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Ukrainian War: Prelude to Worse?


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Society is getting better? Wow. ...


who says that ?


Society is getting better? Wow. ...


I am not even going to bother engaging on the whole 'assault weapons' thing, as you have already proven you don't have a clue about guns, or american society.

i have already proven what you assume ? sounds not convincing. and i think at least 60% of the u.s. have a better clue of u.s. society than you. seems you are one of the incorrigible lonely western heroes with only two hobbies: playing ego shooters and playing with mass shooting capable weapons.


i know that more lonely cowboys and ego shooter fans will tell the world here in this forum that the second amendment gives all(most) americans the guaranteed right until at least the year 3022 or whatever to defend themselves with weapons deadlier than machine guns and that you believe that most americans have your mind set. i can even tell you the names of them. thanks god this is just a forum otherwise trump would still be (the not elected) u.s. leader and the 6th of Jan. would probably be - in the meantime - a national festival to honor and to thank trump!

if you allow to take all americans into account: i strongly doubt your claim reflects the wishes of the majority of the u.s. to get rid of this stupid mass of weapons and the related problems and it even seems you still haven't recognized this so far on your cowboy ranch.


You are oh-so-concerned about 'scary' rifles, that you neglect to notice that there are NUMEROUS semi-auto, magazine fed, hunting rifles, that are larger caliber than your average AR- variant. Not to mention that ANY weapon is 'mass shooting capable', in fact, a significant percentage of mass-shooters use PISTOLS.


Try not to pretend you have any understanding of american culture. You may have spent a bit of time here, but, you don't live here, you didn't grow up here, ALL of your views are colored by the bias inherent in those that grew up in a society where firearm ownership was heavily restricted. (most of Europe....)


You make a lot of assumptions about me. So far, none of them have been correct. All you see is someone that supports gun ownership, and everything beyond that, is simply your own anti-gun bias.


And then we have the whole statistics thing. If you bother to look, you are more likely to die in a mass shooting in friggin NORWAY, than you are in the US. Have a read here. US ranks number 11.......


And how about the rest of gun deaths? Mass shooting account for a tiny minority of gun deaths. It's the inner city folks that are killing each other wholesale every day here in the US, but, no one seems to really care about that.



i tried to help you with my smiley. it was my intention to answer colored - what is wrong that ? your lack of understanding ?

i does not matter if you are cowboy or not. but it matters if you claim to speak for the u.s but in reality youspeak for some trump and (maybe) for some nra fans and by the way exclude "some inner city folks".

why do you ask for gun death? if you are well informed (not fox or trump tv) you know aready that the u.s. have a severe weapon related homicide, suicide and mass shooting problem no security or self declared weaponized heros can solve or have ever solved or prevented such incidents.


Yep, we have guns. So, yes, we have gun death. Can't have one, without the other. However, if you removed a few democrat run cities from those statistics, the US is actually safer than a fair few eurpean countries. It's the gang warfare that dramatically inflates the perceived danger guns represent. And mass shootings? Yep, we have 'em, and they are on the rise. Is that because of guns? Nope. That is because our society is degrading. When I was in school, the parking lot was filled with pickup trucks, with gun racks that actually had guns in them. (it was legal then.) Mass shootings at the time were simply unheard of. So, what has changed since then? Certainly not the availability of the weapons. (The AR-15, and it's variants have been for sale here since the early 60's.....) Society HAS changed. Dramatically. And NOT for the better. Leftist policies have led us to where we are today, and your answer to that is MORE of them????? That seems awfully counter-productive to me.


You keep slinging terms like 'trumpist', and 'trump supporter' around as insults, which is also a leftist policy..... But, what you seem to be missing is, I am NOT a trump supporter. He is an idiot, and I fervently wish he would just fade from the political scene. Yes, I voted for him for his first term, but, at the time, he is what the country needed. Not more of the same political BS. Unfortunately, once in office, he showed his true colors, and it wasn't a pretty picture. Still and all, I MUCH preferred Trump, over Hilary.... But then, that is the way of things here. You are given a choice of two evils. Folks tend to pick the one they see as the lesser of the two evils. Also, not every republican is a trump supporter. Another false assumption by the left.


