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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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OK, I tried three times with different credit cards and couldn't get the payment to go through at any time. The last time I got a SQL Error:



mySQL query error: SELECT cs_value, cs_updated FROM ibf_cache_store WHERE cs_key='mail_processing'


I have gotten enough help here that I felt like helping but now am not sure it's worth the hastle.


Let me know when you are accepting payments again and I may reconsider.

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OK, I signed in today only to find the "Premium" tag under my Avatar. I am hoping that only one of my three payment atempts actually took. If allthree ... or none ... took, I need to know.


If more than one, I will need a refund; if none, I will still need to pay. I don't expect to get the benefits for nothing.


Is there anyone who can answer my questions about my payments? I realize the open forum is not the best place to carry on such a discussion but it is a good place to let someone know there may be a problem.

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  On 9/29/2013 at 10:25 PM, ZeroKing said:

... Here is the link ...

Thanks! I would have eventually found it myself but it is so much easier if someone who knows the answer can point me in the correct direction. I have submtted a query to Support and hope to hear from them tomorrow.
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In response to post #9320212. #9322059 is also a reply to the same post.

Agree with you both. I am still suprised at the number of people I see on the site that are not Premium members. I am not life time (annual I believe) But for as much time as I spend on this site, The help I have received from other members, it is well worth the $20.00 to help keep this thing running. This is a very well maintained, Organized and I sure expensive web site , With out our Premium membership $$$ it could not happen.
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  On 9/29/2013 at 10:19 PM, SpockST said:

OK, I signed in today only to find the "Premium" tag under my Avatar. I am hoping that only one of my three payment atempts actually took. If allthree ... or none ... took, I need to know.


If more than one, I will need a refund; if none, I will still need to pay. I don't expect to get the benefits for nothing.


Is there anyone who can answer my questions about my payments? I realize the open forum is not the best place to carry on such a discussion but it is a good place to let someone know there may be a problem.


It took my money twice. Heh.


Now I'm in this awkward spot of not wanting to look like an ass for demanding a $8 refund, but being out an extra $8 regardless. :tongue:

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