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Mod Browsing Overhaul Open Beta


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it's not great. the old layout is much easier on the eyes. not to mention the new one is very laggy

the search functions on the left are nice, but aesthetically and performance it's a complete no for me

it reminds me of videogamemods which i dread using for the same reasons


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So Much wasted space. Old style I get to see the first 5 actual mods (16x10 screen), new style I just get to the collections header.

I suppose those on a 4K screen see more but not everyone wants everything so tiny.

Also hate the tiny thumbnail images now on mods - most authors have tailored that first image to show their mods to their best. It won't go down well.

Unless we can tailor that home screen to our own individual layout preference (content,size,order) - then everyone will love the change, as that is all we actually want.

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44 minutes ago, llihP said:

Loads of wasted space, you only need to put classic vs new next to each other in separate windows to see where it's not being utilised 😕

We were told that it is because a lot of people are browsing on phones, which make perfect sense since you can't use mods on mobiles so why not prioritize mobile noodle look, right?

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I like the new design, and on my side the website seems to be more responsive and faster.

But, can you please bring back the "Downloaded" / "Update available" label on mod images ? I don't understand why you make them disapear.

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Hello, thank you for your work in updating the design, it is very valuable.

Everything below is my humble opinion.

I would like to remove "Popular Collections" from the main page. And everything should be a little compressed, the pictures should be closer to each other, too much unused space between the pictures, it will defocus the attention.

The huge menu above "Trending Mods" and similar menus should be smaller.

In general, the best option, if possible, would be to be able to configure to turn on and off individual elements of the site. Let's say "Popular Collections" I do not need it and it really bothers me, I would like to turn it off, but maybe someone needs it.

The top menu with the search should be the same size as the entire site, otherwise the site no longer looks coherent.

You can also add a neat background in the form of some kind of picture that is not too hard on the eyes and does not stand out too much, but gives the design depth and mood.

thank you.


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Personally I prefer the more compact view style of having more mods in view rather than having bigger tiles with one less per row.

Also for someone who doesn't really use collection, it would be great if we could hide or move this section below the More Mods sections. Alternatively, you could make it a tab/filter in the More Mods section (like Updated, Popular, Surprise - see attachment) or find another spot where it doesn't interrupt the flow of the page. I understand the need for having a spot for it but atleast for me, it's a disturbance in the flow and overview.

Hope I'm not too negative about it. 😔



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  Used it for about three minutes and switched back.   Searching across multiple categories (mods, authors, etc.) is great.  Being moved to another page when trying to search is annoying af.  Here's the thing, a major use of search is looking up comparable mods, required mods, etc, so that you can have them in multiple tabs and switch between them easily.  You can do that with the drop down version much easier and much more intuitively, and can stay on the page you're looking at for reference.  The new search should be an advanced search option.

And completely agree with others about wasted space.  I now have to scroll through the screen to get the same information I got at a glance on the original home page.   Especially considering that the top mods stay the same for a bit, the logic behind the new layout --which takes the great majority of my screen space to show me something that is going to be the same day to day and thus makes me scroll to see anything interesting-- is less than apparent.   

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Your two survey links to https://surveys.hotjar.com/ don't load for me, even with a VPN.

And why is there no way to give feedback on the changed mod pages? There's a bug with the new design - the counters on tabs (the number of files, images, posts, bugs, etc. of a mod) are misaligned with the names of these pages, the counter is slightly smaller (it's not of the same font size) and higher, and yes, it's visible.

And i'll say it once more just because i really hate it - i hate the gradient from light to dark on the background at the beginning of the new pages. The site got darker and this light just blinds me with the dark theme, and it just looks ugly


Снимок экрана (3315).jpg

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