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Bad Acting vs Bad Writing


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<snip>Trouble is, they don't WANT to. They are comfy in their little bubble, where only their beliefs are valid...... and accept consequences of their actions??? C'mon man, this is the 21st century, where no one is responsible for their own actions. It is always someone elses fault..... Society, bad parenting, bullied at school, etc.



There's the ones that don't want to. And then there's the ones that are broken pottery to the point that they fall apart, outside of it or when reality pops that bubble.

There's always been a serious aspect of passing the buck. But yeah.

And now, it's ok to do wrong, because somebody else did something worse (in their opinion) than what they did.


<snip> We are not talking about the people I associate with, but with the audience that suckles the crap which spews forth from the monocular plug drug. They don't know critical think, nor do they want to know critical thinking. Like I said, thinking is hard work, and they want none of it.


Ok, so you're being sarcastic. In that case, then yeah... we agree.


These types are literally in every sense of the term, being turned into sheep. Follow the goat, and don't think. Do what the goat says, and don't think. The goat knows what is right and wrong, and the goat will tell you so that you don't have to decide. Trust everything to the goat. Be the herd. The goat protects the herd.

These types always flock together. Because they don't want to be around anything/anybody that is different. That's why I said you need to be around different people, if you were being genuine.


One other thing you'd said, Scythe. They don't know critical think, and they don't want to.

"All the better to make you my perfect little tool. Now get back in line and hop, my good little slave". That's the end goal of all these little bubble societies.



And for the record, the goat is named Judas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_goat

Edited by ScytheBearer
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Interesting read.

Also interesting. Judas. The name of the man who betrayed Jesus, his name became synonymous with treason, traitor, betrayer, etc etc.

Lucifer, the light bringer, betrays and turns against god, and is symbolized by a goat.

While the believers are repeatedly portrayed as "the flock".

Interesting indeed.


Ok for the record, no I'm not bashing on people's religions. Believe whatever you want to.

It's just... very interesting there.

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So posting back on topic.

I watched an oldie earlier this evening. Bicentennial Man, with Robin Williams.

Not my kind of show. I prefer action, or much heavier sci-fi.

But damn.

That was one hell of a show, and that man was one hell of an actor.

My absolute favourite genre is sci-fi, but even it must be somewhat based in reality, I must have Vulcan DNA or something as when it defies ALL logic without explaining I just say Yeah-Nah (there you go StormWolf, another unique to Aus term, somewhat more recent than Pox, although it's an oxymoron I would say the 'Yeah' is used to re-enforce the 'Nah' ie it's a more forceful NAH, lol :smile:)


If we look at the alien movies for example, off they go to LV426, although they do not specify the distance in light years I would determine it just may be in the tens or even hundreds of light years in distance from Earth, now the nearest system is Proxima Centauri, a whopping 4.2 light years in distance, with the current propulsion tech available it would take around 70,000 years to get there. They do go into cryo sleep as an explanation for the time it takes but as far as I can tell the propulsion system doesn't seem to be anything extraordinary, it may be far more advanced than current propulsion, but it's not warp, wormhole or folding of space, which would instantly relax my logic and allow acceptance but the vehicles have thrusters so the Vulcan in me says no, this is illogical, even if you give it the benefit of the doubt and say it's 100 times faster that's still a travel time of 700 years to Proxima.


These things would be acceptable if I didn't overthink EVERYTHING, but that's just me and that's what I do, so when a director leaves me in the dark as too how and why I switch off. Prometheus is another prime example, the trip to that planet was just skipped over like a bad joke, that vehicle looked to just be using thrusters as well.


On the other hand, I am able to enjoy Star Trek, It has explained everything from Warp Drive, artificial gravity (Inertia dampeners) and just about everything else, so good on Gene for catering to thinkers, that's all it takes, an explanation, even if it's totally outrageous, I can accept and enjoy.


TL;DR If the movie tells me people can jump over the moon, it's Yeah-Nah, but if the movie tells me people can jump over the moon BECAUSE (Insert explanation, can be outrageous if they wish) then OK.


LOL, after reading my own post I realise I have contradicted myself, calling myself a thinker, but then saying I need to have things explained, ah, damn, must have overthought it, hehe. :D

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So posting back on topic.

I watched an oldie earlier this evening. Bicentennial Man, with Robin Williams.

