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Simply don't understand the plugin limit?


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Hey guys,

i have some problems with my FO4 Install.. trying to set my game up to a new playthrough. BUT... i've ran into a wall


My game is crashing right after i start it, don't even reach the main menu, and if i disable a random plugin or two it's working, then again if i try to enable another random mod or two its crashing again.. it doesn't matter if it's a Armor / Weapon mod or a Workshop mod


so my question is, how do i know what's causing this very annoying problem.


and how to see if i'm at the limit that the game can handle


right now i'm at 165 ESP's and 189 ESM's + ESP's


last time i broke my game by flagging too many "random" esp's as esl


Dang it, i want too play soon :D


PS. sorry for my English is not my main language


Take care my fellow modders!

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The plugin limit is 254 including vanilla plugs for esp:s and esm:s because the upper bytes of Form IDs are reserved for load order index. Otherwise the game wouldn't be able to differentiate between formIDs. FF is reserved for runtime created objectreferences.


So that's not the issue here. It sounds like a problem outside of mods since you can't even load up the game. Did you enable loose files in your ini? Have you verified game files in Steam recently? System updates and drivers?

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What i've done so far is.


enabled loose files, also changed the ini's to fit my enb setup.

installed Buffout 4 and its requirements,


and now again i'd tried to install only the mods i always have in my load order:








LooksMenu Customization Compendium
and Patches*
I mean mods like these,
then i install alot of armor and weapon mods, workshop mods
and no matter what i do as soon i reach above 140 - 180 esp/esl the game dont work any more before i disable a few mods, (the funny thing is it's don't matter what type of mods i try to disable, just a few and the game is working again)
i never verified my game in steam,
if i can't find the issue i'd always just reinstall my game and start over :smile:
and that's why i never get to play the game :D
Edited by fungus111
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and no matter what i do as soon i reach above 140 - 180 esp/esl the game dont work any more before i disable a few mods, (the funny thing is it's don't matter what type of mods i try to disable, just a few and the game is working again)
i never verified my game in steam,


Why did you not have steam verify your game files?

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Yeah, what they said, cite: Raiders, Storm.

@Showler the limit on BA2 appears to be upward of 500 (at least).


Whatever mod manager you are using you should be able to see dependencies and their masters, make sure they are not out of sequence.

Top to bottom.


Then use FO4edit and sort masters bottom to top.


Have you Quick Auto Cleaned QAC cleaned your mods? :huh:

That is likely another prudent option.

Use FO4edit to sort masters as well.

(Right click on *.es* Sort Masters)


Be Advised: there is more to making ESLs than flagging them as such. :wink:


Disabling all mods, enabling a few (logically), test, rinse, repeat.


The above should give you more stable (testable/repeatable) results overall.

Personally, I tend merge patches into main files as much as I can figure top prevent or limit conflicts.

(Lest there is just too much stuff swirling around). :wacko:

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This is something I am very familiar with as I run a game pretty much at the maximum mods. Others have given good advice, but I think as I run my game literally at the max, I have a lot of experience with juggling mods to keep my game running.

From what I understand, there is 256 Master Slots. The main game DLC goes in these slots too, so that gives you IIRC a limit of 248 Masters. These are your ESPs usually.
Then one of those Master slots is also reserved for your "Light Masters" which you can have 255. Creation Club content uses this level of mod slots. These are your ESLs usually.

Now, one thing to note, if you have too many mods your game won't crash on startup, it will crash when you try to actually enter the game itself, at least in my experience.

I would recommend using something like LOOT to verify that too many mods is your issue, as it will tell you that you have mods double loaded.

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Guest deleted42202115

FO4Edit check for conflicts, check for errors, check for dirty edits, merge most simple esp and esl mods, use as few patches as possible. Mostly never trust mod managers and always FO4Edit check for conflicts. After I switched to manual modding and checking everything I never had to hunt for the issue. You don't have to manual mod but you should run all these checks on a mod when you add it.

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