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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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So while I have fixed the styling of the various pages and search myself using my own stylesheet, it all still feels like such a downgrade compared to before. I still want to know the mindset of the new layout because it really is that bad. Everyone I've asked from both novices to advanced users, and only in a way of briefly saying the site has changed, have all come away saying the new site is worse.

The page is slower to load, mods often won't actually appear until a second or longer. And while that doesn't sound like much, it's much longer than the old version of the website, and it adds up.

There seem to be a lot more scripts, more things to download from third-parties.

The lack of "Trending" as a sortable option makes even looking through mods worse off.


I've been trying to "get used to it", but all I feel like doing is just to not bother with any mods from this site. The overall experience is a net-negative.

A banner should be made leading to a poll for everyone to take part in to get actual feedback from the userbase. Restrict each vote to unique IP or account even.

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But, but we had to have a new layout! More support for phone users and people were using extensions to block the collections section, we can't have that now, can we? The older layouts were way too PC focused and allowed "gasp" widescreen users access to the site without endless scrolling!


If it's not broken, fix it change for the sake of change.

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57 minutes ago, JobiWanUK said:

Purely anecdotal but I released a mod 2 days ago and it's got nowhere near the same activity in terms of comments that most of my other recent releases have. I'm not arrogant enough to expect loads of comments and endorsements on every release, but most of my recent releases have hit hot files pretty quickly and drawn loads of comments.

This one, not so much. Obviously, it might not be as good as my other mods and this would explain it, but I just don't feel like I'm seeing the same amount of activity, which could mean people are not finding my mod as easily as before the changes.

Not having list view has certainly made me less inclined to browse new mods as scanning left to right just hurts my eyes.

I've used and endorsed several of your mods, but this new UI just isn't it. I'm one of those ppl who mod more than play and I'm always putting together new load orders and trying new mods out and whatnot. Well, all of that has stopped for me. The eye-strain isn't worth it and those extra clicks and scrolls really add up. I don't think it's your mod, it's this site.

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i have never participated in this forum but the new UI changes are terrible. I feel obligated to complain. There is a saying "if it ain't broke, dont fix it"... it has a lot of truth to it. 

The color coding for different games was really good and useful, the filters, and mod browsing in general were really good. It is not usual for anyone to swap from one game page to a different game page frequently. I'f im modding skyrim, it even takes hours for me to finish what im doing, when i finally need to swap to a different game, I will easily just go to the main page and browse a different game. There is no need to have a universal search engine that clutters the UI and now has a potential to show me unwanted mods in my search bar. 

The visual design is bland and feels uninspired. I have read somewhere that this is for mobile browsing? The most popular games on this website are bethesda games, cyberpunk and baldurs gate, games that are not available in any mobile platform so I dont see the point. 

There is more clicking involved now to perform the same tasks. There is a lot of empty space everywhere. The background image was removed (why?), again, feels bland and uninspired. The old UI only needed the comment search fixed and did not really had any major flaws. 

Judging by the other posts here, I am not alone in my thinking, I hope these changes get reverted. 


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I promise you, no amount of taking notes and tweaking this new UI is going to sway ANY of the people expressing their distaste for this redesign. Please, at the very least just allow access to the old UI as an alternative.

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