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introducing: Diablo-the-Hellraiser


pronunciation: its easy to pronounce




armor: Snakebittens Dwemer elite:pauldrons, gauntlets, and boots. A guy named phil's(cant really remeber) dark hand armor cuirass and greaves.(all recolored to match)


He has dark red skin with enormous wings. They are so powerful that he can fly at speeds up to 30 mph. His eyes are firey red that burns if you look into them.here is a pic if you want to see him.


He was created in the firey depths of Nirn. He came up to destroy tamriel but a sorcerer cast a spell that wiped out his memory. In the meantime he was sent back to the underworld. He has come back to Tamriel, but not to destroy it but to try and remember his past.


He walks into the tavern and takes a moment to overlook everybody. He tries not to look into anyones eyes because they might think he is there to kill everyone. He walks up to the bartender and demands a mazte. He pulls out a small vial, and when the bartender isnt looking he mixes the matze with a stronger alcohol.

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Name: Eiade

Pronuciation: ee-AH-day


Race: Wood elf

Gender: Female

Age: early twenties.

Armor/weapon preference: unarmored, uses hand-to-hand mainly, but has moderate abilities in spear, and occasionally uses throwing daggers.

Personality: Eiade is extroverted and gleeful, with a natural liveliness and charisma that is passed to those around her. She is good at reading people and is able to give accurate insights into personailty, desires, etc. this is probably what makes her a smooth talker, and an excellent persuader. She takes a liking towards Argonians and fellow wood elves.

Appearance and Clothing: Eiade has long light-blonde hair, tied up high on the back of her head (look at avatar). As opposed to many people in this bar, she is always clean and well-kept. Her top is tight-fitting, and her pants are loose, allowing maximum movement. Eiade is very beautiful in appearance, and uses her beauty to mezmerize her opponents in battle.

Class: Acrobat (custom acrobat). Specializes in stealth. Majors: acrobatics, illusion, hand-to-hand, unarmored, athletics. Minors: spear, marksman, speechcraft, enchant, security. She is a very fast runner and agile acrobat. Fav. attributes are speed and personality.


History: Eiade was born in the Bosmer homeland of Valenwood, where she was brought up among the trees. She was trained in acrobatics and Bosmeri unarmed combat. She also learned to use a spear. In her childhood, she loved to run, climb trees, and play hide-and-seek, which is probably what lead her to excel in the acrobat class.


When she was 18, she wanted to get out and travel. She ended up in Morrowind, and took the ship to Vvardenfell, where she now resides. She gets her money by adventuring, entertaining, and being bouncers for bars and taverns. She loves being with other wood elves - it allows her to finally talk to someone in her native tongue, and talk about the beauties of Valenwood, her home. She finds comfort with other Bosmer because they're people she can relate to. She also has a liking towards Argonians, because they are always so nice, respectful, intelligent, and humble. Her history isn't very interesting - not full of tragedy, remorse, betrayal, or any drama of the like. Because of this, she has an optimistic attitude on life and is almost always happy.

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Eiade walks into the tavern, and it is quite crowded by this time of night. She sees another wood elf like herself sitting in a well-lit table in the corner. She begins to walk toward him. With an extroverted, gleeful personality, she laughingly and glowingly says hi to many people in the tavern as she passes them. she sits down at the wood elf's table, says hi and waits for a response.


the elf had twigs and grass in his long hair, which meant that he might be a wanderer or a ranger. she liked follow bosmer wanderers because they reflected the true nature of the wood elves.

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i am a dunmer that i am. born in an outlander but come here for savty have i.


description: his white hair is shoulder leangth and straight. he has a duster on over his armor and drawn up around hi chin. his left ear is piercd and a blue-black orb hangs from it. my hands are gloved in simple cotton and my boots are simple leather.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Introducing Has-Large-Axe


Name: Has-Large-Axe

Pronunciation: ...Has-Large-Axe..tis not hard

Age: He doesn't know, he stopped counting his years a long time ago.

Gender: Male

Race: Argonian - although it is rumoured that Orcish blood also flows through his veins because of his very Orcish behaviour.

Preferred weapon: A daedric battleaxe, it glows fiery orange because of the heavy enchantment on it. However, he has been known to use almost anything as a weapon in a fight if it means that he would win the fight.

Armour: No armour covers his head and feet. However he wears a dull steel cuirass and pauldrons. His daedric gauntlets however, glow brightly with enchantment.

Personality: He is arrogant and belligerent. At almost no provocation he will kill. Many livid scars cover his reptilian skin, he treats as medals of the many fights that he has been in.

Place of Birth: He is not sure about this since he has no memory of ever having parents at all. Only a rough Imperial orphanage full of hot-tempered orcs.

Magic: From many years of experience, he has learnt to fight without armour protecting his head and feet. He also wields his enchanted battleaxe with skill. Other than that, he is confused and sometimes angered by magic which is a completely alien world to him.



