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Vortex ignoring rules set in Loot manually


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I have a user generated mod where I keep all those little things that Wrye Bash seems to never get quite right - easy then to just fix the bash patch without having to hunt everywhere for the indiviidual mods. Called "Bash Patch Guide.esp". In Loot I have set it to late loaders - I want it as close to the bash patch as possible. Run Loot manually (via Vortex) and it puts it where I want it. Trouble is, the Loot run by Vortex automatically ignores that and places it immeditely after the last esp it has as master. This requires me to re-run Loot each time I want to add new stuff to it - as it always has later loading stuff I need to add to it.  I even put a rule to load after one of the late loader mods - and the Vortex Loot process ignores that too

As an example - Vortex sort has currently placed it at FE 263, the Bash Patch is FE 6FE - over 1200 esp's away. Run manual Loot and it is at FE 6F6 - less than 10 esp's away

Simple question - why is the Loot process within Vortex ignoring the Loot applied "Late Loader" tag and "load after" rules?

I realise I can add one of those late loader mods as a master - but I would rather it work like it should.

Edited by Tetrol88
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Loot - edit Metadata, set group - Late Loaders - which if using Loot manually, makes the esp load ...welll..late in the order. Have always managed to get my patches etc to load late by using that in the past.

Vortex rules as far as I see allow you to set which esp loads after another particular esp, but that isn't what I want. I just want it to load late in the load order, which manual Loot allows me to do. Am I missing seeing some different Vortex rules panel?

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