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Bethesda is very, very unlikely to do anything that will prevent normal mods from working. That would kill everything on Bethesda.net including all the stuff for Xbox (Playstation mods would probably be unaffected since they can't add anything anyway). That would be absolutely idiotic of them.


However, they are also unlikely to give a damn about problems with F4SE mods. There are just too many things that can cause problems with F4SE and they won't hamstring themselves that badly.

Maybe there is a silver lining to beths site.... :)


Simply updating the executable breaks F4SE, so far as I know, that is really the only thing that causes problems, and those are quickly dealt with by the authors.

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I remember November 2019

Extremely Well.

I remember November 2019

Everyday, at least 3 new threads

"My mods don't work!! HELP!!"


I remember getting a warning, for talking about which files, and linking to the files that were replaced by the change, so that peeps could revert back. Because steam would only roll back the .exe file. Not the .esm files affected by the change.

Yay to the staff for that one, for being so understanding of what was going on. :yes:

Tho we did get told not to do that, or mention which 3 files anymore...

cuz too many peeps were resorting to sailing the high seas to revert :pirate:


Literally every single .esp/esm mod that was running header version 0.95 got the axe from game version .162


As for a new, improved, updated version.

Give me Fallout FIVE. F your new version, I don't hardly even play THIS version anymore, cuz I've played it out. Give me something NEW.

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Are you sure about that?


Because the change with the version number meant that you couldn't use NEW mods with OLD versions of the game executable.


Reverting your game should have been what CAUSED the problem, not what fixed it.


As I said, Bethesda would have to be completely insane to make old mods not work with current game versions. But they don't (can't) care about people trying to use new mods with old versions.

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I'm wondering how they would make the game Next-Gen. Many things should be updated, shadow distance, level of detail, the precombined system, etc. I'm curious how they would fit all these into a free update considering they have other paid projects as well. I hope it'll be really Next-Gen. :smile:

Edited by LarannKiar
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Showler- Yes sir, I am absolutely certain of it.

All the folks coming for help got hit by the auto update.

I'm sorry but I have to argue one of your points that you made.

It's the number listed in the file header of the .esp/.esl/.esm files that create the incompatibility.


Prior to November '19 the file header version number was 0.95.

That was compatible with .130 and .138. Maybe earlier versions? I dun't remember anybody coming in with versions prior to .138.

Not forwards compatible.


At release of game version .162 the file header version was updated to 1.0

That version was compatible with .162 and .163.

Not backwards compatible.


And the problem wasn't peeps coming in with problems with new mods. It was peeps coming in with truckloads of old mods. Any mods that got updated to the new header version number, worked fine with the new game version.


"My mods are listed in my load order, but they don't show up in game" While I sympathize for the folks that had so many problems, and were freaking out about it, I got tired of reading that.

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Mkay. This might be a bit long of an explain, and I apologize. I just do not want to come off as fighting with you, Showler. We agree on a lot of points, and not on others. But I don't want to come off as being hostile. Right?

Ok, when the first auto update rolled out. November 2019. The forums here, started getting inundated with the users who couldn't get their mods to work. Users with tons of crashes (bcuz they were trying to run saved games containing info from the mods that didn't work), other glitches from users who were using mods that contained fx problems because the FX files were using "dummy" .esp controller files, etc etc.

I don't remember EXACTLY which staple mod it was, that first rolled out, with the compatibility (esp/esl/esm format. The f4se staple mods hit the site with updates really fast) but the big one I remember most was AWKRC (CR?).

When they did come out, we started dissecting them to see what had been changed. That's when the header information came to light.


Hrm. Ok. I'm thinking about what you just posted about the 0.94 header. I'm thinking that it's definitely plausible with 0.94.

I know that the Xedit version 4.0.2 that I have on this laptop creates .95 header. This laptop I do internet stuff on, hasn't played FO4 for Years. So neither the game nor Xedit has been updated on it. So pretty much everything on this machine is .138 game version.

We could test it, if you wanted to? We could come up with something quick and fast, with the .95 header, and then I could make a version with an edited .94 header.

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It probably doesn't matter in the long run. My only point was that Bethesda is not going to release an update that suddenly makes existing "normal" mods break. That would impact tens of thousands of mods and basically every single player who uses mods and that would be a PR nightmare.


Impacting F4SE users has a much, much smaller amount of PR damage.

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It probably doesn't matter in the long run. My only point was that Bethesda is not going to release an update that suddenly makes existing "normal" mods break. That would impact tens of thousands of mods and basically every single player who uses mods and that would be a PR nightmare.


Impacting F4SE users has a much, much smaller amount of PR damage.

I would point out, that a few versions ago, Beth did indeed break EVERY mod out there, by changing the way the were activated in the plugins.txt file......

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