The argonian struts into the tavern looking for trouble, because of his strange argonian strut, one of the patrons covers his mouth and sniggers to himself. Has-Big-Axe strides up to him and clenches his armoured fists. The patron quickly finishes his matze and scurries off. Has-Big-Axe decides not to hunt the man down and dismember with his axe after some thought and sits down at the newly vacated table. 'I'll kill somebody later' he thinks to himself 'but not now, not here, i'm in enough trouble with the guards already'. He orders a sujamma from the bartender, his favourite drink as its strength-enhancing properties have saved his life many times in the past. He orders several bottles and places a few in the pouch of various potions slung to his belt. Glancing around the tavern, he spots a few people he might want to start a fight with but for now, he puts up his large, scarred argonian feet and slowly sips his sujamma, enjoying every drop.

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Introducing Thrin


Name: Thrin <last name unkown at time of writing>

Pronounciation: TH-rihn


Age: Mid to late twenties.

Gender: Male

Race: Human; if you must be morrowind specific, Imperial


Preferred Weapon He tends to favor things with blades (as opposed to pikes, bows, or misc. other missile weapons); is most profficeint with swords, though he is not lacking with polearms or axes.


Clothing and Armor: Wears a heavy fur mantle made of wolf hide. In colder weather, he has a wool cloak to go underneath the mantle; in rainy he has a sheepskin cloak to go over. He wears a chestplate and greaves of leather armor, adapted better for deflecting blows then abosobing them. Yet it still provides ample movement and agility, and in combat speed is life. His boots are a softer leather, travelers garb, not armor.


Other Apperance Details: He has dusty brown hair, set one his head like a mop, trimmed only to keep it within acceptable bounds for society. His face would be handsome, were it not set in an almost perpetual frown. His jawline is pronounced, but obscured by a short mass of brown hair, the beginnings of a beard more developed from lack of attention then from deliberate growing out. The only other really noticeable feature his face holds is his eyes. They seem to soulgaze all those who find them, and display his very own nature. They tell a tale of sadness, glory, anger, and lost hope. Yet those still only seem to mask some deeper passion, some more powerful fire, buried in the depths of his soul and stamped out as best as could be. Hidden from years of numb darkness.


Breif History: A tale for another day...


You may notice that this looks a whole lot like my char in A New Power... Well, thats cause its a modified version, set a bit more powerfully.. But enduring many of the same things within a different setting.

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Introducing Zorlen Trivar


Name: Zorlen Trivar

Age: 28

Race: Breton


Weapon of choice: Staves, Fists and the occasional destruction spell


The tavern door slowly opens and a robed figure enters the room, leaning on his staff. He limps over to the bar and orders some shien. As you look closer at his robes, they appear to have been torn as if by some animal. Your gaze continues to appraise his appearence, and soon you notice that his staff slightly glows. Soon however, a soulgem tumbles out of his pouch. He hastily grabs it and mutters what sounds like an apology. After taking a swig of his shien, he lowers his hood and looks around. Shoulder length bergundy hair falls about, still damp from the rain outside. when he gazes in your direction, you immediately notice a scar running halfway down his right cheek. Noticing you staring, he says out loud: "This is an old battle scar, but that tales for another day. My name is Zorlen Trivar, as i'm sure you have been wondering. You'll have to excuse my dishevelled appearance, but Bandits are getting bolder every day."


Edit: I'm not exactly sure on the exact color of bergundy is, but i believe it's a dark brown, so if you get confused, just go with dark brown instead.

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Introducing Hogosha


Name: Hogosha <Translates to Gaurdian>

Pronounciation: Ho-Go-Shaw


Age: Mid to late twenties.

Gender: Male

Race: Woodelf


Preferred Weapon: Perfers the Bow as to keep his enimies at a distance or to pluck them off without problem, but wil not run. He will draw a sword before he runs from a close ranged enemy. He is very profitiant in both areas, but he dables with a spear, nothing major with it though.


Clothing and Armor: Hogosha is comfortable in light or no armor. He eprfers the comfort of no aromor but when the battle that he constantly persues gets rough he dawns the best light armor he has. He is currently training in Medium weighted armor just incase things get really bad.


Other Apperance Details: Hogosha has grown his long blonde hair out because he has no time to gget it cut properly, but he does keep it well groomed. He has two locks on either side of his face coming down the front and the rest streaming down his back. He has a constant 5'oclack shadow for facial hair (impresive for a woodelf) it is bairly noticable given the fact that he is light complected and ahs blonde hair. (this, jsut as his long hair, is out of neglect, but slightly out of pride of ebing a wood elf wtih facial hair) His eyes are a sky blue, but they have adeepness to them. His soul is filled with hope for a world loosing the battle of dark and lgiht.


Breif History: Hogosha hates evil and will protect the innocent at all costs. His mother was killed by a demon and he kills all of them that he sees.


good afternoon, I am Hogosha

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