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I boiled some water in a two cup capacity measuring cup in the Microwave. Poured it into a foil bag with freeze dried food in it. Zip locked the bag. Shook it good. Waited four minutes. Opened i tup and stirred the contents so they all evened out in the hot water.


After eating the contents I feel so good right now I'm thinking of taking a nap. But I just awakened from the last one!





This belongs in Jose's Recipes for the Apocalypse thread Paga ... I can almost taste the reconstituted constituents now!!

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I boiled some water in a two cup capacity measuring cup in the Microwave. Poured it into a foil bag with freeze dried food in it. Zip locked the bag. Shook it good. Waited four minutes. Opened i tup and stirred the contents so they all evened out in the hot water.


After eating the contents I feel so good right now I'm thinking of taking a nap. But I just awakened from the last one!





This belongs in Jose's Recipes for the Apocalypse thread Paga ... I can almost taste the reconstituted constituents now!!



My Mother wouldn't like it too much if I started giving her secret recipes to strangers. Especially the ones she created for everyone who sat at her table from her days cooking up food since back in 1921 at her parent's home when she was only 3. Helping Grandmother with the cookin' on the ranch.



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Wow! You're coming along nicely. I'm still using a special edition video card I got one year. AI is a marvelous party to have in the computer. Especially one that has the ability to address it's code and send in recommendations for upgrades to itself for the owners use.

I told you niph about it; that year during that time when late shoppers were having trouble about what gifts to buy for other people. And that one Jedi Special edition that the person I got it for didn't want it.

Friends are sure hard to please sometimes. In fact I still have one item still in the shrink wrap it came in. A Star Trek special edition I bought thinking that one day people here posting would actually become friends and get together in a safe zone one day. It's got a miniature model of the Enterprise NCC - 1701 inside that you can open the saucer to keep the movie, disk that came with it, in. It came out when Star Trek Online 1st got start and it also has the Online game too.

Too bad that getting to know people Online dream I had never quite turned out the way I was kind of hoping would. I know the person that is an avid Star Trek fan would have treasured it



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You thought wrong.


Ive come to a realization. You don't know what you're talking about Paga


And there ain't no ketchup in getting it back.


Study ancient civiliazations ... then maybe , you can adjust present ones.


King Omri founding Samaria is my middle ground , bible or otherwise. Assyria confirms.

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Nothing much to say other when I get a chance for fire works its a go, may two four its called... In the back yard.

Well sense its getting warmer out the cpu is showing signs of overheating. My 2700x does not like warm weather that's for sure..


Anyone with suggestions ?????, water cooling???

Edited by niphilim222
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