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Funniest kill


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One time, I shot a Cheydinhal city guard (who had followed me all the way to the nearby mountains) continuously until he had died somewhere near the top of a mountain. His body however, rolled down the mountain continuously for several whole minutes and I followed him all the way down it till he eventually stopped somewhere in the foothills.


By the time he had stopped, he was dead in a sitting-down position... Really: He was sitting straight up on a rock with hands resting on the ground and legs dangling over the rocks edge. I couldn't stop laughing. ;D

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I was saving Kvatch and decided to enlist legion help...


So we're taking the castle..no prob right? Not when you have 5 archers....


Kvatch archer shoots legion guard in way of scamp. They fight. Legionary wins.




Everybody fights said Legionary. Legionary dies. Kvatch soldier dealt last blow.




Another Legionary Kills Kvatch soldier.


The bloodshed has ceased...



"Now that THAT's outta the way..." :happy:

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I was north of Bruma, taking care of a couple Orcs. I hit one of them so hard, he (?) got knocked into a rock and kept swinging his club. Blood was flying all over the place but all I could see was his head and club. Cast a little Combustive Convulsion and chopped off his head. There I was, looking at a decapitated Orc stuck in the rock with his head rolling down the hill. His head is probably at the IC by now.
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I died from getting paralyzed and falling into lava while doing the Skingrad Gate (Allies for Bruma)



I know a funny glitch, where if you kill someone, open a door, put their body where the door would close, it would go crazy and start to flail limbs around. :D

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I died from getting paralyzed and falling into lava while doing the Skingrad Gate (Allies for Bruma)



I know a funny glitch, where if you kill someone, open a door, put their body where the door would close, it would go crazy and start to flail limbs around. :D


Yeah, that's quite funny. Similar funny things happen when you go and knock a person out many times and they look like they're going to fall on the floor, but the game just goes crazy and they begin flailing all over the place. Though I haven't really seen this happen with people you just hit a few times and they die in a flail fit. THAT would be funny as they'd never get up and it'd go on forever till you left the place. :D

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Either when the khajiit, while he wastraining, almost killed the vampire in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (and also almost killed me when I stood in front of him :dry: ), or when I got sick of fighting a group of vampires and decided to run, and the mage ended up killing most of his friends, or lastly when I was in the middle of a huge group of goblins, about to die, then I transformed into a werewolf (perfect timing XD) and slaughtered them all. I don't really have many funny kills :mellow:
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Now i've died in over 50 ways without meaning to. most of then were done when i was trying to reach a certain spot no matter how ( i havent started using mods yet and i certainly dont use console to reach the places i want to go to) but there was this one time when... shot a dude in his arm and... well parts of his fot was locked to the textures of the ground and he started doing realy fast balerinna swings:/ which is weird since he didnt fall or something and this keept going on for what... like 15minuttes till i got bored and went hunting boars:D
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I was using some mod with a Breathless Sleep knife, allowing you to insta-kill sleeping NPCs. I did this 3 times on the same bed, and then I realised I had a problem looting one of the bodies, so I tried to drag it. Clipping spasms ensued.


I was also doing Boethiah's Shrine quest. Whilst backpedalling from one of the Chosen I realised I'd strayed exceedingly close to the edge of the bridge, but hadn't fallen off yet. Chosen guy wasn't so smart.

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My most epic kill was probably when I was fighting a few guards in some town, and one of them forces me to talk to him while I had an arrow in like "ready position" to shoot. I tell him I'll surrender, and after the conversation exits the arrow goes flying through the guard's head and immediately I get the loading screen because I'm being taken to the castle blahblahblah. When the loading screen exits, the guard with my arrow through his head suddenly falls down from the sky right in front of me. o_O Miraculously, he was still alive after falling, and tries to re-arrest me for attempting to kill him. As soon as I tell him that I'll resist arrest, he just crumples on the ground dead. :D
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