As for 'solutions'.... NOTHING the left has suggested is going to make any difference whatsoever. The guns don't CAUSE the problem, they are simply a tool that is used. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. But, no one seems to want to address that issue. Guess it isn't politically correct. After all, another one of the lefts beliefs is that no one is responsible for their own actions.......


And Gun Free Zones..... Might as well put up a sign that says "Target rich environment, where no one will be able to shoot back." Just removing that one aspect, would dramatically reduce the number of school shootings. Even if no one there actually was armed, the mere possibility that ANY adult in the school MIGHT be armed, would discourage 90% of these shooters. Or maybe you haven't noticed (or, purposely ignored?) the fact that 90% of mass shootings occur in gun free zones...... Sure, there are some instances where it wouldn't make any difference at all. Las Vegas shooting springs immediately to mind.... but, isn't the idea to REDUCE the number of incidents? If so, then this one step would make a great deal of difference. But, the left isn't interested in that, they want to focus on the guns, not the people carrying them. So, these incidents continue to happen.

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Yep, we have guns. So, yes, we have gun death. Can't have one, without the other. However, if you removed a few democrat run cities from those statistics, the US is actually safer than a fair few eurpean countries. It's the gang warfare that dramatically inflates the perceived danger guns represent. And mass shootings? Yep, we have 'em, and they are on the rise. Is that because of guns? Nope. That is because our society is degrading. When I was in school, the parking lot was filled with pickup trucks, with gun racks that actually had guns in them. (it was legal then.) Mass shootings at the time were simply unheard of. So, what has changed since then? Certainly not the availability of the weapons. (The AR-15, and it's variants have been for sale here since the early 60's.....) Society HAS changed. Dramatically. And NOT for the better. Leftist policies have led us to where we are today, and your answer to that is MORE of them????? That seems awfully counter-productive to me.


why don't you think vice versa is more proven and expedient? drop nra, drop guns, drop some fanatic trump supporter and you all can feel as safe as in europe.

what's wrong this long term goal ?



You keep slinging terms like 'trumpist', and 'trump supporter' around as insults, which is also a leftist policy..... But, what you seem to be missing is, I am NOT a trump supporter. He is an idiot, and I fervently wish he would just fade from the political scene. Yes, I voted for him for his first term, but, at the time, he is what the country needed. Not more of the same political BS. Unfortunately, once in office, he showed his true colors, and it wasn't a pretty picture. Still and all, I MUCH preferred Trump, over Hilary.... But then, that is the way of things here. You are given a choice of two evils. Folks tend to pick the one they see as the lesser of the two evils. Also, not every republican is a trump supporter. Another false assumption by the left.


this is my way to respond "colored". i give a s*** on political parties and block headed politicians.

i can not take any extremist serious. call them leftist or rightist.


As for 'solutions'.... NOTHING the left has suggested is going to make any difference whatsoever. The guns don't CAUSE the problem, they are simply a tool that is used. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. But, no one seems to want to address that issue. Guess it isn't politically correct. After all, another one of the lefts beliefs is that no one is responsible for their own actions.......


the problem is - even if i like some reps - too many of them behave like idiots or egoists and currently they try to exclude the ones i would take serious.

and yes, the 3 year old boy is the problem not the loaded and unsecured weapon killing his father by accident. seems you understand how weapons and humans work. bravo!


