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So who else shoots cats?


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I only shoot the stuff that shoots at me, or, tries to take a bite out of me. If they are not hostile, they are not targets.


Crows, on the other hand..... I just LOVE the explody feathers thing when I hit 'em. They make for GREAT target practice, as they respawn fairly quickly, and there are usually four or more in a group. :D

Edited by HeyYou
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I don't think that the traveling merchants actually know that they are working for the institute.


I guess if a synth "escapes" the institute, the institute will just send some coursers (or other synths) to ask around if they have seen this "missing person", maybe even invent some sob-story or just pay them for information.

And people are generally helpfull, and so they will share any information that might be useful ("yes, I have seen this guy / girl at that other place, ..."), because helping to find "missing people" is a good thing to do, right?


And even if some of those informants put two and two together, who cares?

For most people in the commonwealth it is a good thing to hunt down synths ...

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Cats hunt mice, and other small vermin.

No, even though I'm allergic to them - can't shoot them.

They have a role to play in this universe....


They eat birds. I like birds. Cats are not welcome.


I only shoot the stuff that shoots at me, or, tries to take a bite out of me. If they are not hostile, they are not targets.


Crows, on the other hand..... I just LOVE the explody feathers thing when I hit 'em. They make for GREAT target practice, as they respawn fairly quickly, and there are usually four or more in a group. :D


I only shoot people that shoot me, but often some idiot walks in front of my gunfire aimed at someone else and gets angry and starts shooting me. I was trying to protect them. So I kill them too.


I've also killed Trashcan Carla, because she somehow became enemies of one of my settlements.



And they are working for "the baddies".

I think EVERYONE is working for the institute..... Crows, traveling merchants, Mayor of DC. (who is a synth....) etc.



I sided with the institute, then when they started attacking my settlements, I went into the institute, shot everyone I could find, then keep shooting synths I find in the commonwealth. But they refuse to become enemies of me.

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Any idea how Carla became an enemy? Was it only one settlement? That is just weird.


Yeah, companions aren't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. One of the reasons I avoid them like the plague. If I am by myself, EVERYONE ELSE is a target, don't have to worry about shooting friendlies. There aren't any. :D

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