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America in Iraq?


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Ok. I live here in the good Ole USA. My question is should we get the Heck out or what? With the recent Elections and government, I think it is TIME the U.S. got the heck out of there...I have friends that are serving in that warzone....Let the Iraqui people govern their own nation is all that I am sayiing! :smiley:
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Still, that thread has veered almost completely off the topic. We could keep this one to Iraq specifically for anyone who wants to continue to debate it. Please keep this one on topic though, people...


As for getting out of Iraq, well... no. As Theta said, the coalition has made that horrific mess, and the coalition are just about the only things holding the barely existant foundations up. If America pulls out now, the whole thing will collapse, and the terrorists will soon take over the country. Besides, I doubt we (UK) and the other forces there would be very happy with being left behind to do the dirty work for the US.

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We're already in the region as an occupying force. We're building bases and increasing our capabilities in the surrounding area. The administration has no intention of leaving Iraq any time soon. Too much oil and to much pride (Bushs') is at stake to pull out now.


Who cares that we have wrecked people lives, destroyed families, killed innocent people and made the country a haven for anti-Western terrorists? Not us. Those folks over there have freedom, god damn it! No more sadistic oppression from some guy whose name 3/4 of people in the US can't pronounce correctly.


Besides, the Iraqi's are like children. They don't know what democracy is or how to run it. We need to show them how to do it so they can be like us. It's like teaching a kid to tie their shoes or ride a bike. It's hard at first but they'll catch on eventually.


And what about Syria and Iran? They're acting a little uppity too. Many would say a little too big for their britches as well. I mean, we're there and we have the moral authority...them being filthy terrorists and all. Why not tag them too? Apparently more than half the country thinks the President is doing a bang up job! "Four more years!!" is the new official rallying cry of the downward spiral.


Intelligence to hard to gather? Got pesky rules like no assassinations, requirement of Presidential finding, the illegality of torture or Congressional oversight? Screw the agency tasked to collect intelligence and set up a new arm of the DoD! Free from nit-picking and oversight... You can do what you want!


And those annoying reporters always asking around? Threaten them with the implications of "national security" and "you're either with us or against us." Failing that, PAY THEM!! They won't ask questions if they get a little something something. Hell, they might even promote you and your policies.




We're committed now in Iraq. We owe the people there at least that much. We need to complete the nation building task, do it right, stay for only as long as necessary and then get the hell out. If we leave now, the place collapses and becomes a terrorist training and recruitment center.


We made this bed...we have to sleep in it.



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And what about Syria and Iran? They're acting a little uppity too. Many would say a little too big for their britches as well. I mean, we're there and we have the moral authority...them being filthy terrorists and all. Why not tag them too? Apparently more than half the country thinks the President is doing a bang up job! "Four more years!!" is the new official rallying cry of the downward spiral.


That is a joke, right?

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It is a joke but unfortunately that's not how a fair percentage of the US populace sees it!


Whilst I agree (and have said in other threads) that the US and the UK have a moral responsibility to sort out the mess they have made, I don't believe that morality would influence the US one IOTA. They went in to secure the oil and will stay until the oilfields are secure from terrorism or falling under the control of an unfriendly government. I can't see them leaving any time soon.


The US government and ethics have little, if anything, in common but this is capitalist greed and that matches exactly.

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