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Your longest fight


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Uderfrykte Matron anyone? In my game it ended up being completely invisible (i heard sometimes the script works and sometimes he's completely/not at all invisible) and i kept swinging at nothing and having it be behind me. It kept jumping around and i finally ended up running out of health potions so i run off the side of the mountain hoping it would follow then i pulled back hoping it would continue forward and fall to it's death. It think it worked.... but i couldn't find the body so i can't really tell...


also Mehrunes Dagon. I spent literally two game sessions trying to beat it. Then i was like DAMN IT!! and used the console to kill it. Did you know that when you do that, mehrunes kinda crumbles up like a paper wad and his body is like super deformed? and you can like lift him over your head it's like his skin is fabric or something and he's a hollow giant...

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Did you know that when you do that, mehrunes kinda crumbles up like a paper wad and his body is like super deformed? and you can like lift him over your head it's like his skin is fabric or something and he's a hollow giant...


I guess Bethesda didn't bother to give him proper ragdoll physics since he's all but indestructible without the console. Or wabbajack....


I have to say the Balrog in Midas Magic took an agonisingly long time to kill. Frost damage works well, but since my only source of frost at the time was an enchanted dagger, I ended up scratching his hoofs for two dozen minutes or so. I was immune to fire and 85% armoured, so the Balrog must have felt the same.

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Did you know that when you do that, mehrunes kinda crumbles up like a paper wad and his body is like super deformed? and you can like lift him over your head it's like his skin is fabric or something and he's a hollow giant...


I guess Bethesda didn't bother to give him proper ragdoll physics since he's all but indestructible without the console. Or wabbajack....


I have to say the Balrog in Midas Magic took an agonisingly long time to kill. Frost damage works well, but since my only source of frost at the time was an enchanted dagger, I ended up scratching his hoofs for two dozen minutes or so. I was immune to fire and 85% armoured, so the Balrog must have felt the same.

You know it's truly a battle of the great ones when both sides can single handedly defeat armies, but they can't seem to do any damage to each other...

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I've just had a hell of a time with Mankar Camoran. I guess it's different if you're a melee character, and I did defeat him once in the past, but this time I'm using OOO. It felt pretty much the same fight, except I could do no sustained damage to MC and follow through. Magic resistance is one thing, but he kept renewing an absorb spell on top of that, and healing :ermm:, in addition to the standard difficulty of attacking him (ie having to get ruma and raven out of the way).


My summoned daedroth nearly always went after the 'lesser' two opponents first, and even when my daedroth was on MC, MC ran circles around it while it swung at him like a drunkard. When I had Eldamil (hooray!), half the time him and the daedroth would fight, usually his fault for zapping the daedroth's ass. Eldamil takes three (or more?) times longer to resurrect.


There were a few glimpses of light, when the daedroth and Eldamil and myself had MC in a corner (sort of), but he was never properly cornered, and I had to be careful not to cast at my own team.


40 minutes, most of my potions, and a levelup later, I /kill'd.

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The second character I made was just a typical mage type, no armor, no weapon skills, just a solid caster in all schools. I think I was about level 7 and when I went in the arena and got to the part you fight the guy with the shield that makes him invincible to magic. This was my first time doing the arena quest and this was sorta a surprise to me, I had the sufferthorn dagger I got from the dark brotherhood questline and it was out of charges. I ended up having to use that to hack this dude to death with a blade skill of less than 25. Most of the fight was running in circles waiting on my magicka to regen back enough to be able to heal some and slash him a few more times before I had to repeat. I think this fight took maybe 20 minutes or so. Conjuration spells might have helped but at the time all I had was the summon skeleton, which didn't help me much.
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If you do take out Mehrunes Dagon, does it make any difference to Martin's fate? Even using the Wabajack, I've never had any luck killing him, I just do the temple dash...



No. I don't know what happens in the end, though (

probably Martin will become Akatosh's Avatar and fight nothing, swinging in the air, since it's a animation



My longest fight was, believe it or not, against a standard Necromancer.


Actually, she was pretty weak.


I was using some of my worst equipment, and the necromancer Cured herself every time that i hit her with an arrow. I got 2 levels in Marksman and a general Level because of this (took probably three or four minutes in reality of pure arrow shooting).


I was level 7.




Lots of piercings.

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Necromancers can have maddening AI, moreso than regular mages.


Mehrunes Dagon will always show up in the final scene.


I just do the temple dash...


I had to run to the temple instead of finishing combat in OOO (this might be same as vanilla I can't remember). Most daedra are no problem, spiders and daedroths were falling from 2 shots of my spells at that point, but in the final area there's something that just crushed my pride as a mage forever. Named dremora prince(orange) who casts a spell absorb (often renews it) and makes a beeline directly for the player (ignoring my team of imperial legion suckers) swinging the heaviest 2 handed hammer on earth/oblivion. He rarely turns his attention to any other target so I was largely running away like a sissy the whole time. (as opposed to "backstepping like a sissy the whole time")

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Yeah, the Balrog from Midas Magic is hands-down the toughest enemy to fight...Unless you have Midas Doom Cloud, which halves it's health. To even take it down after a couple of casts of that however, you need to pretty much have your weapon skill maxed out and the governing stat maxed out. And still in the end, you need a good enchantment on your weapon + tons of health potions to stand a good chance.
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