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Funniest kill


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Well, I recorded it on video

Lol, flying like a kite.

I wonder if he had a key tied to his foot.


My funniest kill had to be one of the bandits at Vilverin. I shoot "Custom Spell 89: Flame Ball" (I label mine so its easier to find em lol) and he flys high up in the air, leaving me thinking 'Wtf?' and as I walked away he landed on me and I caught on fire. I think bandits need to take chill pills...

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When i was doing the purification, i entered the sanctuary through the well, sneaked, zoomed in and killed Ocheeva. Then my companion wanted to help me and also shot.... a 250 shock damage enchanted arrow right in my head. So i wanted to get back at him and hit him with my fist. But then the whole sanctuary noticed us and had to run around the city with all the assassins on my tracks. eventually the guards completed the purification. Ironic, isn't it? Edited by Kjkirimi
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I shot some sort of vampire mage with the Deadly Reflex explosive spell, and he exploded, but his naked upper torso kept floating in the air punching at me (with no hands, mind you). Also, the orc who lets you spar with him in Battlehorn castle went flying across the room after I punched him out, and his body lay on the table, but a mysterious force kept attacking me and talking smack. I went to "activate" his body, and his mouth was moving and he spoke to me, but he never got up. I ran like hell though because the invisible force kept attacking me and beating me up pretty badly...
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I used midas tornado in some necromancer cave and i think those npcs bugged because their bodies looked like messy, colored spiderwebbish thing stretching to all directions in that area after that spell. Edited by Mahtawa
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I used midas tornado in some necromancer cave and i think those npcs bugged because their bodies looked like messy, colored spiderwebbish thing stretching to all directions in that area after that spell.

Wow, that's epic...I killed a pirate on board that ship in the waterfront, and he went flying and his head got stuck in the wall. His body was flopping around so I tried to pull him out of the wall, but instead he started to stretch like taffy...I felt like I was in a Bugs Bunny cartoon... :pirate:

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Ran out of arrows, got shot with an enemy's arrow...I used the enemy's arrow and shot it back at him...killed him...

but thats not my funniest, it was just cool...


I shot a bandit whilst he was walking around a camp, it knocked him down then he just went to his bedroll and then went to sleep...

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Ran out of arrows, got shot with an enemy's arrow...I used the enemy's arrow and shot it back at him...killed him...

but thats not my funniest, it was just cool...


I shot a bandit whilst he was walking around a camp, it knocked him down then he just went to his bedroll and then went to sleep...

Lol, that's pretty epic.

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have you ever tried paralyze arrows?...well I once was sneaking trought a oblivion relam and I found a xilivai so because I was still undetected I decided to shoot him in the neck, when it hited him he died becuz I also poisoned the enchanced arrow( enchcanced bow+enchancerd arrow+poison= profit) he melt and his body and parts randomly moved :O
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