And Gun Free Zones..... Might as well put up a sign that says "Target rich environment, where no one will be able to shoot back." Just removing that one aspect, would dramatically reduce the number of school shootings. Even if no one there actually was armed, the mere possibility that ANY adult in the school MIGHT be armed, would discourage 90% of these shooters. Or maybe you haven't noticed (or, purposely ignored?) the fact that 90% of mass shootings occur in gun free zones...... Sure, there are some instances where it wouldn't make any difference at all. Las Vegas shooting springs immediately to mind.... but, isn't the idea to REDUCE the number of incidents? If so, then this one step would make a great deal of difference. But, the left isn't interested in that, they want to focus on the guns, not the people carrying them. So, these incidents continue to happen.


you think too small - gun free zones in las vegas ?- that makes me laugh compared to the gun free (not free but severely reduced) zone europe with gun laws you can call at least law and not a joke like in the u.s. where alcohol for a guy is forbidden but the same guy can shoot you down with his legally bought ar15.

sounds weird ? no, that is incredibly wierd and that is real u.s. security logic and law supported by trump and many other reps including you and all the 2nd amendment loving cowboys - just forgetting about the future of the next generations. a loaded ar15 per window or per rat makes the weapon industry and the nra happy but i doubt it solves any of the existing security related problems.

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Yep, we have guns. So, yes, we have gun death. Can't have one, without the other. However, if you removed a few democrat run cities from those statistics, the US is actually safer than a fair few eurpean countries. It's the gang warfare that dramatically inflates the perceived danger guns represent. And mass shootings? Yep, we have 'em, and they are on the rise. Is that because of guns? Nope. That is because our society is degrading. When I was in school, the parking lot was filled with pickup trucks, with gun racks that actually had guns in them. (it was legal then.) Mass shootings at the time were simply unheard of. So, what has changed since then? Certainly not the availability of the weapons. (The AR-15, and it's variants have been for sale here since the early 60's.....) Society HAS changed. Dramatically. And NOT for the better. Leftist policies have led us to where we are today, and your answer to that is MORE of them????? That seems awfully counter-productive to me.


why don't you think vice versa is more proven and expedient? drop nra, drop guns, drop some fanatic trump supporter and you all can feel as safe as in europe.

what's wrong this long term goal ?



You keep slinging terms like 'trumpist', and 'trump supporter' around as insults, which is also a leftist policy..... But, what you seem to be missing is, I am NOT a trump supporter. He is an idiot, and I fervently wish he would just fade from the political scene. Yes, I voted for him for his first term, but, at the time, he is what the country needed. Not more of the same political BS. Unfortunately, once in office, he showed his true colors, and it wasn't a pretty picture. Still and all, I MUCH preferred Trump, over Hilary.... But then, that is the way of things here. You are given a choice of two evils. Folks tend to pick the one they see as the lesser of the two evils. Also, not every republican is a trump supporter. Another false assumption by the left.


this is my way to respond "colored". i give a s*** on political parties and block headed politicians.

i can not take any extremist serious. call them leftist or rightist.


As for 'solutions'.... NOTHING the left has suggested is going to make any difference whatsoever. The guns don't CAUSE the problem, they are simply a tool that is used. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. But, no one seems to want to address that issue. Guess it isn't politically correct. After all, another one of the lefts beliefs is that no one is responsible for their own actions.......


the problem is - even if i like some reps - too many of them behave like idiots or egoists and they try to exclude the ones i would take serious.


And Gun Free Zones..... Might as well put up a sign that says "Target rich environment, where no one will be able to shoot back." Just removing that one aspect, would dramatically reduce the number of school shootings. Even if no one there actually was armed, the mere possibility that ANY adult in the school MIGHT be armed, would discourage 90% of these shooters. Or maybe you haven't noticed (or, purposely ignored?) the fact that 90% of mass shootings occur in gun free zones...... Sure, there are some instances where it wouldn't make any difference at all. Las Vegas shooting springs immediately to mind.... but, isn't the idea to REDUCE the number of incidents? If so, then this one step would make a great deal of difference. But, the left isn't interested in that, they want to focus on the guns, not the people carrying them. So, these incidents continue to happen.


you think too small - gun free zones in las vegas ?- that makes me laugh compared to the gun free (not free but severely reduced) zone europe with gun laws you can call at least law and not a joke like in the u.s. where alcohol for a guy is forbidden but the same guy can shoot you down with his legally bought ar15.

sounds weird ? no, that is incredibly wierd and that is real u.s. security logic and law supported by trump and many other reps including you and all the 2nd amendment loving cowboys - just forgetting about the future of the next generations. a loaded ar15 per window or per rat makes the weapon industry and the nra happy but i doubt it solves any of the existing security related problems.


