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Pretty much the same methods as with SSE, but using different ID numbers. There's a post in the SSE main forum that explains a whole process that can easily be adapted to Fallout.


Though, I'd imagine the Nexus will probably post an article about it a week or two ahead of time with advice.

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quite nice to read this. all player who mod hopefully know about the problems in advance. just be prepared!


i don't know if the known problems with these major updates are intentionally or not. it doesn't matter and no doubt strange updates were launched in the past.


if they will fix major errors and shortcomings and add dx12, dlss, fsr support at least i apprecheate an update attempt even with some bugs. i would even support by betatesting it.

but i see no such update/release coming.


if the update is just mostly cc content related - Skyrim AE like - it is not worth the headache with all the introduced bugs and incompatibilities with a modded game - my two cents and experience.

i will try to block such an update and hope i can peacefully play my modded game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I think of a "next gen update", I think of new textures, higher detailed meshes, support for higher resolutions (like 4K and ultra wide (up to 5K)), support for new(er) GPU's & their tech. & stuff like that.


Of course I have no idea what they think at Beth, so I'm very curious as to what exactly is coming.


Especially since I've been thinking hard about creating my own 'next gen' version for all tree's & plants with separate "3D" leaves. I already did some quick experiments with the vines & some ivy & it looks nice. Not sure how much the engine can handle though, as I would be adding hundreds of faces to each tree or vines mesh (roughly +4 for each leaf). For a tree with vines added, that could go beyond a thousand extra faces. (& a 1 or 2k texture to cover the leaves.)


The amount of work would be enormous, so I'm not sure if I will actually go thru with it, but I'm definitely waiting to see what that update entails, before I need to start over (with a chance I might abandon it right there).



To get an idea what I'm yapping about (note: this was just a quick test, I do intend to make it look as much as my texture version as possible):


Edited by RoNin1971
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When I think of a "next gen update", I think of new textures, higher detailed meshes, support for higher resolutions (like 4K and ultra wide (up to 5K)), support for new(er) GPU's & their tech. & stuff like that.

Of course I have no idea what they think at Beth, so I'm very curious as to what exactly is coming.


I would be adding hundreds of faces to each tree or vines mesh (roughly +4 for each leaf). For a tree with vines added, that could go beyond a thousand extra faces. (& a 1 or 2k texture to cover the leaves.)

The amount of work would be enormous, so I'm not sure if I will actually go thru with it, but I'm definitely waiting to see what that update entails, before I need to start over (with a chance I might abandon it right there).


I know what you mean about what we think and what they do...

May cause a rift in the event horizon where "versions are concerned". Or at least that's a predictable side-effect of such "overhauls". I'd like to see a whole lot more destructables and operables, along with general weather effects. But game co's will do what they do. On the upside they probably had a few cozy sessions with MS and got some $hit straight, or, you know...



As far as performance of your project, It shouldn't be that bad... :sweat:

Look at Forsythia Replacer and how they did it.

You are just adding leaves to a few base plants that are "instanced" around (same model different position/scale). Then it's just a rendering issue, not memory.

Will be a labor saver for you too. :dance:

For thick foliage fake the interior with a "filler" texture.


FYI: those leaves do not go with that plant. :yucky:

Edited by Blinxys
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FYI: those leaves do not go with that plant. :yucky:

You'll need to explain that one. Its (common/English) Ivy. That stuff grows anywhere. (even between other plants)

the "plant" is nothing but roots. (in my version you will see no tiny red leaves)


The original looks a lot like dry/dead "Devil's Ivy" (to me), but I know not what it is originally supposed to be. (it's called "vines", which they all have :ermm:)


Could have even used "Boston ivy" as well,but I just went with what I think looks good & have plenty of resources for (Decent royalty free photographs of leaves)


The extra idea/advantage I have in mind for this approach is that its far easier to swap the leaves texture for a different type of leave/plant.

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OIC, English Ivy around here is variegated (light/white edged) it's very ground bound, but I know what you mean now.


At first I was just funning with you for a sec, but now that your pressing me, i'll explain myself... :blush:


It's purely an aesthetic thing.

Think it's more the original vines are so scraggly in comparison its a visual mismatch.

(The vines need to be alive looking to support the plant-life).


but I think I get what you are going for now.


Your approach is spot on, and material swaps will get you far i'm sure. :thumbsup:


So just to stay on topic:

30 years ago SGI made forests of fractal based trees that blew in the breeze and you could fly through miles of them.

Next Gen? Please! :sad: We are bound to be the substance between the toes of giants who are apt to step wheresoever they will.

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I would have said a native Linux port, but since Microsoft now owns Bethesda I think we all know that has as much a chance of happening as the Bills playing their game in Buffalo this past Sunday....

Linux would have to natively support directx to do that, and that is something I don't EVER seeing MS doing..... They pretty much have cornered the market on PC gaming, and I don't see them letting that go.

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