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Two? Why limit it to 2 when even No Man's Sky is set up for 4 or more players.


Long ago the only problem I found with sharing, streaming, and Online gaming with distant friends is the effect of the different phone companies who we got our ISP's MBps from because they were in different time zones and competiting with each other for customers. The local phone company I have keeps the ISP setting standing at a server somewhere in Salt Lake City, Utah. Unless we directly get out connection from the same server from STEAM for example on an ISP's with 10 MB minimum we can be assured our games won't interact as a single LAN groups do.


Thor and I played on our PS3's while he was living far northwest of Niagara Falls. My PS3's picture kept getting latency so I couldn't get the character to move. We both could still hear us talking. For some reason he didn't believe me when I told him the picture stopped moving and images were stretched all out wack. I guess he didn't have many friends he could trust and my machines connection to the Internet Service Provider I had at the time made me one more of the lot he must have thought didn't like him.


How could he imagine that I didn't like him when we were getting along fine in our posts on this forum?


Competitive like almost all of the forums members did, and no flames flew between us.


I flew in an online squadron for Janes WWII Fighters for a while, until they shut the server down. Was a lot of fun. It had a chat window you could talk smack in and set up furballs. The squadrons regularly set up squadron vs squadron matches.


When I wasn't serving as a target drone I demonstrated how to fly very close to the ground and through towns. I was "blessed" with painfully slow internet back then so to shoot down another plane I really had to be good at guessing where he'd warp to next time his plane showed on my monitor. Most of my kills were of the "lawn dart" variety.

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Lawn dart skills ... LOL

Could we equate that with complacency with death ? I'm with ya though ... I could give a f'**k about death.


Example : I was working at a radioactive material waste dump in the Utah desert. We had people called Rad Monitors ... I was one of them. One of the jobs I was tasked with was to collect biological samples outside the containment fence. Basically catching deer mice in traps baited with peanut butter.

But the kilograms of what I had collected for a six month period were not enough. So the thoughts among the rad techs and rad monitors was to harvest a rabbit.

This rad monitor probably close to my age early 20's says he wants to be the one to shoot a rabbit.

I'm fine with it and drive us out to a location ... he shoots a jack rabbit ... then walks up and see's it in it's death throws. And tosses his cookies ... by the way he is a bleeding heart liberal. So me seeing his distress and the rabbits distress ... I stomp on the rabbits head. But of course that caused him more distress.

The rabbit was dead though , so I picked it up and put it in the back of the truck , because of course we needed the kilogram quota. It was a rather silent drive back.

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So if life ain't pretty how did he expect death to be anything other than "not pretty"?? I think some people lead an awfully sheltered existence.


Good to see you pop in Mk ... was starting to wonder about you (you are after all not living in some COVID free zone). In WWII Fighters if you crashed into the ground at a fairly steep angle the model of your destroyed plane displayed fuselage and tail but no wings attached, and the nose was partially buried in the ground. Looked just like a lawn dart so the name stuck.


And for the record I didn't specialise in being the lawn dart ... well except when the target drone gig was "going well". If you needed the grass trimmed I could accomodate though.


If your friend was paid by the pound he'd learn to either live on not much or grow a stiffer spine.

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So if life ain't pretty how did he expect death to be anything other than "not pretty"?? I think some people lead an awfully sheltered existence.


Ya it's good to see you again ... you're one of my favorite people on the nexus.


Sorry to quote ya here but ... Yessss! that was the point ... something I have lived with doing for many years.

The moment I stomped that bunnies brains into non existence.


Not the first time I killed a rabbit though. But I am not a hunter ... and would not kill an animal for that purpose. But rest assured if I need to eat ... I could kill and not feel bad about it.

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Killing is not something to be taken lightly, nor is it something to be avoided. Killing is as necessary to life as breathing. Do you think that carrot really wanted to die ... how often do you see people worried about that? One thing for certain, once swallowed it will not be a carrot again.


All you did for that bunny was allowed the flow of life to proceed unhindered.


I've hunted, and could again. I've fished and could again. I've harvested carrots, and though I may be scarred I could again. When the need arises those who can will rise to the task. Tasks don't need to be pretty or honorable, just necessary will do for me.

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The problem is not killing animals to eat them but the way the psychopath company bosses treat them which is torture because they only care about their selfish interests while the politicians let them do in exchange of commission/bribes and electoral financing. All these things are related to the concentration of powers.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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LOL carrots ... because they haven't fallen from the tree.


Thanks for your point of view


I need to tread lightly when speaking with people of the vegan persuasion ... conversations can quickly deteriorate if I'm just being me (unfiltered).

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