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Things that just don't make sense...!


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HAHA yes, topics tend to go off the road quite often, we're not a very active forum :D :wink:

I wish there was catapults in this game. Hogtie Marcy up, toss her in the cup, and YEET!

Followed by Preston. "Another settlement needs your HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP!!!" :laugh:


Bloatfly larva is cut content. Pretty sure there's some files in the fallout4.esm about them.

But yeah. Another nonsense decision on the Dev's part.


WHAT!? Bethesda understanding players??

Oh wait, yeah... "Things that don't make sense!" :laugh: :laugh:


Ok so out of curiosity. What's paper used for? In the game, I mean.

Not sure about paper. Posters at least. But you can turn 3 pencils into a fence.

Try doing that at home. (& No, HO scale doesn't count) :dry:

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HAHA yes, topics tend to go off the road quite often, we're not a very active forum :D :wink:

I wish there was catapults in this game. Hogtie Marcy up, toss her in the cup, and YEET!

Followed by Preston. "Another settlement needs your HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP!!!" :laugh:


Bloatfly larva is cut content. Pretty sure there's some files in the fallout4.esm about them.

But yeah. Another nonsense decision on the Dev's part.


WHAT!? Bethesda understanding players??

Oh wait, yeah... "Things that don't make sense!" :laugh: :laugh:


Ok so out of curiosity. What's paper used for? In the game, I mean.

Not sure about paper. Posters at least. But you can turn 3 pencils into a fence.

Try doing that at home. (& No, HO scale doesn't count) :dry:


The comedy of that isn't lost on me. It's hillarious!


Even funnier, since pencils and most school rulers haven't been made out of real wood for decades... :laugh:

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It isn't. It SHOULD be used for all manner of common objects like Notes, Publick Occurrances, and the like but, like bricks, paper is referenced in the game but not actually in the game.


"There was a hole in the outer wall that was plugged by a bookcase. ONE BOOKCASE. That's it. I started the paper as an act of desperation more than anything else." - Piper Wright


If asked about that, she goes on to explain that the hole was fixed with bricks and real mortar. Not that you'll see any barring mods!

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It isn't. It SHOULD be used for all manner of common objects like Notes, Publick Occurrances, and the like but, like bricks, paper is referenced in the game but not actually in the game.


"There was a hole in the outer wall that was plugged by a bookcase. ONE BOOKCASE. That's it. I started the paper as an act of desperation more than anything else." - Piper Wright


If asked about that, she goes on to explain that the hole was fixed with bricks and real mortar. Not that you'll see any barring mods!

Well, I am actually surprised it was fixed, given the skill level of 'carpenters' available in settlements..... They seem incapable of fixing anything at all.

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That's to keep you from snatching every carriage from every settler, and going Helter Skelter prematurely. :wacko:

"Sean, I found you, the search is over"! :woot: To the first/every baby you see in Diamond City.

With only one baby Beth could be fairly certain the right one wouldn't show up in odd places.


Although, if you think about the lack of babies, it really draws attention Away from the fact that babies aren't really that interesting in and of themselves. o_O

(Well outside of the parents who talk like it's the latest iPhone or something).

At least in FPS/RPG video games that is to say...

To all parents in the audience, your baby is the One exception and is more amazing than you even realize. :wink:


There are some mods that do address the baby situation, Crime and Punishment being one.

But have not really gotten involved in that aspect of the mod yet.

Unsure, but probably doesn't add any to Levelled lists or anything, (I'm just guessing though).

Can't say I've seen anything like that yet. :sleep:

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I just realized something.

Post Apoc the commonwealth has no babies.




There's children. Yes.

Babies? No.

No pregnant women either.... I would expect that birth control isn't readily available....... so, is it just a society of celibates?


Rads made them all impotent?

What you really see is the entire Commonwealth are actually synths and don't even know it?

Edited by fraquar
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