Not my kind of show. I prefer action, or much heavier sci-fi.

But damn.

That was one hell of a show, and that man was one hell of an actor.

My absolute favourite genre is sci-fi, but even it must be somewhat based in reality, I must have Vulcan DNA or something as when it defies ALL logic without explaining I just say Yeah-Nah (there you go StormWolf, another unique to Aus term, somewhat more recent than Pox, although it's an oxymoron I would say the 'Yeah' is used to re-enforce the 'Nah' ie it's a more forceful NAH, lol :smile:)


If we look at the alien movies for example, off they go to LV426, although they do not specify the distance in light years I would determine it just may be in the tens or even hundreds of light years in distance from Earth, now the nearest system is Proxima Centauri, a whopping 4.2 light years in distance, with the current propulsion tech available it would take around 70,000 years to get there. They do go into cryo sleep as an explanation for the time it takes but as far as I can tell the propulsion system doesn't seem to be anything extraordinary, it may be far more advanced than current propulsion, but it's not warp, wormhole or folding of space, which would instantly relax my logic and allow acceptance but the vehicles have thrusters so the Vulcan in me says no, this is illogical, even if you give it the benefit of the doubt and say it's 100 times faster that's still a travel time of 700 years to Proxima.


These things would be acceptable if I didn't overthink EVERYTHING, but that's just me and that's what I do, so when a director leaves me in the dark as too how and why I switch off. Prometheus is another prime example, the trip to that planet was just skipped over like a bad joke, that vehicle looked to just be using thrusters as well.


On the other hand, I am able to enjoy Star Trek, It has explained everything from Warp Drive, artificial gravity (Inertia dampeners) and just about everything else, so good on Gene for catering to thinkers, that's all it takes, an explanation, even if it's totally outrageous, I can accept and enjoy.


TL;DR If the movie tells me people can jump over the moon, it's Yeah-Nah, but if the movie tells me people can jump over the moon BECAUSE (Insert explanation, can be outrageous if they wish) then OK.


LOL, after reading my own post I realise I have contradicted myself, calling myself a thinker, but then saying I need to have things explained, ah, damn, must have overthought it, hehe. :D


I was always curious about the space drives some folks used in their movies, where travel times were just a few years, but, people were put into cold sleep for the trip...... and there was no mention of some kind of FTL drive.... Avatar springs immediately to mind....

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Dashy, we have that term in the US too. Except as "Yeah...no." We use it, so that it puts emphasis on the "no". So we use it similarly as you do. ;)

I've been a sci-fi geek ever since I was a kid. So yeah, that's definitely my fave genre.


I'm a bit different about it. It kinda depends. If it's something where I really do wanna know the specifics about it, then yeah... fill me in. If it's something where I have more fun letting my imagination figure it out, or have more fun discussing other people's interpretations of it, well... that's fun too.


Here's my take on why they put them into cold sleep. We still dunno what the effects of prolonged space travel has on the human body. Perhaps they are putting people on ice to prevent muscular atrophy.

Possibly for emotional/mental reasons. Maybe dysphoria from being locked up in a tin can for so long. Or to keep people from killing each other, being locked up with each other for so long.

Or maybe it's just to explain why the actors don't look so much older after traveling through 80 years, in only a couple of minutes of screen time. :laugh:

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Oh! Dashy... I just came across another one!

I've been watching a blind fallout4 playthrough series from a Youtuber named Gopher. He's a brit. So there's always some very cool, and "different" dialog from him.

He just yelled at Deacon saying "Don't be daft!" Daft. LOL I haven't heard that in a while! :D

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Daft sounds even better with the Brit accent, I love their accent, (maybe not so much the 'cockney' version :smile:) there's a TV show called 'Air Crash Investigations' that I will sometimes watch just for the commentators voice, perfect pronunciation of every word with a neutral accent, dude's like music to your ears :smile: he doesn't sound Brit (although I would guess he is) Aus or American. Aus accent is no good, especially the 'occa' version :smile: I find it amusing that if an Aussie or Brit is speaking on American TV they are given subtitles :smile: It's even more amusing when movie aliens from another planet all have American accents :D and every non American actor in an American movie is made to fake their accent :) Hugh Jackman sounds as Aussie as I do, the only exception I know of is Jason Statham, dude probably couldn't nail it :D

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