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The last poster wins


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Ooo! Ow!


I hope the heavy thing that doesn't like you, or your foot anymore, and you can make up and get to be friends again.


Oh! Sorry, I think you mean your foot, but you wrote your words meaning so it seems you're refering to the heavy thing. You should include what doesn't like you anymore, because then the way your foot feels about you may be made clear. The way you wrote, while you're in shock, leads one to think the heavy thing was your friend.


I should know, I have been in shock many times when I posted here and the chaos of my thoughts can be seen clearly in my posts.


Ooh! Maybe I am am still in shock from slamming a car door on my finger and I am just not reading your comment as if I were clear headed? :laugh:




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Golly! You've hurt both their feelings. I recommend you put the heavy thing in a nice safe place. Then sit down in a comfy chair and put up your injured foot up on a stool higher then your heart is, until its happier. Maybe call a nice nurse to put some ice on it.


I hope your foots only bruised.





I win!

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