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Its true that some people prefer to stay ignorant because wisdom requires effort.


But i wouldn't seperate democrats from republicans because they all receiving the same treatment. A nation's democracy as strong as its education system. And USA(Horace Mann to be specific) adopted Prussian (Old Germany) education system because he was really astonished when he saw how obedient Prussian people were. It strictly relies on memorization. Today many countries' education system works with this model. And it really works for them because voters really believe that they have freedom of choice! But self educated men know that the choices presented to us nothing but an illusion. they all lead you to the same path whether you voted for democrats or republicans.

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Its true that some people prefer to stay ignorant because wisdom requires effort.


But i wouldn't seperate democrats from republicans because they all receiving the same treatment. blah...






it was not my intention to separate that at all. but the way things developed in the last years - not only - but especially in the republican party has nothing to do with content or politics and that look to me simply weird - driven from a few power hungry persons. why does anyone accuses information, media and press to be the scapegoat for everything ?

it is obviously about forcing extreme personal power in a more and more reckless way, including meaningless self expression, ego-driven conspirational behaviour and manipulation instead of managing relevant content with highest and only priority. i wish people acting like that should be sorted out somehow from a politically interested and responsible nation. why does this process does not work as normal anymore? why do people in masses with responsibility act unreasonable and weird ? just because someone else weird shouts to them to do so ?

so in the end if american people prefer or at least tolerate weird egoists and narcissists as leaders - ok - maybe they all (including the parties) need or even want this extra lesson in history... ...freedom of choice - just a reminder what happened in 1933 in germany - i hope this does not happen again...

but so many things happened in the meantime - i am not sure about that anymore.

the skills and responsibilities to fulfill the serious job as the u.s president are more and more ambitious to satisfy a whole nation and in my opinion it is not the time for weird, already miscarried experiments.

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i wish people acting like that should be sorted out somehow from a politically interested and responsible nation. why does this process does not work as normal anymore. why people in masses with responsibility act unreasonable and weird ?




I have never seen politics working as intended. In theory it should always seek what is best for its citizens. But reality is another story. Yes people are unreasonable because they are systematically under indoctrination as i mentioned in the blah part. And some of them are just too lazy to learn something useful.


Edited by NukeColaZero
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Masses of people operate under 'mob' psychology, I believe. Part of our shared human evolution. Re: too 'lazy' to learn something useful - useful by whose definition. Many people are only relatively good with dealing with one or two events at a time, and worldwide supply chain delays/failures, along with inflationary pressures, ramp up the difficulty of resolving problems and conflicts. I believe that this, in turn, reduces the amount of time anyone can spend searching for 'truth', especially when so many are working to suppress/conceal information and viewpoints, a process made easier by the interaction between governments, government agencies, mass media, social media, and many varied special interest groups.


I don't see any real resolution, but a more open transfer of ideas/information between adults, with an accompanying increase in tolerance for other ideas, could go a long way. As to the argument that there are ideas that are too dangerous, it should be that the ideas are not shut down, but acting on those ideas, instead of using them to develop/build consensus and tolerance, should be. I do not have a good idea of the limits needed for this.

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Get your forks sharpened and torches oiled.


The media isn't the problem. You have it backwards.


The media needs to pay for paper and ink (literally, if not figuratively), and nobody wants to pay 50 bucks a day for the news. So, to cover costs, media moguls sell advertising space.

The agencies that figure out how much a media outlets space is worth base the calculations on "audience share". The more readers/viewers, the more the advertising space is worth.

So media outlets develop "target markets", groups of people that will read or watch their particular reporting. Then, these media outlets create and deliver their content in a manner that is pleasing to their target audience.

The "low brow" media isn't making Americans dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD. It is the dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans making the media low brow. And eventually the media and their audience enter into a mutually inclusive embrace, create a feedback loop and drop into a descending spiral of ever increasing number of dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans.

So, stop complaining about the media and go look in the mirror. The problem is there, looking back at you.

Edited by ScytheBearer
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Get your forks sharpened and torches oiled.


The media isn't the problem. You have it backwards.


The media needs to pay for paper and ink (literally, if not figuratively), and nobody wants to pay 50 bucks a day for the news. So, to cover costs, media moguls sell advertising space.


The agencies that figure out how much a media outlets space is worth base the calculations on "audience share". The more readers/viewers, the more the advertising space is worth.


So media outlets develop "target markets", groups of people that will read or watch their particular reporting. Then, these media outlets create and deliver their content in a manner that is pleasing to their target audience.


The "low brow" media isn't making Americans dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD. It is the dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans making the media low brow. And eventually the media and their audience enter into a mutually inclusive embrace, create a feedback loop and drop into a descending spiral of ever increasing number of dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans.


So, stop complaining about the media and go look in the mirror. The problem is there, looking back at you.

1- ????
2- Yes it is. Media plays a very crucial part for the indoctrination of the masses.
3- Now you are just saying what was on the video
6- Yes. It makes people dumb and there are research(es) that confirm my statements above. Since i dont like your attitude i am not going to share. Find it yourself.
7- I am looking at it right now :) ZEN master LOL
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I'm a bit curious here though I told myself to stay out of the debates section. :tongue:


How exactly is media being defined? What type? All of it? Some of it? Just newspapers or are we talking internet posted stuff? TV or just particular channels?

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A case in point - here in the U.S., a rule change is being publicized on a controversial subject - the media reported on the change as one that 'requires background checks' for gun sales from 'all dealers'. Sounds great, right? Well, a licensed gun dealer has ALWAYS had to make background checks on buyers. What the rule change is doing, is redefining what constitutes a 'dealer' that would make them have to register with the federal authorities and get a license. BTW, there is a section in that new version that leaves a lot of room for discretion on the part of the federal agency to accuse one of being an unlicensed dealer, and it is on the one accused to defend oneself from the charges (which, if I read it right) that are civil in nature, and requires the accused to foot the legal bills to prove themselves correct, in a fashion very similar to civil forfeiture procedures.


The point being, the 'media' here did not investigate the rule change, merely used their/their agency's bias WRT background checks (no background checks on gun shows/internet sales) to report on this change.


Sorry, I added the information in the previous line for those not in the U.S., so they might have a better appreciation of the point.

Edited by 7531Leonidas
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Get your forks sharpened and torches oiled.


The media isn't the problem. You have it backwards.


The media needs to pay for paper and ink (literally, if not figuratively), and nobody wants to pay 50 bucks a day for the news. So, to cover costs, media moguls sell advertising space.


The agencies that figure out how much a media outlets space is worth base the calculations on "audience share". The more readers/viewers, the more the advertising space is worth.


So media outlets develop "target markets", groups of people that will read or watch their particular reporting. Then, these media outlets create and deliver their content in a manner that is pleasing to their target audience.


The "low brow" media isn't making Americans dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD. It is the dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans making the media low brow. And eventually the media and their audience enter into a mutually inclusive embrace, create a feedback loop and drop into a descending spiral of ever increasing number of dumb, lazy, illiterate and suffering from ADD Americans.


So, stop complaining about the media and go look in the mirror. The problem is there, looking back at you.













The main stream media is just as if not MORE corrupts than politicians. For the EXACT reason you spoke of. They are owned by corporations that are all about that dollar dollar dollar, So why care about the truth when a lie will sell "papers"/ get ratings?


Also if you think they have not been influencing people to care ONLY about what they say to care about you have not been paying attention.

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