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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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I had no idea the server costs were THAT high. Hopefully I'll be able to shove a wad of cash in your face soon ;)


I agree with dgs012, I've been here since 2006 I think and never noticed any major site problems beyond a couple of blackouts or DDOS. The only problem I have currently is that I'll occasionally get a 502 Bad Gateway error, but a refresh typically slaps that away.

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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804, #9033956, #9034024, #9034162 are all replies on the same post.

the nexus sites are getting slower and slower in the last month and the prices go up?
Usually it's the other way around ........

This is the reason why I have not renewed my premium account. Especially the response I got from the "Moderator".
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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804, #9033956, #9034024, #9034162, #9035688 are all replies on the same post.

First of all this is a free site with all the services being free, the site is likely slow right now because they need more money to invest in servers and other services.

Also they literally told you when their price is going up one month in advance? How many places do that now days? This is the type of honesty that most people want out of businesses.

You suggest the site should take sponsorship, you are wrong if you think that would be good for the consumer. Sure the site might be faster, but if an investor bought part of they site they would be doing it SO THEY COULD MAKE MONEY. This would mean NNM would likely cost money, in fact, all membership to the site would probably cost money.

Also would you consider running your posts through a spell checker? You might not be a native speaker of English, but you can still take 3 seconds to run your post through a spell checker, some of it is just hard to read. Edited by Skeptic117
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The amount of content I have downloaded from these sites is probably added a few thousand hours of game play to a many different games. I cannot remember what lifetime membership was when it first came out but I can tell you it is probably the best value for money purchase I have ever made. Even at 50 dollars, it is a no brainer.


And the level of service, quality of mods, range of games covered etc. utterly dwarves what it was back in the day. Nexus has helped take what was a specialized pastime (modding games) and make it so easy that it is mainstream at the same time as fostering a community that makes it almost more fun than playing the games themselves :)


So keep that in mind Dark0ne when reading some of the negative comments here. For every vocal detractor there are a thousand grateful users who appreciate what you guys do for us.

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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804, #9033956, #9034024, #9034162, #9035688, #9035909 are all replies on the same post.

I do get annoyed at the frequent maintenence shut downs lately but I understand that is for the greater good, do without maintenece and the servers would crash completely soon enough. Patience people.
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I have not been a member for long and I don't know that I'll keep playing and modding for a "lifetime", but I'll gladly pay for lifetime premium membership 'cause one thing is for sure: this is the friendliest and most helpful online community of "strangers" I've ever experienced, I'll probably keep referring to it as a rare Web gem for longer than I'll haunting these pages, and that has been offered to me for free so far :). Hell, whenever I check my emails I check the Nexus too, for the Facebook hater that I am, this says a LOT!.. Thanks for nicely reminding me that I had been wanting to go premium since I started modding, Dark0ne, and I simply forgot, shame on me. And many more thanks for the awesome work you and your team do, you and your community of modders have giving me hundreds of hours of fun, much longer than the average game lasts. Cheers to you all for this, guys and girls :).


Edit: I just went Lifetime Premium, and my profile now shows a countdown saying I have 15954 days left!.. Hehe, the Nexus just solved one of humanity's most puzzling mysteries: now we know how long a Lifetime lasts!.. ;)

Edited by Hoamaii
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