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Code sucks, I made a big ass program (15,373 lines of code) that didn't work, said f*** it and didn't touch it for a few days. Then I accidentally ran it, and it worked. :mellow:


Needless to say, I snapped and slammed my head against the PC case repeatedly, thats why I now have a dent in the top of the case. :smile:

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Code sucks, I made a big ass program (15,373 lines of code) that didn't work, said f*** it and didn't touch it for a few days. Then I accidentally ran it, and it worked. :mellow:


Needless to say, I snapped and slammed my head against the PC case repeatedly, thats why I now have a dent in the top of the case. :smile:


Literally same thing happened to my boyfriend.


Runs, doesn't work. Gets frustrated, doesn't change anything, runs again, works.


Because computers.

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I'm going o break a personal hardware personal record, buy ps4 in full. Then goes and buys a radeon r290x by the end the year, maybe just in time for Christmas. Big ticket item personal record.

Very good benchmarks, even though its not worth mentioning, the 512bit bus speed is impressive.


Edited by Thor.
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Its very annoying trying to get into game design because you do have to learn programming skills. While I'm ok at writing code, I hate it and never want to do it.


Seriously, why can't university courses be split up into segments so that each person can do what they want to do? I want to design models, animation, textures... but no, I have to learn all this other s*** which is why I failed my first semester.


*Sigh*, oh well. Looks like it just has to be done.

Edited by billyro
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