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New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic


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In response to post #10304675. #10305749, #10305863, #10305967, #10305983, #10306530, #10307194, #10308370 are all replies on the same post.

@ BloodrendX001
As a mod author, if I ever go the extra step of blocking a user from downloading my file, you can be sure that this user will be banned for my life, the life of my children, their children's children and so on...

Believing a mod author will care enough to give back access to his file willingly to a banned user is pure fantasy. It can happen, but I'm pretty sure you've got more chance to win the lottery twice in a row. Don't be blind, a ban will stay a ban.

I'm all for blocking a user from communicating with the mod author, but I will always be against blocking downloads. I seriously considered asking for a refund for my Premium membership when I learned about this. It's the very first time in over 10 years I see something so totally wrong on this site I considered just parting away with it. That's how wrong I think it is...
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In response to post #10304675. #10305749, #10305863, #10305967, #10305983, #10306530, #10307194, #10308370, #10315790 are all replies on the same post.

Seems like the community didn't like it all. I am elligible thanks to a -really- old file i have and a rather new one. And I myself don't like the process.

Blocking comments, letting a group, even if small, group of moderators think what's to happen to a person who posted problematic stuff feels better for me. If the site became so big it's starting to be a hassle, maybe it's time to get more moderators. Just saying.
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In response to post #10304675. #10305749, #10305863, #10305967, #10305983, #10306530, #10307194, #10308370, #10315790, #10317074 are all replies on the same post.


Before jumping to conclusions, you must understand the underlying problem. Before the tools introduced this week, every time a mod author wanted something gone from their mod page they had to file a moderation report. This in turn means it required a staff moderator to judge every single complaint. This is unsustainable as the number of reports grows as the Nexus grows. And we all know the Nexus sites have grown almost exponentially these last 2 years...

The solution given by Dark0ne and his team was to give mod authors more power. They gave mod authors 2 tools.

The first tool allow a mod author to "delete" posts directly without any moderator's intervention. This will free up a lot of time for moderators.

The second tool allow a mod author to ban a user from one or all the author's mods without any moderator's intervention. This effectively remove almost any need for moderators...

With that said, there is a fatal flaw in both tools.

The first tool gives the mod author only a way to react after the fact. You can't delete a post that hasn't been posted yet. It's the "slap on the wrist" option.

The second tool gives the mod author a way to abuse a user by banning him completely on a whim. Since no moderators are involved, the potential and extent for abuse is pretty big. It's the "nuclear" option.

What I would have liked to see is something to complement the first tool by not going "nuclear" at the first sign of problems.

If you give mod authors the power to block communication entirely without banning the user to use the mod, you get a nice middle ground without any side being abused.

If the user should be banned for something, there's always the report option. That option always existed and the bans should come from moderators only. Moderators are the only ones "impartial" in this whole process and they've been doing a great job in the last 10+ years.

I understand the need to cut the workload for moderators, but I think there are other ways than just give full powers to mod authors and be done with it. For example, I suggested earlier that a user could be banned automatically if blocked from communication from 3 different authors in the last 300 days. I think this would alleviate even further the moderators' workload.

There are solution that don't involve a nuclear response. It's not a matter of removing moderators from the equation or getting more of them. It's a question of giving moderators a lesser workload so they can use their time to something else without compromising the good job they did all those years.
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I like the comment delete feature, I used it to clean some comments from my mods (FO3, FNV) that were directed at a different mod (completely unrelated to anything) and some comments where users found their errors themselves - that way the comment section keeps being informative.


I am not sure about the "ban user from file page" feature, at most it should be a "ban user from comment section", they should still be able to download your stuff no matter what.


I'm all for blocking a user from communicating with the mod author, but I will always be against blocking downloads.

+1 to that



The "ban user from pm-ing you" is a good feature, but I will probably never need to use it.

Edited by retakrew7
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In response to post #10304675. #10305749, #10305863, #10305967, #10305983, #10306530, #10307194, #10308370, #10315790, #10317074, #10319861 are all replies on the same post.

"If you give mod authors the power to block communication entirely without banning the user to use the mod, you get a nice middle ground without any side being abused."

Heh, I don't like it. I get the sense you don't either. I probably won't get banned myself, but it makes me uncomfortable regardless. And disagreeable.

I say this as a user above reproach, btw. lol Edited by Rethrain
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I have been watching this go on for a while and commented a few times.

I am wondering why there is an assumption that mod authors are megalomaniacs. Unjust power drunk egomaniacs that will ban people just for fun or "on a whim". I spent over a thousand hours on my mod and when I released it my heart was pounding because I was worried that people wouldn't like it. I only put myself through that so I could share it. I hope that no one ever puts me in the position where I would have to consider banning them from using it. That is exactly what I would not want.

However, there are situations that could arise where I can envision myself not wanting to share 1000 hours of my work with someone that was rude or insulting. I don't need a moderator to intervene or decide. I am an intelligent, capable and fair minded individual who can decide for myself.

I have been floating around the nexus for a while now and I have never met a mod author that has even remotely displayed the the tendencies that are being described as a sure result to these new changes. I have seen quite a few very rude comments to mod authors though.

So rather than predict the ruin of the nexus why don't we all just wait and see.

I have a feeling that these mod authors that have put their own time and effort in to making these mods that everyone gets for free aren't really so bad.

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In response to post #10324378.

I've seen some, and avoided dealing with them. It would be wrong to say all of them are that way, hell, I know some that are very patient (A little too patient sometimes :P). Me disagreeing with it (And others), will have no real impact, except the result from this trial.

I think the truth lies somewhere between "they are all power-drunk megalomaniacs", and They are saints".
Edited by Rethrain
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The second tool allow a mod author to ban a user from one or all the author's mods without any moderator's intervention. This effectively remove almost any need for moderators...




If only that were true. There really is a slight misunderstanding here. Though giving us a lesser workload with the expanding Nexus was certainly a consideration....many mod authors have been requesting these kinds of features for a long time (note I say many..not all so don't everyone jump on here with the "i didn't" or whatever....I said many...not all or even most....)


Thought the mod authors certainly won't report as many...there will still be things reported as most of the reports we get are not from mod authors but the users. Some mod authors will be more attentive to their threads than others. Some will just ignore the offending posts (as sometimes happens now) and someone else will still report them. Sometimes they will report someone as they see that person doesn't need just a ban from their mods but they need to go from here all together.


I don't see us getting "less" busy than we are now. I just see it perhaps not getting so out of hand as the Nexus continues to grow that we don't all go stark raving mad.

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