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Bethesda's New Verified Creator Program


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39 minutes ago, jjb54 said:

If they need $$, maybe they should take more time to put together stories that have MEAT and not just piece meal .... 

I totally agree.  ESO is a prime example of their greed.  Each expansion comes with the usual regular edition and collector's edition, however, if you think either comes with everything the expansion offers you'd be wrong. Purchasing either gets you just the storyline quests, dungeons are extra $$.  Want to join the dark brotherhood or thieves guild? That's extra $$.  Want to play as the orcs? extra $$...etc etc.  Sure you can pay the usual mmorpg monthly sub and get it all for free, but that's not the point.  What bothers me is if you pay $100 for the collector's edition you'd expect to get ALL the stuff the expansion gives you, not just the storyline and a mount.  ESO is full of micro-transactions, so it's only a matter of time before all of their games become the same, starting with Skyrim it seems

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18 hours ago, jjb54 said:

I read the posts and sadly I agree with a lot of them.

I remember back when they first attempted this with Skyrim and boy did the ...... hit the fan! There was a whole lot of FALLOUT ( pun intended ) over it and I would have thought they had learned their lesson!

But it seems .. NOT ...

The sad thing is, IF Beth did not have the Mod Community their games would die big time! Fallout 4 is only kept alive because of MOD CREATORS, other wise that one would have died big time.

Fallout 76 is still seriously problematic and I hear Starfield is not doing well and Beth is hoping the MOD COMMUNITY once again comes to their rescue! Beth owes the MOD COMMUNITY BIG TIME and not the other way around!

I understand based on FO 4 - FO 76 and Starfield that they have totally run out of the ability to tell stories like Skyrim - and the other earlier Elder Scroll games and FO 3. I cannot give them FO NV as Obsidian did that and did a great job.

I honestly fear for OS-6 ... I really do .... 

If they need $$, maybe they should take more time to put together stories that have MEAT and not just piece meal .... 


After Starfield, I don't want ES6 to gewt made now. It's on the same engine as Starfield and that feels like a 2015 game in 2023. Add 3-5 years on for ES6 and yaaay. I can't see them innovating in any meaningful way gameplay/storywise, it's now a case of keep putting out the same and expect people to buy it...

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20 hours ago, Zanderat said:

I am old enough to remember when modding was just a hobby for fun. 

Me too. Maybe it's beyond Bethesda - maybe it's the internet. It seems to be turning into (has turned into?) one great big monetising monster.

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I have to admit, that I is what I have been dreading when Starfield launched. I am also disappointed with the modders that are actually spearheading this. And I fear that this will be a success, as there are much more naive console-players out there than seasoned PC-players. 

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I'm thoroughly against it, and I'm fairly upset at the creators who've gone for it. I get it, getting paid to do a thing you love is tempting, but like I really didn't see it coming from Kinggath. Eli, and Trainwiz were already in creation club stuff, so seeing their names wasn't a shock. I don't hold any hope for Bethesda to turn Starfield around now and i really hope they don't try to muscle out nexus. I used to be all for having creation club when I was locked on ps4 and it was the closest I could come to modding my game, but now I don't want them touching my game with a 10 foot pole.

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Never heard of this Kinggath, though that's probably because he's never made any Skyrim mods. Guess that's a new name I need to add to my 'traitor mod authors list'. And yes, I've made a list containing all the mod authors who have ever made creations, along with a few others I don't approve of. Of course, its not like any of them make free mods anymore, but still.

Been thinking, maybe we should pull a terraria and try to sue Bethesda for destroying our hard work? Such a thing may be hard to do though, since they're not really breaking any laws (though there should be laws in place preventing bs like this). Even if we did attempt such, what chance would we stand against a multi-billion-dollar company? There's also the issue that not all of us live in the US, and even then the only people who could even file such a claim are the mod authors whose hard work has perpetually been under threat by bethesda's shenanigans. Then there's the issue that republican politicians, which includes over half of the supreme court right now, would surely side with the business rather than civilians. Terraria was able to do it though, despite their game not even being made with the unity engine. Of course, unity backed down before that went to court, so who knows if they could've even have won?

Yes, I think the only way to save the game we love at this rate is to sue the company that's hell-bent on unmaking it. I don't have much hope such an endeavor would succeed, even if we could file such a complaint. Like I said, maybe we all just need to accept that we cannot win this fight, and need to just move on to something that doesn't give as much heartbreak. Maybe that would at least give us revenge; let's see bethesda try to sell more games after they killed their biggest product ever. Who would ever trust such a company? We may not be able to get Skyrim back, but at least we would have revenge for all bethesda has done, all the headaches they've put us through, how much they've divided us, and all the blood sweat and tears the major mod authors have shed to make products that bethesda wants nothing more than to destroy at all costs.

Let's all quit playing skyrim, even if for a few days, then maybe the world will notice that and bethesda if nothing else will finally get shamed for what they've been doing. Why must we go to such extremes to continue to use products we've made ourselves? Or play the game we all paid for? This like breaking into someone's house and trashing stuff they bought from you. Or in the case of mod authors, trashing the stuff they made themselves that they happened to make with tools YOU SOLD TO THEM. How insane does this have to get before something is done about it? Can't we have any justice and peace in this world? This is a freaking game we're talking about here. We can't even screw around and have stupid fun without being abused? Seriously?

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Not against paid mods because some of those mod authors managed to get their mods onto the Playstation when the whole modding

scene was nearly barren there.

As for Bethesda's plans for Starfield having CC mods that is not a surprise,if anyone here didn't see that coming then they

haven't really been paying attention so far.

Looking forward to the CK release for Starfield and no matter what Bethesda does I'm still looking forward to TES6

no matter how much the haters whine. :)

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Another idea may be a simple boycott? Boycott the paid mods, which I'm sure many people are going to do already anyway. We could also perhaps do something to make our voices heard, to warn the world what bethesda is doing and maybe get more people to join our boycott. People may have already boycotted Starfield (side note nobody replied to my question as to why that game failed, though that may be due to it being the last post on its page). If they won't listen to our voices, maybe they'll listen to their own earnings. They should pay for this one way or another. A boycott may be the simplest way, and its already going to happen to an extent anyway. In the mean time, maybe we could start an activist group so people at least know what's been going on? Didn't take much to make unity back down, of course terraria filed a lawsuit against them, and I'm going to assume they're not nearly as big of a company as bethesda.

One way or another, the best way to put a stop to them is to hit them where it hurts; their money because that's clearly all they give two shits about. Let's say we're doing this to save the Beyond Skyrim project. FOR BEYOND SKYRIM!!!!! FOR ALL THE MAJOR MOD AUTHORS WHO BETHESDA HAS BEEN TRYING TO TAKE DOWN SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY CAN DO A FAR BETTER JOB THAN THEY EVER HAVE!!!!!

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