See, by your responses, you reinforce my view that you don't have the slightest clue about american culture. Therefore, any discussion with you on this topic is pointless.

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See, by your responses, you reinforce my view that you don't have the slightest clue about american culture. Therefore, any discussion with you on this topic is pointless.


i can brighten your mind or what is left: i've never expected anything from our exchange. in best case you ignore all facts (what you did) and play with your guns as always. i'm sure you would even ignore your fellow citizens or "inner city folks" if they do not share your opinions.

so i recommend: never change, just be happy and ignore :smile:



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the uncontrolled social networking growing in the internet is more a danger than a KING or whatever.




Who said I was talking about digital networking ?


But WOW ... Ya'll sure went off there. I hope it wasn't me to trigger it ?


People networking : face to face or otherwise.

It's like even here on the internet ... you know when you are talking to a real person.

And I have to say ... I know HeyYou is one.


Of course the User formerly known as Pagafyr wasn't ... but at least we got the real deal back ; )


@Pagafyr A notification that you added me as a friend ... tells me you had removed me as a friend :sad:

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The right to protect ones self and their property is fundemental. But the right to be armed in overthrowing government is mentally ill at best. Either you use the tools of societal agreement ... or you cross the line and become an enemy to those who can . Then the question is ... what do we the people who can still maintain society do with those types of people ?


Or point blank ... the threat of violence will not be given value in the court of diplomacy.

You have missed the lessons of history. All great revolutions from the American, to the French to the Russian and even the British to an lesser extent, have been bloody and violent. Consider those bloody revolutions as a society protecting themselves, their families and their property, defending their "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness".


It's just a matter of scale. Me vs you, us vs them, ours vs theirs, the powerless vs the empowered. It's just scale.


And remember, diplomacy is only a continuation of violence, just more polite and couched in friendlier terms. However, the subtle threat of violence underlying in diplomacy is very powerful indeed.


The abolitions of segregation, apartheid and independence of India were made without any violence but you strangely never mentioned them.



Your kidding, right.


The British killed hundreds of thousands Hindus and Muslims during India's drive to independence from British rule. And the Hindus and Muslims were no nicer to each other following independence. Gandhi may have preached non-violence, but the British weren't obliged to be peaceful. Nor were the Muslims being driven from their homes necessarily peaceful. And the Hindus who were opposed to Muslims in government positions definitely did not adhere to non-violence. And that war continues, as today, Hindus routinely kill or assault Muslims for simply eating beef.


The South African Arfrikans government killed hundreds of thousands of blacks during South Africa's drive to end apartheid. Whole townships were burned to the ground. And the blacks were no better, attacking government buildings, killing government officials, etc. The ending of apartheid in South Africa was anything but peaceful.


The abolition of slavery led to a Civil War in the North American United States. Millions died in the effort to make that nation free of slavery. Further, that nation is still fighting that war, as enclaves of White Supremacist foment open warfare to drive the descendants of those imported as slaves from that nation.


Did the Indians have to make a war to gain their independence? No

Did the Black South Africans have to make a war to abolish the apartheid? No

Did the Black Americans have to make a war to end the segregation? No


Is it true that napoleon and hitler saw their empire disappear before they died? Yes

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the uncontrolled social networking growing in the internet is more a danger than a KING or whatever.




Who said I was talking about digital networking ?


But WOW ... Ya'll sure went off there. I hope it wasn't me to trigger it ?


it was not clear to me. i put both together. The reality sadly is that in the meantime more and more people use just digital networking as a replacement for conventional social networking. we know the results (best example the 6th Jan Capitol storm as a sad infinite reminder). My experience is that - especially for weak minded people - it is easy to enter conspiracy cicles but it is nearly impossible to leave them without suffering from social pressure or even violence.


