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This will be the next big topic, hehe. Anyways, we love it, you can't not love it. Even the way out there oddball freaky insanely original ones are great.


This, my favorite genre has churned out such fanatically great films and books such as:


Planet of the Apes


Dune (although I have not read it)

Alien & Aliens


The Terminator

Minority Report

War of the Worlds

Andromeda Strain

Jurassic Park




The Area 51 Series

Star Wars (yah I didn't forget)

Star Trek (although i am not a fan)


28 Days Later

The Matrix

2001: A Space Odyssey and sequels (which I am only just starting)



Mission to Mars


So, i guess you could call this the official discussion on the genre of science fiction, and I'll start by asking some advice.


I just discovered StarGate and Planet of the Apes books at goodwill (best place to get books for cheap). So if any of you have read either of them I'd like a recomendation on which one I should start, or 2001: A Space Odyssey if it is that exceptional.


woot, let it begin!

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Ugh. This belongs nowhere near a list of good science fiction. It's a giant plot hole of a movie that's insulting to the watcher's intelligence.


The Matrix


Highly overrated. They should've stopped after the first one.


Dune (although I have not read it)


Don't bother. Or, read Dune and skip the sequels, the quality really went down as the series dragged on.



In general, if you want good science fiction, read books. The stuff that usually makes it into major movies is a poor representative of the genre's quality.

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Dune and its sequels are among my favourite books - I particularly like 'God Emperor of Dune'.


I also like the science fiction novels by Iain M Banks, in particular 'Excession' and 'Player of Games.' Strange, usually twisted, and very well written.

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I had to stop reading Dune after the first couple of books since I hated the way Herbert exalted his main characters in one book then destroyed them in the next. Looked like the guy couldn't make his mind up! ;)


I know Theta thinks the recent Sci-Fi adaptions of the Dune and Children of Dune are a blasphemy, but I quite enjoy them (but will agree that Stil looks a bit worse for wear). I like Alec Newman.

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For MDRud I'd suggest starting with the Stargate series which is my personnal favorite although I haven't read the Planet of The Apes series. Speaking of which did you see that wonna be of PLanet of the Apes with whats his name in it. Now that's just an insult to the original movies.
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The Matrix



Highly overrated. They should've stopped after the first one.


Agreed, overrated as a series, but I really enjoyed the first one.


Signs had entertainment value because it was suspensful, the director did a good job of leading up to the alien itself... which unfortunately was a bit of a letdown. If it was predictable, I can understand, but its stupid if your saying that you don't like it because you are sac religeous. But hey, god against the aliens is a bit cheesey.


I think planet of the apes would be a great setting for fan fiction, don't you?


An do you notice that from Aliens to Alien 3 it did the same thing, they killed off the major characters that you heroized in the second film, Aside from that whopper Alien 3 is not that bad, but Alien Ressurection is a scar on the franchise.


And another nice one to add to the list: BladeRunner.

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I hope you guys know that there are TWELVE dune books. And all are good.


Looking for good sci-fi? Screw the movies- read the books. The stuff by Niven, Heinlein, and the people that wrote in The Man Kzin Wars (all ten) and The Magic Goes Away universe have written plenty of good stuff.

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Stargate is the best series ever to me. There's supposed to be a new team for SG-1 next season. :angry2: I liked O'neill. But I think he'll still be on the show. Oh well.
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Stargate is the best series ever to me. There's supposed to be a new team for SG-1 next season. :angry2:  I liked O'neill. But I think he'll still be on the show. Oh well.

There won't be a new team, it'll still be SG-1. They'll have a new team member, and O'Neill will make guest appearances ocassionally. :cool2:


It's all good...

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