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Very disgruntled.


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I will be very direct.

I support Nexus mod with several Nexus accounts, for over 10 years.

I used to be premium because you had very simplified interfaces.

To find my games via Vortex there was just to scan and then show the path to the game, now it's a pain. Just to install a language is a pain.

My support is well over. In our World Of Warcraft guild there are about 15 of us who have used and supported Nexus mod.

While discussing this morning, my surprise was big. They too have stopped Nexus/ vortex etc...

I reinstalled a game, then wanted moder, I talked about it on Discord of my guild.we had exactly the same worries to reuse Vortex.

Why make simple when you can make complicated is the new Nexus policy.

Yes there are casual players who support Nexus, these like me come back from time to time and see that Vortex is getting more complex over the years!

I thought the principle was to simplify.

I kept paying for several months, hoping that this would change.


So my subscription stops here on all three family accounts.

I am very upset.





Je vais être très direct.

Je supporte le mod Nexus avec plusieurs comptes Nexus, depuis plus de 10 ans.

Avant, j'étais premium car vous aviez des interfaces très simplifiées.

Pour trouver mes jeux via Vortex, il suffisait de scanner puis d'afficher le chemin vers le jeu, maintenant c'est une douleur. L'installation d'un langage est un vrai calvaire.

Mon soutien est bien terminé. Dans notre guilde World Of Warcraft, nous sommes environ 15 à avoir utilisé et soutenu le mod Nexus.

En discutant ce matin, ma surprise a été grande. Eux aussi ont arrêté Nexus/ vortex etc...

J'ai réinstallé un jeu, puis voulu modérer, j'en ai parlé sur Discord de ma guilde.Nous avions exactement les mêmes soucis pour réutiliser Vortex.

Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué, c'est la nouvelle politique de Nexus.

Oui il y a des joueurs occasionnels qui soutiennent Nexus, ceux comme moi reviennent de temps en temps et voient que Vortex se complexifie au fil des années !

J'ai continué à payer pendant plusieurs mois, en espérant que cela allait changer.


Mon abonnement s'arrête donc ici sur les trois comptes familiaux.

Je suis très contrarié.




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Vortex has become "more complicated" because it needs to do more to support more games and more mods.


Doing the things you want to do has not really become more complicated. For instance: you no longer have Vortex scan your entire computer for a game, instead you just type in the name of the game you want to support and click "manage" when it comes up on the list. Actually simpler and more efficient than the old method.


Collections simplifies installing whole bunches of mods at once. Integrating script extenders/ENBs and other utilities simplifies using them.


It has, in virtually every way, become simpler to mod using Vortex, not more complicated.


Now, if your complaint is that it does things that you don't care about but other people need....Well, that's not really a problem with the software, that's a problem with you.

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