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Should i buy a new monitor, should i buy a new video card, should i buy a new ssd 1 tb. Hmm i can't decide on what to buy, which will give me the most performance gains is the question.


I have a darn good budget for a video card of my dreams now, sense i am isolation from the rest of the world.

Edited by niphilim222
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Should i buy a new monitor, should i buy a new video card, should i buy a new ssd 1 tb. Hmm i can't decide on what to buy, which will give me the most performance gains is the question.


I have a darn good budget for a video card of my dreams now, sense i am isolation from the rest of the world.


You'll get more out of a secondary system. So that while your focusing the limits of said top line system.

You can get all the other acKootieMents of multi thread processing .

While multi monitor display is F'ing awesome . Multi system is eV@n more awesome.

Unless from a Bug sq@awsher perspective. IDK ... each to therirn OeN

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I found a way of looking at life that was amusing, because it taught me that when other people are pointing the finger at someone else they are pointing three of their own fingers back at themself. Threes pointing at us, while One is pointed at the other person. Ooo! What bad hands!


Even when, we who point and shout because we've become smart, we're the loser we're shouting at How are you today? POD PEOPLE.

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Wow! Another bulldogging young ranch or farm family son or daughter just made their truck or cars mufflers roar as they drove across the bridge.


I have a sunroof in my little car. The next boy, man who mind is still a mental midget or girl, woman who mind is still a mental midget in their big bullish kind of truck or their hot secretary type car gets up close enough to kiss bumpers while we doing 40 to 90 miles per hour is going to get a pebble, just a little pebble; hitting that expensive glass window on their family or personal vehicle, and the chipped window will do them one way or another. They will either catch hell for it at home, or they'll pay top dollar for a new winshield.

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That is very astute of you paga. The typical thing is to say 4 fingers pointing back.

But 4 fingers - 1 = 3

Which remember there is a thumb not pointing , cuz it can't . Or if it does point , it is by itself , or with the 1 finger pointing.

I guess you knew that already , and I am just the young buck catching up /

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Wow! Another bulldogging young ranch or farm family son or daughter just made their truck or cars mufflers roar as they drove across the bridge.


I have a sunroof in my little car. The next boy, man who mind is still a mental midget or girl, woman who mind is still a mental midget in their big bullish kind of truck or their hot secretary type car gets up close enough to kiss bumpers while we doing 40 to 90 miles per hour is going to get a pebble, just a little pebble; hitting that expensive glass window on their family or personal vehicle, and the chipped window will do them one way or another. They will either catch hell for it at home, or they'll pay top dollar for a new winshield.


Glad thing I'm drivin' a stick ... slip 'er into neutral and just coast across Paga's bridge, that's the smart thing to do!


Another one to remember ... Good is the enemy of the Best.

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I expect better froma canadian


Living in a frozen wasteland gives us one important advantage ... survival skills!!


No lap of luxury up here.


- Edit - Well except here at the Striker Manor of course ... it's amazing how one can do without the necessities of life when one has a little luxury, eh?

Edited by Striker879
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