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I also can't find bUseMyGameDirectory. It's nither in the MyOldOblivion.ini nor in Oblivin.ini.


That one is my fault ... it is bUseMyGamesDirectory (note that it should be Games not Game as I had).


It seems that this is another one that is found in Oblivion.ini but not in Oblivion_Default.ini so the game must set that up when installing or creating a new Oblivion.ini (I'm learning interesting little tidbits here).

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To get the game to re-generate a new Oblivion.ini you will need to rename your current Oblivion.ini to MyOldOblivion.ini ( so change C:\Users\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini to C:\Users\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\MyOldOblivion.ini) and then start the game all the way to the Main menu. Exit the game and check your newly created C:\Users\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini and see if it now has bBorderRegionsEnabled in the [General] section and set it to bBorderRegionsEnabled=0.


That could be the problem. I recently bought a new pc and for reasons unknown, I still have the saved files from the other pc (even though I didn't move them to the new). I have the Steam version of the game. Something more that bothers me is that every time I launch Oblivion, the game sets my graphics settings (like it's its first time). Last, but not least, I can't load my saves from the previous pc, not can I make any new saves (auto-save, quicksave, etc).



No I missed this post ... do you have the cloud saves (or whatever Steam calls them) option enabled?



I don't know that. How can I find out?



I'm not familiar with Steam at all but I would guess that you'd use Steam to setup or disable that sort of feature (cloud save or some form of on-line backup system).


- Edit - Oh oh Roman ... is that now +2 :ninja: for Striker?? I normally don't get any ninjas as I'm too slow in detailing my step by steps. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket!

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"Vanilla" became a term for original install and playing Oblivion without any mods (I don't know if this term became more general and is valid for every game or program though). As for Steam I'm not using it too, but its launcher should contain some section in which you can check status of installed games or apps, including options for cloud saves etc.

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Were you able to find out anything about the cloud saves? I'm wondering if Steam also replaces your local Oblivion.ini when you start the game (I think I've seen issues like that reported on other games like Skyrim or Fallout).

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Also don't forget to rename MyOldOblivion_Default.ini back to Oblivion_Default.ini if (and only if) Steam did not get you a new Oblivion_Default.ini when you validated.

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The only thing that I know is that "Steam Cloud Files are synchronized for this app".


Hmm ... so no indication if that applies to just game files or also to saves and possibly INI files.


I notice that HeyYou is reading the thread, and I'm hoping that he may have some insights to share.

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