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Name: He-Who-Seeks

Age: 28

Sex: Yes Please! :lol: I mean male

Race: Argonian

Birthplace: Suran

Weapon: Hunter's Spear


Looks: Tall and sleek Argonian with flat ears and a destictive snout. A Long and muscular tail comes off of my sleek back, with blue and silver scales rinnign alone his spine.


Personality: Spear and Long Blade Expert, specializes in all armor types. He-Who-Seeks is a paladin like character who seeks out legendary artifacts and sells them to the highest bidder. He-Who-Seeks grew up in the water and has an amazing ability to swim underwater for unlimited amount of time. In order to swim well, He-Who-Seeks is very strong and very athletic. Also, alchemy is his fine point. He is very poor with short blade, and blunt weapons, and all forms of magicka except mysticsm.

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Pronounced: oh - dis - e - us

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Birthplace: Ithaca, Greece, Earth

Weapon of Preference: Bow


Fighting Tactics: Wisest and shrewdest of the Greek warriors to fight in the Trojan war, he will stop at nothing to win the battle. That still applied even when he moved to Vardenfall.


Attitude: Always honors contracts and friends. True neutral - he cares more about himself and friends rather than things like good and evil, which has hardly anything to do with him.

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Introducing Kain

Name: Kain

Pronounced: cane

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Race: Drow Elf

Height: 6'3

Weight: 173 lbs

Weapon of Choice: Arcane Spellcasting

Appearance: http://www.hostmysig.com/data/deathpenalty/po_el_m_drow1_lg.jpg

Personality: A dark, brooding personage emmanates from this man. He does not supply reasons for his actions. But it is well known that anything he does is for a strict, personal gain. Though ready to manipulate anything and everything for his own uses, Kain will not betray his own word, once it is given.

He does not bear grudges, simply because any who interfere are removed immediately. None have crossed him and live to tell the tale.

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