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Whats with all the xxx mods?


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Apparently, all of modding since it began.



Came back to fallout recently with nexus now flooded with xxx mods. Did I miss anything?

I've lost count of the number of times I've read posts like this over the years. Some derivative of "what's with all the xxx mods?".


I chalk it up to a willful ignorance of human nature.

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I for one don't really mind the titty mods. I don't use them but I like to read the comments on the mod pages which are hilarious. In the end it's all modding and those mods add to our little eco system and keep players engaged, so that's good I guess.

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Guest deleted42202115

My opinion is do anything you like if you are honest and not hurting anyone. Simulated violence is a problem for society. Mixing sex with violence is rock bottom no morals entertainment. Masturbating to rape murder is not making children into nicer adults but that's what some are doing. There is a website just for sex torture in Skyrim. I like people to be happy. I hope everyone enjoys the fantasy shaped women or the gay hulking men or neon club lighting or whatever they like. Honestly making love is the nicest thing you can do in a cut throat wasteland. I hope people keep their stabbing, killing, and dismemberment separate from the sex for mental health reasons. Caging your sex prey is not romantic. Whipping people is not pleasurable. So my full opinion is people are mad horny and it's OK but less violence is best when it comes to sex. Everyone is welcome to disagree. Please don't hate, this is a worthy topic.

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My opinion is do anything you like if you are honest and not hurting anyone. Simulated violence is a problem for society. Mixing sex with violence is rock bottom no morals entertainment. Masturbating to rape murder is not making children into nicer adults but that's what some are doing. There is a website just for sex torture in Skyrim. I like people to be happy. I hope everyone enjoys the fantasy shaped women or the gay hulking men or neon club lighting or whatever they like. Honestly making love is the nicest thing you can do in a cut throat wasteland. I hope people keep their stabbing, killing, and dismemberment separate from the sex for mental health reasons. Caging your sex prey is not romantic. Whipping people is not pleasurable. So my full opinion is people are mad horny and it's OK but less violence is best when it comes to sex. Everyone is welcome to disagree. Please don't hate, this is a worthy topic.


Humans are a problem for society. Not simulated violence. "Funny" thing is some people immediately make a fuss about sex in books, games, movies, etc. but hardly ever about the violence.


We let our kids watch violent movies & play violent games looooong before we let them watch sex & porn.


We teach 'm to hate & fight, instead of love.


On one side you could say: Letting them live out their "rape murder" fantasy in a game makes people less likely to do it for real.

At the same time you could argue it actually lowers the threshold.


Which is true? I don't know.

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Humans are society, for better or worse. You can't have one without the other.....

The issue is now it's a "global society", not an isolated one like it was in the middle of the last century.

The Bible in classrooms worked in an isolated society - it doesn't work in a global one.

No parent of a Muslim kid would subscribe to religious practices they don't subscribe to being taught to their kids - and it being government mandated at that.

That is the place of the religious institutions, not the school system nowadays.

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Humans are society, for better or worse. You can't have one without the other.....

The issue is now it's a "global society", not an isolated one like it was in the middle of the last century.

The Bible in classrooms worked in an isolated society - it doesn't work in a global one.

No parent of a Muslim kid would subscribe to religious practices they don't subscribe to being taught to their kids - and it being government mandated at that.

That is the place of the religious institutions, not the school system nowadays.

As an atheist I don't mind the bible or qur'an or any other religious text and their associate indoctrination removed from the classroom.

...but this (ban it for the sex in it) would be a case of: "doing the right thing, for the totally wrong reason", imho

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