@Oblivionaddicted - just simply true and well known facts - but how do you tell that ignorant and short sighted people who just live in their present conspiracy and ego bubble ?

They answer always their own questions based on their own assumptions or fantasy and most times nowbody ever asked - while simply ignoring the relevant questions (they do not like to answer). it is a simple trick but i'm pretty sure it does not work with people reaching at least a medium intelligence level.

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the uncontrolled social networking growing in the internet is more a danger than a KING or whatever.




Who said I was talking about digital networking ?


But WOW ... Ya'll sure went off there. I hope it wasn't me to trigger it ?


it was not clear to me. i put both together. The reality sadly is that in the meantime more and more people use just digital networking as a replacement for conventional social networking. we know the results (best example the 6th Jan Capitol storm as a sad infinite reminder). My experience is that - especially for weak minded people - it is easy to enter conspiracy cicles but it is nearly impossible to leave them without suffering from social pressure or even violence.


@Oblivionaddicted - just simply true and well known facts - but how do you tell that ignorant and short sighted people who just live in their present conspiracy and ego bubble ?

They answer always their own questions based on their own assumptions or fantasy and most times nowbody ever asked - while simply ignoring the relevant questions (they do not like to answer). it is a simple trick but i'm pretty sure it does not work with people reaching at least a medium intelligence level.



OK to be clear ... I was not excluding the use of digital for social networking , which I thought I explained the point being ... feeling like you had a real person on the other end.

So whether someone is face to face , or at the other end of a digital chat. Spending the time and being open , and above all using your own powers of discernment ... you can glean whether you are talking to an algorithm or someone actually using their powers of discernment.

Which then in the question of who is in control ... means you are in control ... so careful not to lose control and let your algorithm speak for you.

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@Pagafyr A notification that you added me as a friend ... tells me you had removed me as a friend :sad:



I saved myself from brandishing a sword in every direction like the War is causing many people to do. Afraid of even their best friend.


I removed everyone I had because I didn't know if I would be coming back. You might be able to imagine why if I explain a bit. I began to think death was at my doorstep about to ring the bell.


I felt unsure I would ever return. The lessons I learned from Tibet and India taught me to listen to my breathing. Not to shut out all other sounds, but to let me become quiet and hear all the sounds around.


I heard some deep terrible vibration while I pondered what I may have thought to spell out that time. A deep desire arose to go to speak with a person high in the scholar's sight honoring him for his part in making these computer's for people who needed an aide. Wanted home business computers and such later on! His energies were flagging and I felt deletion of the account was pertinent. I unfriended and Deleted the acct because I felt Dad's soul dying out.


The soul dying is worse than the body dying. A soul may live on for many lives. Or so the ancients' theologians say. I deleted this link at the moment I realized there was a disturbance because I felt abandoned like I never felt before, and after I did I got the call, he was, actually dying.


When we think about a emotional thought with a word we can realize it, focused on breathing, everywhere I look, I see weaker and stronger emotional ways in everything. Abandoned is a particularly dangerous word if it isn't reasoned with in a calm way. To avoid getting everyone in a cloud about and around me so I could focus on where the sense was coming from I removed all my friends and discovered the direction that was alarming me.


I have never been far from where I live and having been taught by people whose aim sometimes was only for profit I had to learn to separate the lessons from pick pockets from lessons which do have exercises to prove the lesson's work. Some of the pick pockets were actually teaching good lessons with the exercises too.


Thus I saved myself from brandishing a sword in every direction like the War is causing many people to do. Afraid of even their best friend.


Dad died. My doubts about some of the ancient lessons I learned were dashed and now I know they are good lessons. If I could teach them to all who seek now I would be able to.



Thus I saved myself from brandishing a sword in every direction like the War is causing many people to do. Afraid of even their best friend.

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Ya I think about dying . Mostly cuz I have no home ,

16 guage and some heroine .... that's my health insurance plan.

And I am sick of fixing old peoples shiot for them .


Add edit : is that a sign of getting old ?

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