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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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2 minutes ago, mfPixel said:

These tiles are particularly challenging to design for and keep all of the existing meta-data in place. We could explicitly add the labels "Updated" and "Uploaded" in, but that would be yet more text. As for the format being "time since" vs "actual date", there are pros and cons for both. Time since makes it quicker to establish how long ago the update has taken place, but you lose the exact date the longer time has passed.

We'll continue to refine these tiles as we move forward — thanks for the feedback.

What about having it as a user-option of fuzzy dates vs specific dates?
Though I'd suggest the latter as being default.


Also, please, a user-option to disable the keyboard shortcuts, though those would make sense to default to "on" like they are currently.

Additionally, currently the Popup likes to come back even if closed.

  1. Person opens Search Popup.
  2. Clicks to close it.
  3. Alt-Tabbing out of the browser window re-opens the Search Popup.


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1 hour ago, HeyYou said:

Curious why the Poll thread by ortext was nuked..... Picky's reason was 'duplicate', however, I am not seeing another one...... Am I missing something here??

Yes.  You're missing the duplicate suggestion that Pickysaurus linked to directly below his response that it was a duplicate.   Which was one of dozens of duplicate 'bring back the old UI" suggestions because nobody was bothering to check if there was already one before posting another.

Not that it matters now since they've given up on that feedback board.

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12 minutes ago, mfPixel said:

These tiles are particularly challenging to design for and keep all of the existing meta-data in place. We could explicitly add the labels "Updated" and "Uploaded" in, but that would be yet more text. As for the format being "time since" vs "actual date", there are pros and cons for both. Time since makes it quicker to establish how long ago the update has taken place, but you lose the exact date the longer time has passed.

We'll continue to refine these tiles as we move forward — thanks for the feedback.

...the labels which you already had in the old UI? And using the actual date instead of time since?

I admit this is a minor thing to pick at, but all these things pile up to make the new UI extremely disappointing for me. At this point I'm just laughing in frustration and when I read this I did a double take.


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6 minutes ago, UX99 said:

What about having it as a user-option of fuzzy dates vs specific dates?
Though I'd suggest the latter as being default.


Also, please, a user-option to disable the keyboard shortcuts, though those would make sense to default to "on" like they are currently.

Additionally, currently the Popup likes to come back even if closed.

  1. Person opens Search Popup.
  2. Clicks to close it.
  3. Alt-Tabbing out of the browser window re-opens the Search Popup.


We'll sort this - that shouldn't be happening.

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1 minute ago, TOKIMEKIwav said:

...the labels which you already had in the old UI? And using the actual date instead of time since?

I admit this is a minor thing to pick at, but all these things pile up to make the new UI extremely disappointing for me. At this point I'm just laughing in frustration and when I read this I did a double take.


That text size is incredibly small and not easy to read/accessible for visually impaired people. Increasing the text size to something legible makes it harder to handle all the meta-data while maintaining a balanced hierarchy. If you're used to this view, it'll seem easy to read, but for newer users, its a lot of info to take in. FWIW we're exploring further options for more compact/simpler tile views and we'll continue to tweak this layout. This is a great example of some UI that is seemingly simple but tricky to nail within the existing constraints. Thanks for the feedback though!

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On 3/20/2025 at 4:52 PM, chefsbrian said:

Lol, that's mine. Really not a fan of the condescending "We disagree and aren't at this time looking for further input from UX professionals" portion. It really feels good to have my feedback dismissed with a snide insult towards my 'credibility' to even be allowed to dislike something.

Perhaps I should suggest a "Report abuse" button towards responses next, because that was genuinely and frankly uncalled for.

Absolutely incredible. They Deleted it, Presumably to hide their awful response. Real transparent and open to discussion, guys. I keep seeing staff talking about intents and "You just need to trust us" and then this is how you're aiming to gain that trust? If you're wondering why sentiment and response is growing hostile, stuff like this is why.

I came here with criticism of a change to a service I pay(ed, yearly memberships get a bit foggy like that I guess) for, and so far I've been insulted, had my position, opinion and preferences strawman'd and attacked (FUD and other "just suck it up and you'll like it" responses), and when others started to point out how I'd been insulted, it was deleted. Now I can't even trust that any of the stuff I'm reading here is actually representative of anything, who knows what other responses and valid points have been deleted and buried.

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1 hour ago, HeyYou said:

Curious why the Poll thread by ortext was nuked..... Picky's reason was 'duplicate', however, I am not seeing another one...... Am I missing something here??

And..... here we are page 148, and still the results here are universally negative..... Curious how staff is coming up with the 'overwhelmingly positive' conclusion...... Personally, given the way reddit works, I am thinkin' basing any decisions on results there, is likely going to lead to the wrong conclusions...

I wasn't even trying to be negative to them. but saying the a few facts and suggesting options that benefit both parties.

In fact in my many years on nexus, i have always been an onlooker never breaking rules and hoping they would do well.

I wonder why they saw that as negative or repetitive if its was my first feedback post?

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