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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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Im happy for the price to go up, personally, I wouild be happy to pay a price just to USE the Nexus sites, they're the best thing since sliced bread!

Keep up the good work guys! :)



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I am hoping in April to go premium and I don't mine the extra $10.00 but life has not been that kind the last few years but hopeful if all goes well by April that will change. I have been using this great service for free and I cant tell you how thankful I am for that because with out you guys Skyrim would SUCK. Best of luck and thanks again for this great site and community.
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So about $66 in US dollars for a lifetime membership. That's not too bad. If I could afford it I'd go ahead and get one right now, but I live in a 3 person family that has to make ends meet with $1400 (US) a month. Hopefully the revenue you get from the ads I view (and I'm here a lot so I see a lot of them lol) will at least help out some. I wish you the best of luck with getting the funds you need to keep the site going.


Edit: I decided to get a one month membership. It was only around $4 and it will give me a chance to see what the extra features are like.

Edited by Kalell
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In response to post #9023993. #9024005, #9024017, #9024037, #9024107, #9024244, #9024376 are all replies on the same post.

I already am a premier account holder, and I sure hope the site isn't limited for me during a fund raiser.
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In response to post #9023993. #9024005, #9024017, #9024037, #9024107, #9024244, #9024376, #9024504 are all replies on the same post.

I was mostly joking about limiting the site. It goes against my own ethics for free and open things (within reason) for everyone. I think the donate bar/button would be good if it were a bit more prominent on the sites. I would even throw a bit more money at Nexus if I had that option (already a premium member and have been for years).
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A few more words on this:


  • Money is tight but it's not disastrous. Lack of money makes changes slow going and progressive rather than fast going and aggressive, but I'd never risk the financial stability of these sites for anything (not least because my house is guaranteed against the finances used to pay for the sites! If it goes bankrupt, I lose my house! It won't happen)
  • I never want to guilt trip people in to paying for anything they don't want to pay for and can't afford to pay for. People come to me and say "I am on disability benefits and need to support x, y and z each month but I'm saving up for lifetime premium membership"...it makes me feel freaking awful. DON'T DO THAT! If you need your money then flippin' well hold on to it, don't spend it here, we'll survive. Premium Membership is about helping us out with what you are able to afford. I never want to guilt anyone in to spending money they can't afford to spend.
  • Can't afford it? There's other things you can do in this community that's almost as good as paying. Create mods, provide answers on technical support questions for getting games or mods to work, make friends, populate the site with good attitudes. Show us why it's worth keeping this community going.
  • My ethos on Premium Members is thus; I want you to go Premium because you actually want to go Premium, because you want to support the sites or you want a couple more features. I resent people who come to me and say "I never wanted to go Premium" or "I was forced to go Premium". You most certainly weren't, and we have a 15 day no questions asked refund policy on Premium membership for this very reason. The last thing I want are paying members who didn't want to pay. That sucks. This site is more than usable without Premium Membership.
  • I'd never hold core features on the site to ransom because that's just dickish!
  • Premium Members ask why I don't have a donate button on the site. It's a very generous gesture but I say if you're a Premium Member you've already donated enough. I never want to put myself in a position where I'm indebted to individuals. I want to be indebted to the community, not people donating way above the average. I don't want to rely on that sort of money either.


I've thought about crowdfunding but sites like Kickstarter require a clear tangible goal (and apparently "make the sites work" isn't clear or tangible enough for Kickstarter!) and, to be honest, we don't have much to offer past Premium Membership. We could offer merchandise but this creates a huge workload for me. Say a 1,000 people bought a Nexus hoodie...that's 1,000 people I have to send merch to! While I know there's sites that can alleviate some of the workload, that's still a lot of time, time better spent actually working on the Nexus in my eyes!


What I like the idea of more is community focused funding drives. You put money in to the drive that will go towards the sites and we, in turn, will give free Premium Membership to people who don't yet have Premium Membership but are great for this community. People who've made mods that have reached file of the month, people who've gained lots of kudos for being helpful in the community, top images, and so on. Oh, and the ability to donate Premium Membership to other users. That way don't feel like people are giving me something for nothing.

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Hi Robin, even before I went Lifetime, when one of these essays came up earlier I'd suggested a "randomly chuck a pound at you" (no sub, just support) button. Now as a lifer, I doubly encourage you to put up an extra little tip jar.


EDIT: You typed a rebuttal while I typed. Ignore. ;) Love the idea of gifting Premiums instead!

Edited by LotteryDiscountz
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