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Having to click "I am not a robot" every few minutes


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@showler - Thanks for the explanation. I walked away from it yesterday as I was beginning to wonder if I really am a bot and this is The Matrix. I don't mind self-doubts but wondering if I'm human or not is the pits...

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24 minutes ago, showler said:

Out of curiosity are other people not getting the red banner across the top of the forums linking to info on the site outages?

No. I searched (away from Nexus with DuckDuck Go!) for an explanation  but it wouldn't let me view the page because I'd gone over my quota! Ummm.. a) I'm premium and b) when did looking become a quota? I got into that place which is I hate Cloudflare...

Lest I sound all unreasonable - I so sympathise with the dealing with the  'attacks'. I run an extremely small forum (no, smaller than that and that and that!) and in the last sixth months since I've introduced approved registration I got one new member and about 50 spammers... They can't get past the challenge my husband has written for them. Actually, the one human was so obvious from the username that I didn't make them do the challenge. It really is getting silly with the spam/attacks etc etc. I am in awe that Nexus manages to deal with. I can't remember seeing spam here, for example. I know I get fed up with the spammers and the forum I'm talking about is minute. It'd fit in my study...

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2 hours ago, showler said:

Out of curiosity are other people not getting the red banner across the top of the forums linking to info on the site outages?

The announcement automatically turned off a few hours ago - we hadn't expected it to be a problem this long. 

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8 hours ago, Pickysaurus said:

The announcement automatically turned off a few hours ago - we hadn't expected it to be a problem this long. 

I never saw any announcement, and I reported this yesterday.
Was this about getting kicked out and having to go through the "Checking if connection is secure" problem that I mentioned in my first post?


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