgment. I should have elaborated on that comment when I made it. I did so in my previous post to try to clarify my position. Because honestly I have no qualms with the mod its self as I already mentioned. Wow I'm repeating myself a lot. :blink:


However, you're right and in this thread ironically the tide has turned in a few posts some have made. On top of that a lot of generalizations have been made about people who use certain erotic female mods, and that's just wrong. For the record, I personally cannot stand generalizations, or stereotypes. I try to judge people as individuals, as opposed to writing people off or prejudging them over something that is by all accounts silly. Not everyone who runs some sort of erotic female mod is a homophobic, perverted jerk, as some have implied in this thread. Making generalizations like that can hit a cord with good people.


So I would kindly ask if people would live and let live. Yes, what happened to Slof is wrong but it is no reason to attack others via broad generalizations. What I am simply trying to convey is what I find to be a clear double standard, and cultural norm. In a way yes it does offend me, but I can hardly fault any one person unless they give me reason to by demonstrating the kind of behavior that lead to Slof's decision to pull her mods.

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